by denizaksulu » Thu Apr 03, 2008 10:47 pm
kurupetos wrote:denizaksulu wrote:tessintrnc wrote:I have heard that Hellim lasts for months if kept in a container of brine - but then has to be washed before eating? Then someone else said it used to be kept hanging in nets in the kitchen? I must admit I only buy the hellim from the market, which is locally made -not factory made and they even do a low salt one now!!
Good morning Tess. Yes brine is part of the preserving process.
They used to hang them up before they had refrigerators, in flat baskets suspended from ceilings. Oh God, what were they called?

"tsesta", I think.

What we call sesta is the flat tray like contaption made of striips of cane (or other material). What I talk about was much larger and suspemded. We never called it that. It had another name. Theres a word in the depths of my mind. It sounds like 'Mezendra'.Does that ring a bell. GCs might have used the word tsesta/sesta.