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Water Cuts

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Postby bill cobbett » Wed Apr 02, 2008 6:44 pm

Bill wrote:
Kikapu wrote: All good points Bill, and I'm not here to argue with you.

Somehow the use of the word "Natives" got lost in the translation. I thought by putting it in inverted commas, it would have been understood that it meant only those who are not meant to be in Cyprus in the first place should leave and not the rest, Cypriots and those who are legally there. This next sentence was part of that "riddle"
....."Water shortage may well be the deciding factor in finding a peaceful solution in Cyprus.........eventually".!!!

It had a touch of political twist to it....

That will teach me to touch on politics in the General Section...... :lol: :lol:

Ah ~ now I understand what you meant but as those who shouldn't be here namely the 40,000 Turkish army plus god knows how many mainland settlers are not connected to our water supply it was a bit to subtle for me to make the connection .


Isn't it the case that some ( southern ) dams supply water to the north ?
I think ( and I may be wrong ), for instance the one at Kalapanayiotis does ( ?? )
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Postby Crivens » Wed Apr 02, 2008 7:01 pm

as I know that some of the surrounding villages have not had any cuts yet
Also a lot of the tourist area. The holiday inn apparently ran out of water and was a bit annoyed that other hotels further up had no worries. Look at Cyprus Mail online for interesting articles. ... 0&cat_id=1

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Postby webbo » Wed Apr 02, 2008 10:36 pm

purdey wrote:I think 99..I remember having to go to hotels for a shower, because some thieving ...... was taking water from my parents water tank.

When out walking the dog the other day I noticed a man and a woman on a scooter park up outside a little coffee shop which was closed for the day.
The man proceeded to the water tap and filled up an 18litre bottle before driving away!

Ingenious or downright theft? :roll:

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Postby Kikapu » Thu Apr 03, 2008 11:17 am

Nikitas wrote:Kikapu,

I have been researching desalinators lately and so far there are two systems I have come across that show any kind of reliability. One is the reverse osmosis gear, which I presume you had on boats. The other is flash distillation which is not suitable for small scale use. Most companies that sell reverse osmosis gear are honest enough to stress the need for maintenance and the short life cycle of the membranes. It is tough but better than going thirsty.

In the course of the research I came across some neat ideas, like the greenhouse that uses sea water to cool itself in the summer and at the same time desalinates the water and uses it for irrigation, all done with clever physics and no membranes etc. It is an English idea being tested now in the Gulf and the Canaries.

Another clever idea is the combination of solar panels and a desalinator so as to avoid power costs. In fact the solar desalinator produces a surplus of power which can be sold via the grid. Seems just right for a sunny dry place like Cyprus.

Sailboats that had "fresh water makers" were as you described, the "reverse osmosis" type. Number of sailors who would be sitting in the docks waiting for parts to be shipped from their manufacturer of the device rather than sailing, was enough for us not to even consider having one aboard. It cost too much, used up power, and maintenance problems. We sailed as simple as possible, as far as gear went, that was a luxury. We did not even replace the auto-helm after a while, and was hand steered all the time, except when conditions where perfect, that setting up the Jib, the Main, and the Mizzen sails and tying off the Tiller, the boat will sail a good course all by herself, when winds were constant.

We had enough water, beer, soft drinks and booze and food that would last for 2 months. But we preserved water every chance we had. Collecting rain water to fill the water tanks were always a great relief, not to mention turning the deck of the boat into a "nudist camp" by everyone and enjoying a great shower. I wish more people would conserve water in their everyday life. It is a very precious commodity. We have a lot of lakes and rivers here in Switzerland and the country's landscape is green all year round with water fountains running non stop most parts of the country for people and animals to enjoy with the best tasting cool water for drinking you can imagine, and still, we preserve from wasting water unnecessarily. It is time for the Cypriots to do the same.
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Postby Nikitas » Thu Apr 03, 2008 11:50 am


Regarding saving water I agree fully. Having traveled on ships I note that many have spring loaded taps. You keep the tap pressed water flows, you take your hand off it stops. Such a tap installed in homes would stop the wastrels who keep the water running while brushing their teeth or shaving. Where can you get such taps? On trains they even have them with foot pedals but that would be too radical for Cypriot homes.

