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Why Power Sharing Does Not Work.......!!

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Kikapu » Wed Apr 02, 2008 9:42 am


You are the one who is confused as maybe I was not to clear, I was stating we have no problems with Brits because there's mutual respect and cooperation

Let me ask you a simple question. Why would a British person get a "TRNC Citizenship" other than the British TC's of course, which are given automatically anyway. What is the purpose. It's not for travel. It's not for the "TRNC" cause, what ever they may be. So what is the reason. Well, actually I know the reasons since you won't give me a straight answers anyway, I'll tell you.

You say you get along just fine with the British. Why would I be surprised by that.?? There are only 5,000 non TC Brits in the North, and the only reason anyone of the 5,000 would become a "TRNC citizen" is to buy as much stolen GC land as they wish, and you are only too happy to sell it to them. Foreigners are only limited to 1 Donum, but a "citizen" can buy as much as they want. So naturally you all get along just fine. One Morally Corrupted needs to support the other Morally Corrupted. You believe that the UK will not push for any land giveback to the GC's settlement, if it means it will hurt their own citizens. I can't wait to see these criminals lose their money they have spent on stolen property.

But anyway, in a True Federation, the laws in each of the two states will only vary very little, since the Federal Laws in place is what will safeguard all citizens in either of the two states, therefore it would not make any difference where anyone will live. You cannot make any laws that will supersede the Federal Laws in True Federation, may be the reasons as to why you do not want a True Federation.

We are owners of Cyprus, seeing that we were unable to share it all together, the results of which are division it appears that division has worked better for both sides, the GCs have and run their own GC state without the interference of the TCs and have prospered, they don't need or want us all they want is land and more wealth.

No body said you were not joint owners of Cyprus. I said that you are not the sole owners of the North. You do not have the sole guardianship to do as you please in the future. Anything that goes on now, is only temporary, so enjoy it while it lasts.

We know what we want for ourselves and we will not be forced into a situation or position we do not want to be in, if we want to live like a 3rd world country that's our problem not yours so using the we are perfect, we have democracy, we are in the EU does not mean you are perfect and everything is running smoothly in the south. There are better countries that the south and there are worse, the same goes for the TRNC. You have to realize we will not let go of the TRNC unless we feel comfortable entering into an agreement, it cannot be forced and we would rather stay as the TRNC with all its imperfections that play second fiddle to GCs. The American people are made up of a mixture of cultures and ethnic races, they have developed and regard themselves as Americans first, we are not like that we do not have that variety or mixture, the majority of Cypriots only accept being a Turkish or Greek Cypriot, the chance to form one people was lost in 1963, the whole ball game has changed totally we have become 2 people 2 sides who could just maybe live together but side by side.

If you want to live in a True Federation and a True Democracy, then you will have to abide by the same rules as everyone else that it is practiced in all the other countries in Europe and the West. If not, you can move to Turkey and leave the rest of the decent peace loving TC's to get on with their life in peace and freedom in Cyprus.

If America can develop with ethnic groups from around the world, then it will be many times easier to do the same in Cyprus under a True Federation. The rest are just excuses by the Neo Partitionist.

Who will intervene in times of crisis?

Since you get along well with the British, they can intervene if you want, or else, as a Neo Partitionist don't cause any trouble along with the GC Nationalists and we will be OK. Those who cause trouble to create ethnic division, should face public firing squad 1 day after being sentenced. That should keep all you trouble makers in place.

You didn't say anything about the Pontiac's?? or any other people who were given citizenship without TC say so.

I have answered you question. I said "Most of them should leave. Those who are married and have kids should stay. The rest should go back to their own countries." I should have empathised, that those married to Cypriots and have children with them should stay and the rest should leave. I did not say settlers should go and not the Pontiac's. Do you have a problem understanding simple sentences.??

