Kikapu wrote:denizaksulu wrote:Kikapu wrote:Viewpoint wrote:
When does a refugee stop being a refugee? 2 3 4 5 generations down? that would mean we are all refugeesI reckon we should add on the second generation births subtract the deaths add on only a half for 3rd generation and a quarter for those who have blue eyes one third for those that do not reside on the island then we might get somewhere
The Palestinians have not forgotten being refugees created when the Israelis forced them off their land 60 years ago. Would you like to place a bet as to when they will forget being refugees, because I sure will not bet against any time against them.
Well, it's the same with Cypriots. 1571 has not been forgotten, therefore neither will be 1974. That should tell you something about the Cypriot mind. My best advice to all is, sort out your differences now and reach a just and fair solution, because your neighbour knows where you live and what you have taken from them.
I think the date 1571 should be forgotten by the Cypriotss. What was the last date Cyprus was ruled by the Cypriotss or Sovereign?
I agree with you Deniz, that the 1571 date has long passed it's "shelf life". Unfortunately, it is reminded to us over and over again, because of these more recent dates and events of 1960, 1963, 1964, 1974 , 1983 and 2004. Unless Cypriots are able to rule their own land freely in a Democratic way as equal citizens shared by all Cypriots, then these dates will not go away and will be remembered in the future.
I was only after a date and a mention of Isaac Comnenus, but you did not give me a straight answer. You are a 'Politician'.

Was he Cypriot or a vassal of the Byzantine Empire? Dont answer, you will only confuse the issue.