I myself have very good friends who are greek cypriot, and also would do anything to help you, and so friendly, and also such nice people. What i can not understand is why you pick on the individual, and not the goverment themself. People who are Turks or GC are not to blame it the government, that you should blame.
Why can't you all get on and be friendly towards each other, as you are all humans after all, no matter where you come from. I see it this way, say i hated France for some reason, i would not go and start to hate the people there coz, France government upset me. People are humans no matter where they are from, or believes. I see people who they are and not the colour of there skin or where they are from.
Yes there are idiots out there but just ignore them if you do not want to chat to them it that simple
So on that that note i do hope we all shall be nice to each other, and remember we are all humans