I wont get all ethical about it, but wasting water makes me feel awkward, and wonder about my neighbors who wash cars with a hose when the car wash down the road has a certified recirculation system.

We were talking with an engineer friend the other day about a similar recirculation system for homes. Something more sophisticated than the grey water recirculators that are available now. The ideal would be a system that takes grey water, filters abd sterilises it and makes it available again for baths etc. The aim being to have long yet eco friendly showers. The shower saver gadgets are ok but not the same as a nice full pressure shower. Or a nice hot bath for bath lovers. The same system would combine rainwater from the roof, and can be used for all uses except drinking and cooking.

According to the engineer even a custom setup would not cost more than 1500 Euros. Sounds like a good deal to me.
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Postby denizaksulu » Thu Apr 03, 2008 12:06 pm

Nikitas wrote:Kikapu,

Regarding saving water I agree fully. Having traveled on ships I note that many have spring loaded taps. You keep the tap pressed water flows, you take your hand off it stops. Such a tap installed in homes would stop the wastrels who keep the water running while brushing their teeth or shaving. Where can you get such taps? On trains they even have them with foot pedals but that would be too radical for Cypriot homes.

I wont get all ethical about it, but wasting water makes me feel awkward, and wonder about my neighbors who wash cars with a hose when the car wash down the road has a certified recirculation system.

We were talking with an engineer friend the other day about a similar recirculation system for homes. Something more sophisticated than the grey water recirculators that are available now. The ideal would be a system that takes grey water, filters abd sterilises it and makes it available again for baths etc. The aim being to have long yet eco friendly showers. The shower saver gadgets are ok but not the same as a nice full pressure shower. Or a nice hot bath for bath lovers. The same system would combine rainwater from the roof, and can be used for all uses except drinking and cooking.

According to the engineer even a custom setup would not cost more than 1500 Euros. Sounds like a good deal to me.

Spring taps are a good idea. They are all over the place in the UK, so all you need is a good importer, and a reasonble price. It reminds me of a modern seaside resort; they had brand new, very upmarket urinals. How very nice I said when I was in a rush. It was aftewards I noticed a 'guspo' made hole in the urinal and a bucket underneath it. I reserve the right to withhold the name of the country so as not to give ammunition to Oracle. :lol:
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Postby craigbeck » Thu Apr 03, 2008 2:53 pm

tessintrnc wrote:I read recently that work on the pipeline hasn't started and they gave up the floating balloon idea when the balloon burst. Maybe a heavy tax on swimming pools to discourage more and more being built is the way forward? Or only allowing saltwater pools in future. Either way a solution is crucial.

Taxing swimming pools will damage the countries two biggest assets - tourism and property
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Postby Get Real! » Thu Apr 03, 2008 5:46 pm

craigbeck wrote:
tessintrnc wrote:I read recently that work on the pipeline hasn't started and they gave up the floating balloon idea when the balloon burst. Maybe a heavy tax on swimming pools to discourage more and more being built is the way forward? Or only allowing saltwater pools in future. Either way a solution is crucial.

Taxing swimming pools will damage the countries two biggest assets - tourism and property

Financial services are Cyprus' biggest asset with tourism now in 3rd or 4th place and dwindling.
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Postby Nurgary » Thu Apr 03, 2008 7:24 pm

Stop moaning about it and take steps to reduce and get by with what you are supplied - I know that in the TRNC I can manage with 4 tons in my tanks every 3 days. In fact if I used 4 tones in 3 days there would be something very wrong. In general I get by with 15 to 18 tons per month for 2 people and in reality don't shower less - wash less etc... Just don't wash cars / balconies / terraces / grass / plants.

Why blame the everybody when it's the users that waste most of the supply.
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Postby craigbeck » Thu Apr 03, 2008 8:33 pm

It must be great to be so perfect
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