kurupetos wrote:Lena,
You keep misunderstanding what I say. It's not about me it's about them. If they manage to become self-supported they won't need to immigrate. Instead they have a dozen of children when they cannot support their own self. I wish to see them prosper and wouldn't mind helping them if they honestly want to do so. Allowing a small minority of them to work in Europe doesnt really solve their problem, does it? Look at the bigger picture and you might realise that I am right.
I know that having no money and making lots of children wont help the situation. But they are not all like that. If you were born in a poor family and a poor country you wont be able to become rich in one day, one year or whenever. But you did not speak about them having lots of children....you spoke about their "stupid" religion and country with no real democracy. In which lines I misunderstood you?
You said allow them to work in Europe wont solve the problem....yes of course it wont but wont calling them stupid right?
Even if some of the population sees what you see...that their policies, laws or they way they think is not helping them how they can change a whole country system?
Take as an example ourselves...do you see mistakes in out government or your government or your religion or your compatriots mentality...can you change it from one day to the other? Would help if you had someone or lots of people feel pity for you or judging you?
Put yourself into their situation and you might understand why I was bother to reply to you. It doesnt sound nice when you call them stupid and most of all doesnt help in any way.
And all these start from a thread about protestation.