How will you stop a vote to gift Cyprus to Turkey? Don't say it wont happen and hope for the best, this is not good enough, I have provided one example of a sensitive issue which either side should have the right to say no

Is your subconscious mind talking again or is it really you with the above statement. :lol: :lol: :lol:

No veto power. Anything you feel strongly that you think will harm the TC's, put it in writing in the New Constitution. If it's illegal to vote on anything, then it will not be voted on, just like Slavery cannot be voted to make it legal again in the USA, unless the Constitution is amended. There can be many safeguards built in on how a constitution be amended, to a point, that it will most definitely will need the TC's approval. If you don't trust the Constitution to protect your interests, then what good is a Veto Power.??
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Postby zan » Wed Apr 02, 2008 9:48 am

Kikapu wrote:
zan wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Nikitas wrote:"what would happen if all the TC's refugees living overseas came back to the South and demanded their land and property. i think there would be major issues and persecution of them"

Avoid unnecessary drama please. They are ciitizens of the RoC and are fully entiltled to their land and property in general. Quite a few have returned and succesfully reclaimed their property even if a GC refugee lived there. There are court decisions you can look up which resulted in the eviction of the GC resident.

There were neither major issues nor persecution of the returning TCs.


Nurgary is a self admitted purchaser of stolen GC land in the "TRNC", therefore he is Morally Corrupted to say anything that does not favour in keeping his illegal gains, so expect him to be the "Melodramatic Queen" of all times with statements made as the one below.

Nurgary wrote:The question regarding fear would be down to each refugee (From 63 to 75) who could say what would happen if all the TC's refugees living overseas came back to the South and demanded their land and property. i think there would be major issues and persecution of them.

Hey look every one...Kikapolousigolous has got yet another catch-phrase he is stuck on...How many does that make now :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Obsessive or what!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Don't worry Zan, your special name Pinocchio and picture is only reserved for you and I promise you, that it will not be assigned to anyone else, even if they do tell more lies than you. You have seniority over anyone else, because you have earned it. :wink:

Lets remind everyone your well earned self image.

Zan the Pinocchio

I rest my case..... :arrow: :lol:

I like it when you have a special name for me...It makes it more important...Childish but intimate........How are you this morning my Coochie!!!! 8) :lol:
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Postby zan » Wed Apr 02, 2008 9:50 am

Kikapu wrote:VP

You are the one who is confused as maybe I was not to clear, I was stating we have no problems with Brits because there's mutual respect and cooperation

Let me ask you a simple question. Why would a British person get a "TRNC Citizenship" other than the British TC's of course, which are given automatically anyway. What is the purpose. It's not for travel. It's not for the "TRNC" cause, what ever they may be. So what is the reason. Well, actually I know the reasons since you won't give me a straight answers anyway, I'll tell you.

You say you get along just fine with the British. Why would I be surprised by that.?? There are only 5,000 non TC Brits in the North, and the only reason anyone of the 5,000 would become a "TRNC citizen" is to buy as much stolen GC land as they wish, and you are only too happy to sell it to them. Foreigners are only limited to 1 Donum, but a "citizen" can buy as much as they want. So naturally you all get along just fine. One Morally Corrupted needs to support the other Morally Corrupted. You believe that the UK will not push for any land giveback to the GC's settlement, if it means it will hurt their own citizens. I can't wait to see these criminals lose their money they have spent on stolen property.

But anyway, in a True Federation, the laws in each of the two states will only vary very little, since the Federal Laws in place is what will safeguard all citizens in either of the two states, therefore it would not make any difference where anyone will live. You cannot make any laws that will supersede the Federal Laws in True Federation, may be the reasons as to why you do not want a True Federation.

We are owners of Cyprus, seeing that we were unable to share it all together, the results of which are division it appears that division has worked better for both sides, the GCs have and run their own GC state without the interference of the TCs and have prospered, they don't need or want us all they want is land and more wealth.

No body said you were not joint owners of Cyprus. I said that you are not the sole owners of the North. You do not have the sole guardianship to do as you please in the future. Anything that goes on now, is only temporary, so enjoy it while it lasts.

