Big Al wrote:Hahahahahahahahahaha honestly Oracle i havent laughed so hard in fucking ages, thanks for that your a crack up. nothing has happened in 30 plus years and now suddenly by Feb the whole world will start a war with Turkey hahahaha im in tears from laughter...... i think your mind isnt as sharp as what it used to be am i right???
Which physiological process is your brain concentrating on at the moment, breathing or defecating?
We are comfortably in the EU now thanks to TPap.
We have a new President that has to prove himself.
The US will have Obama, who will have to withdraw US troops significantly from Iraq, but compromise on finding something else for them to do .....
Besides you've already mentioned it's Turkey that is the
obstacle to Cyprus' oil exploration ....
Goodbye belligerent intransigent Turks from our shores forever ...
(Boy am I itching to finally sort this Cyprus Problem out so that I can concentrate on the Bigger Picture ...... send you Turks all the way back to Mongolia and restore Constantinople ....
