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Water Cuts

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Postby Bananiot » Mon Mar 31, 2008 12:27 pm

Two things:

1) The previous government showed criminal negligence because it had no water policy.
2) Water should be brought from Turkey. It will be a good thing to do and it would fit nicely into the reconciliation process that will eventually lead to the olution of the Cyprob. It would also accelerate this blesses day.
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Postby Kikapu » Mon Mar 31, 2008 12:45 pm

Nikitas wrote:Get a yacht desalinator, a small one, giving 25 liters per hour. Costs about 3000 Euro and then you can tell the water company to stick their main pipes where they will do the most good.


I have heard nothing but problems with boat owners and sailors regarding the boat purpose desalinators. They are expensive, high maintenance and breakdowns . They are good as an emergency back up, but I would not waste fresh water on a boat in hopes of getting fresh supply from a desalinator. Trying to use these gadgets for land purpose by "land people" will be totally inadequate. "Land People" have all their lives have taken water for granted and have not learned to respect it or preserve it.

When I sailed to San Francisco from Hawaii with two young ladies, we had total of 70 gallons of fresh water. After 33 days at sea with no rain water to collect, we arrived in San Francisco with about 20 gallons of fresh water left in our tanks. It took us a week longer than anticipated to arrive because of the Pacific High Pressure that was almost on top of us for a while with no wind for few days. We used sea water for washing ourselves, cleaning and cooking mixed in with fresh water. Rather than adding salt to our cooking, we used sea water. Used a fresh water to rinse ourselves after salt water wash and so on. There's no reason why home swimming pools can't use sea water, and home showers with sea water to wash and a quick rinse with fresh water. Toilets can be flushed with sea water. Some cooking using sea water, enough to replace using salt. It is time to bring sea water pipes into peoples homes, or else, be prepared to have water cuts on regular basis.
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Postby Kikapu » Mon Mar 31, 2008 12:52 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
Kikapu wrote:Lack of water may be a good way to get rid of all those who do not belong on the island, just so that the "natives" have enough water just for themselves, animals and fields.

The Federal Prison on Alcatraz was shut down for the same reason many years ago, because it became very costly to keep the place open, since everything had to be brought in from elsewhere by boats, including water.

Water shortage may well be the deciding factor in find a peaceful solution in Cyprus.........eventually.!!!

By that do you mean eventually purchasing fresh water from the Manavgat river, Asia minor? Good idea. Perhaps they will (GCs) let the north :lol: have some too.

That is never going to be a long term solution Deniz. I agree with Bananiot, that the best option is to bring water from Turkey by underwater pipes. Incidentally, why hasn't that already been done by Turkey with the "TRNC".??

Any ideas Bananiot.??

Near Antalya (AKSU), there is a waterfall that goes right into the sea. It would be great to divert that water to Cyprus. I know it is a little far from there, but the idea is there.
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Postby denizaksulu » Mon Mar 31, 2008 1:09 pm

Kikapu wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Kikapu wrote:Lack of water may be a good way to get rid of all those who do not belong on the island, just so that the "natives" have enough water just for themselves, animals and fields.

The Federal Prison on Alcatraz was shut down for the same reason many years ago, because it became very costly to keep the place open, since everything had to be brought in from elsewhere by boats, including water.

Water shortage may well be the deciding factor in find a peaceful solution in Cyprus.........eventually.!!!

By that do you mean eventually purchasing fresh water from the Manavgat river, Asia minor? Good idea. Perhaps they will (GCs) let the north :lol: have some too.

That is never going to be a long term solution Deniz. I agree with Bananiot, that the best option is to bring water from Turkey by underwater pipes. Incidentally, why hasn't that already been done by Turkey with the "TRNC".??

Any ideas Bananiot.??

Near Antalya (AKSU), there is a waterfall that goes right into the sea. It would be great to divert that water to Cyprus. I know it is a little far from there, but the idea is there.

Turkeys or Cyprus previous plans regarding Cyprus were absolute crap. As we saw, nothing came of them. :twisted:
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Postby tessintrnc » Mon Mar 31, 2008 1:29 pm

I read recently that work on the pipeline hasn't started and they gave up the floating balloon idea when the balloon burst. Maybe a heavy tax on swimming pools to discourage more and more being built is the way forward? Or only allowing saltwater pools in future. Either way a solution is crucial.
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Postby IcyNoAngel » Mon Mar 31, 2008 1:30 pm

You racist bastards.
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Postby tessintrnc » Mon Mar 31, 2008 1:50 pm

IcyNoAngel wrote:You racist bastards.

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Postby denizaksulu » Mon Mar 31, 2008 1:56 pm

IcyNoAngel wrote:You racist bastards.

Whats racist about water supplies?
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Postby IcyNoAngel » Mon Mar 31, 2008 1:57 pm

Kikapu wrote:Lack of water may be a good way to get rid of all those who do not belong on the island, just so that the "natives" have enough water just for themselves, animals and fields.

The Federal Prison on Alcatraz was shut down for the same reason many years ago, because it became very costly to keep the place open, since everything had to be brought in from elsewhere by boats, including water.

Water shortage may well be the deciding factor in find a peaceful solution in Cyprus.........eventually.!!!

This is for tessintrnc, now you understand?
And Kikapu, if the "non-natives" will leave... you will have to start working bitch, to keep this country where it is now.
So shut the f**k up.
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Postby Nikitas » Mon Mar 31, 2008 1:58 pm

Dont worry, water is coming from Greece in super tankers. The "motherlands" are coming to the rescue of poor wee Cyprus. Sounds kind of scary for some reason.

For my money desalination and proper management of water at every level, including personal level, is the way to do it. And there ought to be a department at every university dealing with water technology and research.
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