Bill wrote:Kikapu wrote:Lack of water may be a good way to get rid of all those who do not belong on the island, just so that the "natives" have enough water just for themselves, animals and fields.
You only have your selves to blame for the acute lack of vision regarding the water situation.
Droughts are not new to Cyprus ~ 1998 springs immediately to mind and at the time extra desalination plants were proposed so hopefully we would never be in that situation again, sadly due to disagreements within the political arena it didn't happen.
As for getting rid of those "not native to Cyprus", you or should I say your compatriots have sold their soul to the foreign investor by the huge building program over the last few years and the promoting of how wonderful Cyprus life is at UK exhibitions and through agents within Cyprus ~
you really are a victim of your own success.
A lot of people have become very rich off the back of the developing game plus of course providing employment to the TC's and half of Eastern Europe ~ building requires a hell of a lot of water and becomes a take from one to give to the other scenario.
Those natives ( your words ) complaining about the influx of immigrants to your sunny isle all wasting their precious water should stop and think of the unbelievable amount wasted by the natives when they wash down the outsides of their houses at least twice a day ~ it's a common sight irrespective of how desperately short of water you may be and will never stop until the government really makes the effort to do something about it and motivates the police to take action and fine those involved.
I'm afraid those not native to Cyprus are here to stay ~
and they want their share of the available water after all it was the "natives" that sold us the "Cyprus is wonderful dream"Bill
All good points Bill, and I'm not here to argue with you.
Somehow the use of the word
"Natives" got lost in the translation. I thought by putting it in inverted commas, it would have been understood that it meant only those who are not meant to be in Cyprus in the first place should leave and not the rest, Cypriots and those who are legally there. This next sentence was part of that "riddle"
....."Water shortage may well be the deciding factor in finding a peaceful solution in Cyprus.........eventually".!!!
It had a touch of political twist to it....
That will teach me to touch on politics in the General Section......