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Why Power Sharing Does Not Work.......!!

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Nurgary » Mon Mar 31, 2008 3:52 pm

bill cobbett wrote:
Nurgary wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
zan wrote:Let them tear down the statues of Makarios and knock on the door of Tpap.......They are to blame for their losses. :roll: :roll:

Who said anything about anyone losing anything. At the same time, you have not been able to gain anything either. If you did, you would not be needing 40,000 troops to help you keep it. Sorry to remind you Zan, but whole of Cyprus is recognised by the world as a sovereign country for all Cypriots. Just because you can "bully" 200,000 off their property, does not mean they have lost their land and that you have gained it. Counterfeit Land Deeds are not good enough to make you the "new owners" of others land. Think of it as a "lay away plan" for the land that belongs to the 200,000 GC's. Their land is just earning interest as it's value goes up every day. You may be able to sell their land to the Morally Corrupted, but the good news is, they can't take that land away with them. The land will be there for their rightful owners, long after the Morally Corrupted are long gone.

Why do GC's always inflate figures

142,000 GC's according to official Greek Cypriot sources, ROC Press and Information Office (PIO), The Cyprus Question, (Nicosia, 2003), p. 12

30,000 Turkish military which is quoted many times by GC Government.

Now looking at both you have inflated by 25%.

The reality is with any settlement not everybody will get their land and property back GC's and TC's. How can for example TC get their land back at the airports - roads/motereways etc... in the South. Just will not happen so they will get compensation as will the GC's who don't get theirs back.

N tries to make a comparison of the land issue in the north and south at the end of the above. There is a world of difference between a state taking private land in the south for major infrastructure projects such as expansion at LCA airport and motorway building. It is common practise throughout Europe and the rest of the world that states will compulsorily purchase land, after due process, for large scale projects that benefit economies.

The situation in the north is unheard of anywhere in the world ( to the best of my knowledge ) with plain and simple wholesale thefts of land on a massive scale on the strength of dodgy documents and even dodgier reasoning.

I say again - world of difference. One is legal by any international standards the other has been criminal theft of the vilest, most base type.

Well I am sure in the UK they would have discussed the issue with the owner - then issued a compulsory purchase order - owner could object - review - and you never know a public enquiry. As you said due process. No Ali who owes are large part of Larnaca airport was not part of due process. Can you answer why so many od these projects have been built on TC land and have any TC been compensated for the use.
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Postby Oracle » Mon Mar 31, 2008 3:58 pm

Kikapu wrote:
unitedwestand wrote:
Sorry to bring this subject up again but now I'm really confused. On another thread Zan doubted Kikapus race so as I understand it nobody is sure. Well I have made my decision on Kikapu, he's Greek/Greek Cypriot and nobody can convince me otherwise.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Another newby who thinks he is open minded then gives himself the title "Unitedwestand", then questions me on my ethnicity on the points I make for the good of all Cypriots. :lol: :lol: :lol:

It did not take you too long to get yourself all tangled up to be just another confused individual who can't accept the wrong doings of his side and the continuation of daily violation of Human Rights to thousands of Cypriots. He ignores all that, to claim to have reached his big revelation on who I may or may not be. :lol: :lol:

And I thought you meant what you preached with your title. :lol: :lol:

You only have few posts to date, so it is not too late for you to change your title to "United-I-Stand", because "no one can convince you otherwise". :lol: :lol:

There goes any credibility you may have thought you have had with yourself and your inner intuition. :lol: :lol:

Better get yourself another "Brain" to guide you through others point of view, because your present one has let you down big time, unless of course you are part of the Neo-Partition team, then it all makes sense, therefore you do not need a new Brain.!!!

Excellent biography Kikapu 8) .... you have untied him!
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Postby Mikiko » Mon Mar 31, 2008 4:02 pm

Can you answer why so many od these projects have been built on TC land and have any TC been compensated for the use.

Why your administration does not come back to claim them under the Republic of Cyprus policies and provisions and get detached from the puppet regime[/quote]
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Postby bill cobbett » Mon Mar 31, 2008 4:10 pm

Nurgary wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:
Nurgary wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
zan wrote:Let them tear down the statues of Makarios and knock on the door of Tpap.......They are to blame for their losses. :roll: :roll:

Who said anything about anyone losing anything. At the same time, you have not been able to gain anything either. If you did, you would not be needing 40,000 troops to help you keep it. Sorry to remind you Zan, but whole of Cyprus is recognised by the world as a sovereign country for all Cypriots. Just because you can "bully" 200,000 off their property, does not mean they have lost their land and that you have gained it. Counterfeit Land Deeds are not good enough to make you the "new owners" of others land. Think of it as a "lay away plan" for the land that belongs to the 200,000 GC's. Their land is just earning interest as it's value goes up every day. You may be able to sell their land to the Morally Corrupted, but the good news is, they can't take that land away with them. The land will be there for their rightful owners, long after the Morally Corrupted are long gone.

Why do GC's always inflate figures

142,000 GC's according to official Greek Cypriot sources, ROC Press and Information Office (PIO), The Cyprus Question, (Nicosia, 2003), p. 12

30,000 Turkish military which is quoted many times by GC Government.