We know what we want for ourselves and we will not be forced into a situation or position we do not want to be in, if we want to live like a 3rd world country that's our problem not yours so using the we are perfect, we have democracy, we are in the EU does not mean you are perfect and everything is running smoothly in the south. There are better countries that the south and there are worse, the same goes for the TRNC. You have to realize we will not let go of the TRNC unless we feel comfortable entering into an agreement, it cannot be forced and we would rather stay as the TRNC with all its imperfections that play second fiddle to GCs. The American people are made up of a mixture of cultures and ethnic races, they have developed and regard themselves as Americans first, we are not like that we do not have that variety or mixture, the majority of Cypriots only accept being a Turkish or Greek Cypriot, the chance to form one people was lost in 1963, the whole ball game has changed totally we have become 2 people 2 sides who could just maybe live together but side by side.

If you want to live in a True Federation and a True Democracy, then you will have to abide by the same rules as everyone else that it is practiced in all the other countries in Europe and the West. If not, you can move to Turkey and leave the rest of the decent peace loving TC's to get on with their life in peace and freedom in Cyprus.

If America can develop with ethnic groups from around the world, then it will be many times easier to do the same in Cyprus under a True Federation. The rest are just excuses by the Neo Partitionist.

Who will intervene in times of crisis?

Since you get along well with the British, they can intervene if you want, or else, as a Neo Partitionist don't cause any trouble along with the GC Nationalists and we will be OK. Those who cause trouble to create ethnic division, should face public firing squad 1 day after being sentenced. That should keep all you trouble makers in place.

You didn't say anything about the Pontiac's?? or any other people who were given citizenship without TC say so.

I have answered you question. I said "Most of them should leave. Those who are married and have kids should stay. The rest should go back to their own countries." I should have empathised, that those married to Cypriots and have children with them should stay and the rest should leave. I did not say settlers should go and not the Pontiac's. Do you have a problem understanding simple sentences.??

How will you stop a vote to gift Cyprus to Turkey? Don't say it wont happen and hope for the best, this is not good enough, I have provided one example of a sensitive issue which either side should have the right to say no

Is your subconscious mind talking again or is it really you with the above statement. :lol: :lol: :lol:

No veto power. Anything you feel strongly that you think will harm the TC's, put it in writing in the New Constitution. If it's illegal to vote on anything, then it will not be voted on, just like Slavery cannot be voted to make it legal again in the USA, unless the Constitution is amended. There can be many safeguards built in on how a constitution be amended, to a point, that it will most definitely will need the TC's approval. If you don't trust the Constitution to protect your interests, then what good is a Veto Power.??

Isn't the top part the story of your family...Now you have converted back to being a Greek so I wouldn't throw stones if I were you.......

As for the "RoC" making all and sundry Greek is nothing to do with it either I suppose :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: FFS :roll:
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Postby Kikapu » Wed Apr 02, 2008 10:48 am

unitedwestand wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
unitedwestand wrote:
Sorry to bring this subject up again but now I'm really confused. On another thread Zan doubted Kikapus race so as I understand it nobody is sure. Well I have made my decision on Kikapu, he's Greek/Greek Cypriot and nobody can convince me otherwise.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Another newby who thinks he is open minded then gives himself the title "Unitedwestand", then questions me on my ethnicity on the points I make for the good of all Cypriots. :lol: :lol: :lol:

It did not take you too long to get yourself all tangled up to be just another confused individual who can't accept the wrong doings of his side and the continuation of daily violation of Human Rights to thousands of Cypriots. He ignores all that, to claim to have reached his big revelation on who I may or may not be. :lol: :lol:

And I thought you meant what you preached with your title. :lol: :lol:

You only have few posts to date, so it is not too late for you to change your title to "United-I-Stand", because "no one can convince you otherwise". :lol: :lol:

There goes any credibility you may have thought you have had with yourself and your inner intuition. :lol: :lol:

Better get yourself another "Brain" to guide you through others point of view, because your present one has let you down big time, unless of course you are part of the Neo-Partition team, then it all makes sense, therefore you do not need a new Brain.!!!

Kipaku, whats with the attitude? Why question my brain and whats with the insults. I didn't mean to offend. I was merely guessing your nationality. This does not affect my desire for a united Cyprus. Have I offended you by saying that I believe you are a Greek or a GC?

I have no problem with either of them. I only have reservations about a reunited Cyprus when the likes of Oracle Phoenix Kifeas Sotos Piratis GR and the like come into the equation. In a post I listed the same names including yours. You, and the listed are hardliners and will endanger the peace process for the island.

