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Where is Oranos???

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Postby LENA » Tue Apr 01, 2008 11:48 pm

zan wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
zan wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
zan wrote:He used to bring in accurate and interesting news from down under......

Like his prediction that Ledras would open a month ago? :lol:

Even Nostradamus was not that accurate GR!! :lol:

No, you don't understand... he said "by Friday it'll be open" and this was one month ago! :lol:

Nostradamus wrote in code though so I think I have cracked Oranos'....

The name Friday comes from the Old English frigedæg, meaning the day of Frige the Anglo-Saxon form of Frigg, a West Germanic translation of Latin dies Veneris, "day (of the planet) Venus."

Venus is female.

Females have a monthly cycle...

One month later.........But wait...We are late......Time for a pregnancy test!!!!

:shock: :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Get Real! » Wed Apr 02, 2008 12:07 am

zan wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
zan wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
zan wrote:He used to bring in accurate and interesting news from down under......

Like his prediction that Ledras would open a month ago? :lol:

Even Nostradamus was not that accurate GR!! :lol:

No, you don't understand... he said "by Friday it'll be open" and this was one month ago! :lol:

Nostradamus wrote in code though so I think I have cracked Oranos'....

The name Friday comes from the Old English frigedæg, meaning the day of Frige the Anglo-Saxon form of Frigg, a West Germanic translation of Latin dies Veneris, "day (of the planet) Venus."

Venus is female.

Females have a monthly cycle...

One month later.........But wait...We are late......Time for a pregnancy test!!!!
:shock: :lol:

You’ve heard of “stand-up” comedy right? Well you can remain sitting down Zanny… Image
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Postby zan » Wed Apr 02, 2008 12:13 am

Get Real! wrote:
zan wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
zan wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
zan wrote:He used to bring in accurate and interesting news from down under......

Like his prediction that Ledras would open a month ago? :lol:

Even Nostradamus was not that accurate GR!! :lol:

No, you don't understand... he said "by Friday it'll be open" and this was one month ago! :lol:

Nostradamus wrote in code though so I think I have cracked Oranos'....

The name Friday comes from the Old English frigedæg, meaning the day of Frige the Anglo-Saxon form of Frigg, a West Germanic translation of Latin dies Veneris, "day (of the planet) Venus."

Venus is female.

Females have a monthly cycle...

One month later.........But wait...We are late......Time for a pregnancy test!!!!
:shock: :lol:

You’ve heard of “stand-up” comedy right? Well you can remain sitting down Zanny… Image

thanks guv...I know I have made a hit when I get remarks like that from you...You are like an open book...Or a pamphlet in your case!!!!!Boom boom!!!!! :arrow: Night night!!!!!!!! :lol:
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Postby Big Al » Wed Apr 02, 2008 5:41 am

Zan, if its news from down under you want im more than happy to oblige, if its predictions here's a few:
*Ledra st to remain open
*TC & GC to spend most of 2008 "trying" to work out an agreement only to realise they hate eachother and dont really want to live together.
* No outcome achieved through talks, though a few more crossings open up.
* GC unable to drill for natural resources as the threat of a Turkish strike scrares off all multinational companies.
* Turkey still wont allow GC ships into its ports
* GC will still want Turkey out of Northern Cyprus - nothing eventuates.
* TRNC continues to slowly open up trade/government offices throughout the world.
* Marcos Baghdatis is severly beaten up when caught up several turks on the northern part of the island.
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Postby Oracle » Wed Apr 02, 2008 7:49 am

Big Al wrote:Zan, if its news from down under you want im more than happy to oblige, if its predictions here's a few:
*Ledra st to remain open
*TC & GC to spend most of 2008 "trying" to work out an agreement only to realise they hate eachother and dont really want to live together.
* No outcome achieved through talks, though a few more crossings open up.
* GC unable to drill for natural resources as the threat of a Turkish strike scrares off all multinational companies.
* Turkey still wont allow GC ships into its ports
* GC will still want Turkey out of Northern Cyprus - nothing eventuates.
* TRNC continues to slowly open up trade/government offices throughout the world.
* Marcos Baghdatis is severly beaten up when caught up several turks on the northern part of the island.

