Get Real! wrote:You’re NOT addressing the problem Oracle.
Do you? ... always? How easy is it to concentrate on "problems" when posters prefer to attack me (such is their interest) rather than when I present a view.
Maybe the intellectual clout is missing (Eliko hurry up and return
A lot of people are complaining that Oracle intentionally makes RACIST posts/threads against Turks and/or Turkish Cypriots and I have to mostly agree with them.
Who are these "a lot of people" GR! .... mostly Turk-TCs (suprise
). And you, who is trying to gain a cheap shot at kudos by affiliating with them ... when they are quick to call you racist too, but I would rather not post, than post merely to put someone down and join a bandwagon ......
Anyway, the racist slur is worn thin as an argument or in support of anything.
It is indeed the fallback, the default setting!
Notice I avoid its use as a label, preferring to analyse it as a worn-out concept.
The truth is that many of your arguments have no technical basis, and you are NOT providing any, so one can only conclude that they are nothing more than spiteful and racist jabs wrapped up in philosophical packaging.
I can provide reams of links, but I have my own opinions on these issues and that's how I learn ... by questioning my views at the outset.
"Technical" may be your euphemism for not being "male" enough ... we have been down this road before.
I understand your need to vent off your anger at those responsible for Cyprus’ woes but it can be done in a specific technical way that targets the actual offender and not every single person that was ever born of Turkish descend… that’s way too generalized and can only cause ill feeling
So you are targeting what? Turkish individuals as responsible?
.... Whereas I blame Turkish troops, settlers, governments and all those that support them ...
So the individual instigators were Ecevit or Kemal or Otto whoever .... they get churned out as needed.
I feel that the frequency and amplitude of these nasty threads is a serious decline in forum quality and have noticed that some good debaters from last year seem to have disappeared most likely bored of the constant Oracle Vs Turkish Genes mud slinging so please reconsider your approach.
Nobody stays off because they are bored of specific threads ... people post where they feel like and ignore the ones that do not suit them. Maybe you scrutinise too many.
There is no quota on the number of threads for the day so if people have an idea, a new thread is started .... My posting threads does not take away from the allowance!
The ones no one finds of interest/commentable have 0 posts; some interest, 10 posts; and then there are a few riveting ones that draw in the participants.
I am not going down the road of a popularity contest as some of my ideas are off the wall and posted in an experimental fashion purely to find out how amenable an idea is, and not because I want a response.
Variety should be the spice of life .....
Wrong thread? I don't know...
For what .... a gripe? .... a personal attack? ..... an opinion? .....
Stop compartmentalising unnecessarily....