Im not telling my portfolio RoX it is slighlty out of dated etc

however it is portfolio
well this website
www.pinkpantherstudio.com is nice have some after effects stuff some 3d animation.. and.. slow down computer as hell

and my computer is not so bad so.. it was reated in unprofesssional way adding as much efects as possible and affecting low number of visitors ~~ coz someone go there ahh this website works so slow I go away ;D
2advanced are best from the best..

Im planinng to make my new portfolio also for full size depending on browser ofcourse they dotn make.. websites for 399 ..maybe they will design something for you for.. 3999 ? MAYBE... so.. it is slightly difrence
this offer is still up to date

so if someone is interested let me know
and no problem you can be bad mannered to me or whatever... if you dont have manners what can I do ?;) but this is my classified

you want your own ? go and create ;P
Best Wishes