Your fantasy list grows ..... :roll:

Here's the reality:

In October the EU will issue Turkey with a "Withdraw Troops" notice.

By February, if said troops are still in the north, a contingent of French, German, Spanish, Greek and Italian troops will arrive on Cyprus. UK will be dragging its feet trying to look for a diplomatic solution.

President Obama exasperated with Turkish Intransigence will send in the US Army (en route back to US from Iraq) and blast you to smithereens.

UK not wanting to be left out will provide food and blankets from the Bases, maybe some pies and chips for the Yanks .....
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Postby Big Al » Wed Apr 02, 2008 8:02 am

Hahahahahahahahahaha honestly Oracle i havent laughed so hard in ages, thanks for that your a crack up. nothing has happened in 30 plus years and now suddenly by Feb the whole world will start a war with Turkey hahahaha im in tears from laughter...... i think your mind isnt as sharp as what it used to be am i right???
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Postby Oracle » Wed Apr 02, 2008 8:12 am

Big Al wrote:Hahahahahahahahahaha honestly Oracle i havent laughed so hard in fucking ages, thanks for that your a crack up. nothing has happened in 30 plus years and now suddenly by Feb the whole world will start a war with Turkey hahahaha im in tears from laughter...... i think your mind isnt as sharp as what it used to be am i right???

Which physiological process is your brain concentrating on at the moment, breathing or defecating?

We are comfortably in the EU now thanks to TPap. :D

We have a new President that has to prove himself. 8)

The US will have Obama, who will have to withdraw US troops significantly from Iraq, but compromise on finding something else for them to do .....

Besides you've already mentioned it's Turkey that is the obstacle to Cyprus' oil exploration .... :lol:

Goodbye belligerent intransigent Turks from our shores forever ... :evil:

(Boy am I itching to finally sort this Cyprus Problem out so that I can concentrate on the Bigger Picture ...... send you Turks all the way back to Mongolia and restore Constantinople .... :lol: )
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Postby Big Al » Wed Apr 02, 2008 8:14 am

Oracle wrote:
Big Al wrote:Hahahahahahahahahaha honestly Oracle i havent laughed so hard in fucking ages, thanks for that your a crack up. nothing has happened in 30 plus years and now suddenly by Feb the whole world will start a war with Turkey hahahaha im in tears from laughter...... i think your mind isnt as sharp as what it used to be am i right???

Which physiological process is your brain concentrating on at the moment, breathing or defecating?

We are comfortably in the EU now thanks to TPap. :D

We have a new President that has to prove himself. 8)

The US will have Obama, who will have to withdraw US troops significantly from Iraq, but compromise on finding something else for them to do .....

Besides you've already mentioned it's Turkey that is the obstacle to Cyprus' oil exploration .... :lol:

Goodbye belligerent intransigent Turks from our shores forever ... :evil:

(Boy am I itching to finally sort this Cyprus Problem out so that I can concentrate on the Bigger Picture ...... send you Turks all the way back to Mongolia and restore Constantinople .... :lol: )

have a yarak and relax abit, too much anger from you, not enough yarak i think
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Postby zan » Wed Apr 02, 2008 9:19 am

Thanks Big Al. No need to give that type of advise to Stella though...I think she has one stuck there from the 80's.......Disco Stell we used to call her!!! :wink: :lol:
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Postby purdey » Wed Apr 02, 2008 12:01 pm

Great try at humour Phoenix. European troops, who are they ? they wouldn't get involved if their borders were under threat. As for the USA, they would rather show allegiance to Turkey. I am afraid you are left with the British, but let's be fair they couldn't give a sh.. either.
I am afraid it is down to Cyprus to sort out it's own problems, there is a glimmer of hope...
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