Now looking at both you have inflated by 25%.

The reality is with any settlement not everybody will get their land and property back GC's and TC's. How can for example TC get their land back at the airports - roads/motereways etc... in the South. Just will not happen so they will get compensation as will the GC's who don't get theirs back.

N tries to make a comparison of the land issue in the north and south at the end of the above. There is a world of difference between a state taking private land in the south for major infrastructure projects such as expansion at LCA airport and motorway building. It is common practise throughout Europe and the rest of the world that states will compulsorily purchase land, after due process, for large scale projects that benefit economies.

The situation in the north is unheard of anywhere in the world ( to the best of my knowledge ) with plain and simple wholesale thefts of land on a massive scale on the strength of dodgy documents and even dodgier reasoning.

I say again - world of difference. One is legal by any international standards the other has been criminal theft of the vilest, most base type.

Well I am sure in the UK they would have discussed the issue with the owner - then issued a compulsory purchase order - owner could object - review - and you never know a public enquiry. As you said due process. No Ali who owes are large part of Larnaca airport was not part of due process. Can you answer why so many od these projects have been built on TC land and have any TC been compensated for the use.

As I said , after due process . Ali, or whoever has had his land built on to expand LCA has recourse to the Courts in the RoC. I would urge him to consider suing the a--e off the RoC as a first step and if that fails or is not an option, making an application to the European courts. I respect other people's property but I do ask that in return they respect mine.

Perhaps someone can tell us what particular due process has been used to steal my properties ( a GB citizen - never been a Cy citizen ) in the northern land grab ????


....Mugged and Robbed in broad daylight of property in the north
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Postby Nurgary » Mon Mar 31, 2008 4:12 pm

Mikiko wrote:
Can you answer why so many od these projects have been built on TC land and have any TC been compensated for the use.

Why your administration does not come back to claim them under the Republic of Cyprus policies and provisions and get detached from the puppet regime

Now didn't I know you would have an answer. But gain TC's do now have 37% so looks like they are the ones with the advantage.

But are the provisions the zurich ones that clearly say TC have a say and a veto.
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Postby Oracle » Mon Mar 31, 2008 4:21 pm

Nurgary wrote:Well I am sure in the UK they would have discussed the issue with the owner - then issued a compulsory purchase order - owner could object - review - and you never know a public enquiry. As you said due process. No Ali who owes are large part of Larnaca airport was not part of due process. Can you answer why so many od these projects have been built on TC land and have any TC been compensated for the use.

Do you have an issue with fairness? I thought we proved Turks do not practice fair-trade. Does it feel bad to be treated unfairly?

How much of Cyprus has been stolen by the Turks?
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Postby bill cobbett » Mon Mar 31, 2008 5:01 pm

May I add to what I posted above that I have no objection whatsoever to those members of the northern community who went north in the aftermath of the '74 Piss Operation continuing to take needed refuge in any property to which I have rightful title pending its return. I know too many relatives and families who have taken similar temporary refuge in other people's homes in the south.
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Postby Nurgary » Mon Mar 31, 2008 5:12 pm

bill cobbett wrote:May I add to what I posted above that I have no objection whatsoever to those members of the northern community who went north in the aftermath of the '74 Piss Operation continuing to take needed refuge in any property to which I have rightful title pending its return. I know too many relatives and families who have taken similar temporary refuge in other people's homes in the south.

In an ideal world all would return - but we are not in an ideal world.

Do you really thing it will go back to 74 ?? I just can't see it happening as do you think the majority of TC's who could vote for that if it was an option would.

Let's see how the leaders get on as well as the committees. I think AP land handback will be it - there or there about.
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Postby Get Real! » Mon Mar 31, 2008 9:12 pm

Nurgary wrote:
Kikapu wrote:...Just because you can "bully" 200,000 off their property, does not mean they have lost their land and that you have gained it.

Why do GC's always inflate figures

142,000 GC's according to official Greek Cypriot sources, ROC Press and Information Office (PIO), The Cyprus Question, (Nicosia, 2003), p. 12

Why do some Turkish Cypriots post through their arse?

The revised statistics on displaced GC persons as conducted by the UN and the government of Cyprus were as follows:

1. Greek Cypriots in Government-controlled areas :

Satisfactorily sheltered with friends/relatives or in second homes rented…..57,600
Living in public buildings, schools, etc………………………………….………………………… 5,800
Housed in permanent structures, but overcrowded conditions and will have
to move…………………………………………………………….………………………………………………89,700
Living in shacks, garages, unfinished structures………………….…………………………11,000
Living in tents……………………………………………………………………………………….…………….9,000
Living in the open, under trees, in makeshift, open shelters…………………………..7,700

Total 180,800

3. Greek Cypriots in Turkish-occupied area:

Living in cut-off villages, or displaced 9,000 ... senate.htm
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Postby Get Real! » Mon Mar 31, 2008 9:14 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:Hmmm new guys in the forum....
And Kikapu has a new boat

And bb, no time to read anything sorry.

Welcome back Pyro... :D
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