Kikapu wrote:unitedwestand wrote:
Sorry to bring this subject up again but now I'm really confused. On another thread Zan doubted Kikapus race so as I understand it nobody is sure. Well I have made my decision on Kikapu, he's Greek/Greek Cypriot and nobody can convince me otherwise.
Another newby who thinks he is open minded then gives himself the title "Unitedwestand", then questions me on my ethnicity on the points I make for the good of all Cypriots.![]()
It did not take you too long to get yourself all tangled up to be just another confused individual who can't accept the wrong doings of his side and the continuation of daily violation of Human Rights to thousands of Cypriots. He ignores all that, to claim to have reached his big revelation on who I may or may not be.![]()
And I thought you meant what you preached with your title.![]()
You only have few posts to date, so it is not too late for you to change your title to "United-I-Stand", because "no one can convince you otherwise".![]()
There goes any credibility you may have thought you have had with yourself and your inner intuition.![]()
Better get yourself another "Brain" to guide you through others point of view, because your present one has let you down big time, unless of course you are part of the Neo-Partition team, then it all makes sense, therefore you do not need a new Brain.!!!
Kipaku, whats with the attitude? Why question my brain and whats with the insults. I didn't mean to offend. I was merely guessing your nationality. This does not affect my desire for a united Cyprus. Have I offended you by saying that I believe you are a Greek or a GC?
I have no problem with either of them. I only have reservations about a reunited Cyprus when the likes of Oracle Phoenix Kifeas Sotos Piratis GR and the like come into the equation. In a post I listed the same names including yours. You, and the listed are hardliners and will endanger the peace process for the island.
So please do not be offended. If you are a TC (and I don't believe you are) then something terrible must have happened to you or your family to make you hate TCs so much. Perhaps you can share these awful experiences with us.