So please do not be offended. If you are a TC (and I don't believe you are) then something terrible must have happened to you or your family to make you hate TCs so much. Perhaps you can share these awful experiences with us.

I don't have an attitude. I'm just wasting my time talking with idiots that are incapable of working out anything in their heads, even after they are told the facts. Have I not explained to you already who I am, and yet you ask questions. If you weren't so brain dead, you would be able to work it out yourself. But it is more than that. I don't believe who you are. You have been on the forum 3 short weeks, and you have already come to conclusions about everyone that does not agree with anything that goes on in the "TRNC". For someone who is brain dead, that is quiet an achievement, so that's why I think you are a impostor. Funny enough, VP is there to support your position every time. Is the picture getting a little clearer for you now.??

Lets see what you have said so far.

1. You don't believe I'm a TC because I make arguments against the Neo Partitionist and the leadership of the "TRNC". It's too painful to hear the truth from a TC, so he must be a GC.

VP holds the same views.!!

2. You call me a "Hardliner". What the hell does that mean. You have been on the forum for 3 weeks and you know me already. Then you say that you cannot share a country with the likes of Kikapu, Oracle, Piratis, Kifeas, Sotos and so on. So, not only you have figured me out, but also others for some one who is Brain Dead.

VP also has the same views.

3. You ask why I hate the TC's so much and that if I was a TC, then some Turks must have done something terrible wrong to me for me to hate the TC's.

Same views that VP holds.

But here is your dead giveaway that you are not who you say you are. Along with all the names you gave above which VP loves to hate, you made one big mistake and added the name PHOENIX. How the hell would you know anything about Phoenix when the last time she posted was on;

"Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 11:42 am Subject: Kosovo's UDI Recognized by TRNC"
and the one before that was on
"Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 9:55 pm Subject: For Phoenix"

That is well over 3 weeks before you even joined the forum.

Now you are going to tell me that you have been reading the forum for a long time and you know all these members political stands.

And I think you are full of shit.

Sorry my brain dead friend, but "unitedwestand" is no other than "Viewpoint". He gets you to create false questions about me and others, then he steps in to validate your points. So many times, he comes right after your posts to add his validation points, even if it's few hours after your initial posts, but he is there before others. Clever trick for a Neo Partitionist, but not enough to outsmart Kikapu.

Better luck next time VP.

Here is what "Unitedwestand" looks like. The avatar says it all.!!

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Postby Get Real! » Wed Apr 02, 2008 10:54 am

Kikapu wrote:Here is what "Unitedwestand" looks like. The avatar says it all.!!


In VP's defense, doesn't his avatar allow him up to 5 characters? :lol:
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Postby Kikapu » Wed Apr 02, 2008 11:01 am

Get Real! wrote:
Kikapu wrote:Here is what "Unitedwestand" looks like. The avatar says it all.!!


In VP's defense, doesn't his avatar allow him up to 5 characters? :lol:

And he has used them over and over again in the past.

Even a cat only gets to have 9 lives.

He must be some kind of a PUSSY.!!
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Postby Kikapu » Wed Apr 02, 2008 11:19 am

zan wrote:Isn't the top part the story of your family...Now you have converted back to being a Greek so I wouldn't throw stones if I were you.......

Isn't a little bit too early in the morning for you to be getting stoned on Hashish Pinocchio.!!

At least wait until the afternoon to talk gibberish. :idea:

I haven't had my coffee yet for Allah sake. :lol: :lol:
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Postby Viewpoint » Wed Apr 02, 2008 4:32 pm

Kikapu wrote:
unitedwestand wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
unitedwestand wrote:
Sorry to bring this subject up again but now I'm really confused. On another thread Zan doubted Kikapus race so as I understand it nobody is sure. Well I have made my decision on Kikapu, he's Greek/Greek Cypriot and nobody can convince me otherwise.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Another newby who thinks he is open minded then gives himself the title "Unitedwestand", then questions me on my ethnicity on the points I make for the good of all Cypriots. :lol: :lol: :lol:

It did not take you too long to get yourself all tangled up to be just another confused individual who can't accept the wrong doings of his side and the continuation of daily violation of Human Rights to thousands of Cypriots. He ignores all that, to claim to have reached his big revelation on who I may or may not be. :lol: :lol:

And I thought you meant what you preached with your title. :lol: :lol:

You only have few posts to date, so it is not too late for you to change your title to "United-I-Stand", because "no one can convince you otherwise". :lol: :lol:

There goes any credibility you may have thought you have had with yourself and your inner intuition. :lol: :lol:

Better get yourself another "Brain" to guide you through others point of view, because your present one has let you down big time, unless of course you are part of the Neo-Partition team, then it all makes sense, therefore you do not need a new Brain.!!!

Kipaku, whats with the attitude? Why question my brain and whats with the insults. I didn't mean to offend. I was merely guessing your nationality. This does not affect my desire for a united Cyprus. Have I offended you by saying that I believe you are a Greek or a GC?

I have no problem with either of them. I only have reservations about a reunited Cyprus when the likes of Oracle Phoenix Kifeas Sotos Piratis GR and the like come into the equation. In a post I listed the same names including yours. You, and the listed are hardliners and will endanger the peace process for the island.

So please do not be offended. If you are a TC (and I don't believe you are) then something terrible must have happened to you or your family to make you hate TCs so much. Perhaps you can share these awful experiences with us.

I don't have an attitude. I'm just wasting my time talking with idiots that are incapable of working out anything in their heads, even after they are told the facts. Have I not explained to you already who I am, and yet you ask questions. If you weren't so brain dead, you would be able to work it out yourself. But it is more than that. I don't believe who you are. You have been on the forum 3 short weeks, and you have already come to conclusions about everyone that does not agree with anything that goes on in the "TRNC". For someone who is brain dead, that is quiet an achievement, so that's why I think you are a impostor. Funny enough, VP is there to support your position every time. Is the picture getting a little clearer for you now.??

Lets see what you have said so far.

1. You don't believe I'm a TC because I make arguments against the Neo Partitionist and the leadership of the "TRNC". It's too painful to hear the truth from a TC, so he must be a GC.

VP holds the same views.!!

2. You call me a "Hardliner". What the hell does that mean. You have been on the forum for 3 weeks and you know me already. Then you say that you cannot share a country with the likes of Kikapu, Oracle, Piratis, Kifeas, Sotos and so on. So, not only you have figured me out, but also others for some one who is Brain Dead.

VP also has the same views.

3. You ask why I hate the TC's so much and that if I was a TC, then some Turks must have done something terrible wrong to me for me to hate the TC's.

Same views that VP holds.

But here is your dead giveaway that you are not who you say you are. Along with all the names you gave above which VP loves to hate, you made one big mistake and added the name PHOENIX. How the hell would you know anything about Phoenix when the last time she posted was on;

"Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 11:42 am Subject: Kosovo's UDI Recognized by TRNC"
and the one before that was on
"Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 9:55 pm Subject: For Phoenix"

That is well over 3 weeks before you even joined the forum.

Now you are going to tell me that you have been reading the forum for a long time and you know all these members political stands.

And I think you are full of shit.

Sorry my brain dead friend, but "unitedwestand" is no other than "Viewpoint". He gets you to create false questions about me and others, then he steps in to validate your points. So many times, he comes right after your posts to add his validation points, even if it's few hours after your initial posts, but he is there before others. Clever trick for a Neo Partitionist, but not enough to outsmart Kikapu.

Better luck next time VP.

Here is what "Unitedwestand" looks like. The avatar says it all.!!


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: what a plonker, as I say your mind makes things up and the funny part is you believe your own shit.
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Postby Viewpoint » Wed Apr 02, 2008 4:52 pm

Let me ask you a simple question. Why would a British person get a "TRNC Citizenship" other than the British TC's of course, which are given automatically anyway. What is the purpose. It's not for travel. It's not for the "TRNC" cause, what ever they may be. So what is the reason. Well, actually I know the reasons since you won't give me a straight answers anyway, I'll tell you.

