DANGAMAN wrote:markwoods39 wrote:AT 3am uk time we heard a very large bang coming from our back garden, me and wife jump out of our skin, i went rushing down to see what the hell was going on. Well when i opened my back door i could see a very large metal thing sticking out, as it was so dark i had to put the outside light on.After light was on i could not make it out what it was, so i called the police, they came and saw it themselves. After about half an hour went past and they told me i have to sign a secret act, i said WHY , they could not tell my why, so i refused to sign it. So now i am under house arrest until someone come to see me from the government, i say arrest, they will not let me leave my house just yet. I not allowed to use the phone or Internet just yet???? well there are outside so they do not know that i am using it. a helicopter has just hovered over my house and took this metal thing away.
There something fishy going on here and i can not put my finger on it yet, as the army is here to, has anyone heard of anything on the telly about this. i just looked on bbc news ,and nothing yet. I think it might be something from a UFO as when some people came < do not know who they where at4.30am, they had something in there hand like a radiation detector.
I keep you posted when i find out anything more. But if you do not hear from me say by 8pm tonight could you call the papers news desk anything as i think they might take me away. i keeping my wireless network going as they cut of my phone for now
i understand now. bells on one, and not he other!