I need help from resident of Cyprus. I'm ready to pay for this, of course. Please, PM me for more details or better via ICQ: 38zero-199-seven30
skyscrpr wrote:thats not a scam. we can show you all incorporation documents and can make an agreement.
wordpay - right, and we can order our own merchant accnt - thats true too. but, there too many risks with merchant thats why the better way to use 3rd party billing because they have their own risk department, billing and stats etc.
we dont need wordpay, we're interseted in those billing companies i've sent
do you know that you need to respect people? why are you 100% sure that this is a scam??? will you like if i call you a scamer?? please, be polite. as i stated before, we can show you everything and make an agreement betwen our company and you!!
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