Most Brits have lived here in the TRNC for many years and only then can they get citizenship. Those that only come here to buy property do not automatically get citizenship, just like other countries.

You say you get along just fine with the British. Why would I be surprised by that.?? There are only 5,000 non TC Brits in the North, and the only reason anyone of the 5,000 would become a "TRNC citizen" is to buy as much stolen GC land as they wish, and you are only too happy to sell it to them. Foreigners are only limited to 1 Donum, but a "citizen" can buy as much as they want. So naturally you all get along just fine. One Morally Corrupted needs to support the other Morally Corrupted. You believe that the UK will not push for any land giveback to the GC's settlement, if it means it will hurt their own citizens. I can't wait to see these criminals lose their money they have spent on stolen property.

You are right there are around 5000 Brits who are not TC Brits who have citizenship in the north they can buy as much land as they wish we do not discriminate against our citizens, only those who are not TRNC citizens like yourself.

But anyway, in a True Federation, the laws in each of the two states will only vary very little, since the Federal Laws in place is what will safeguard all citizens in either of the two states, therefore it would not make any difference where anyone will live. You cannot make any laws that will supersede the Federal Laws in True Federation, may be the reasons as to why you do not want a True Federation.

Who said we were going to make any laws to supersede the Federal laws which were firmly agreed prior to any solution containing sufficient safeguards that will protect everyone rights.

No body said you were not joint owners of Cyprus. I said that you are not the sole owners of the North. You do not have the sole guardianship to do as you please in the future. Anything that goes on now, is only temporary, so enjoy it while it lasts.

We have and will enjoy the TRNC for as long as we feel there is nothing better on offer. Becoming a minority in a GC state run by GCs is far far worse than what we have today so we will never accept such terms.

If you want to live in a True Federation and a True Democracy, then you will have to abide by the same rules as everyone else that it is practiced in all the other countries in Europe and the West. If not, you can move to Turkey and leave the rest of the decent peace loving TC's to get on with their life in peace and freedom in Cyprus.

I'm not going anywhere, and any laws accepted by TCs in a comprehensive solution I will abide by as being in the majority we will get the safeguards we need to create a BBF with political equality.

If America can develop with ethnic groups from around the world, then it will be many times easier to do the same in Cyprus under a True Federation. The rest are just excuses by the Neo Partitionist.

I disagree GCs and TCs are not politically mature enough to build one people we need many many more years of safeguards to build trust and cooperation none of which exists today.

Since you get along well with the British, they can intervene if you want, or else, as a Neo Partitionist don't cause any trouble along with the GC Nationalists and we will be OK. Those who cause trouble to create ethnic division, should face public firing squad 1 day after being sentenced. That should keep all you trouble makers in place.

I would prefer Brits to GCs or the crap EU.

I have answered you question. I said "Most of them should leave. Those who are married and have kids should stay. The rest should go back to their own countries." I should have empathised, that those married to Cypriots and have children with them should stay and the rest should leave. I did not say settlers should go and not the Pontiac's. Do you have a problem understanding simple sentences.??

Was the above really necessary, only trying to clear a point.

Is your subconscious mind talking again or is it really you with the above statement.

It was done on purpose, to get the above reaction and prompt thought.

No veto power. Anything you feel strongly that you think will harm the TC's, put it in writing in the New Constitution. If it's illegal to vote on anything, then it will not be voted on, just like Slavery cannot be voted to make it legal again in the USA, unless the Constitution is amended. There can be many safeguards built in on how a constitution be amended, to a point, that it will most definitely will need the TC's approval. If you don't trust the Constitution to protect your interests, then what good is a Veto Power.??

Put the safeguards where ever you wish but the fact that we have to be protected against the GC majority is a red line for TCs, GCs can never take decisions without us otherwise no deal. We trusted the constitution before but GCs even opposed a supreme court judgement and did not abide by the rules, what do you suggest we put in the constitution to make sure they do and they know the penalty before hand?
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Postby zan » Wed Apr 02, 2008 8:53 pm

Don't know why you are bothering VP but more power to your elbow mate..Kik the Greek is talking as if he is ten years old and is not making a single point....I do like his Columboesque :? Summing up though...... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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