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Info from Cypriot Electricians Please

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Info from Cypriot Electricians Please

Postby Cyprus4MeSoon » Sat Mar 29, 2008 5:38 pm

Hi, We are having an issue with our developer over how the cable for the lighting has been fitted. We have beamed ceilings and asked for the cable to be drilled through the actual beam so that a light fitting could be attached without any cable showing.

Now we have a picture sent to us, but the cable is coming through the panel at the side of the beam! This is not what we wanted or were promised. On confronting the developer they gave the following answer.....

The reason is that by drilling the beans wicken the beam. The light fittings are fitted on the side of the beam(that's why the wire is so closed to the beam) with a box and then the light fitting is connected and no wire is shown.

Though we are not electrIcians, we have worked for the building industry and feel that drilling a hole of 10mm dia would not weaken the beams!

Could anyone give me further information on this, the reason I ask for info from a Cypriot electrictian is that I do not want UK rules and regulations but Cypriot ones.

Hope someone is able to give us some information.

Many thanks


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Postby Get Real! » Sat Mar 29, 2008 6:12 pm

Add a small panel of the same wood to cover the width of two beams and drill a hole in it's center to route the cable so that the light fixture will be perfectly centered between two beams and lowered away from the beams.
See drawing...

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Postby Nurgary » Sat Mar 29, 2008 6:55 pm

Get Real! wrote:Add a small panel of the same wood to cover the width of two beams and drill a hole in it's center to route the cable so that the light fixture will be perfectly centered between two beams and lowered away from the beams.
See drawing...


A typical Cyprus solution - the panel would look worse than the cable does now. A bodge job.

Builder should have done as he promised even if he had to upgrade the timber size or put in an addition one.
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Postby Get Real! » Sat Mar 29, 2008 7:03 pm

Nurgary wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Add a small panel of the same wood to cover the width of two beams and drill a hole in it's center to route the cable so that the light fixture will be perfectly centered between two beams and lowered away from the beams.
See drawing...


A typical Cyprus solution - the panel would look worse than the cable does now. A bodge job.

Builder should have done as he promised even if he had to upgrade the timber size or put in an addition one.

I would've made lamp platforms on all beam ceilings in the first place because lamps hanging off beams or in-between beams look crap.
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Postby Cyprus4MeSoon » Sat Mar 29, 2008 7:16 pm

We originally said that we wanted wall light and none on the ceiling. We were told and sort of understood :? that this would make the ceiling area look very dark and in turn the rooms looks dark...which we do not want.

The solution from the developer was that we should have lights from the ceiling, but since we have an issue with cables showing, they said the cable would come out of the beams. Then a light fitting could be attached without any cable being fittied, they still say this can be achieved!!! but I do not see how. :?

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Postby Cyprus4MeSoon » Sat Mar 29, 2008 7:19 pm

Nurgary wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Add a small panel of the same wood to cover the width of two beams and drill a hole in it's center to route the cable so that the light fixture will be perfectly centered between two beams and lowered away from the beams.
See drawing...


A typical Cyprus solution - the panel would look worse than the cable does now. A bodge job.

Builder should have done as he promised even if he had to upgrade the timber size or put in an addition one.

I agree as far as it looking worse than it does now.....and hoping there is a better solution to this :cry:
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Postby Get Real! » Sat Mar 29, 2008 7:30 pm

The brightness of a room is dependant on the TYPE of lighting fixture used and light wattage because some are designed for the wall and some for the ceiling. If the lighting fixture is chosen correctly, both locations can provide plenty of light.

I'm pretty sure the guy drilling missed the center of the beam which explains why he is so close to it so unfortunately you are now in “damage control” and that can only mean two things...

1. Block the bad hole with something brown that camouflages it and drill again.
2. Or use my platform trick.

PS: Having just spent 3 exhausting years building my house here in Cyprus I wouldn’t even dream of doing it from across the seas… :lol:
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Postby Cyprus4MeSoon » Sat Mar 29, 2008 7:44 pm

Get Real... Thank you for all your info. The guy drilling the holes must have been having a bad day, as he drilled the hole in the same location in ALL the rooms :lol: :cry:
We thought the same, that we would block the hole and drill again, but I wanted to go back to the developer and tell them ( I know...its just a told you so :lol: ) that they are talking rubbish about the weaking of the beams.

I agree with you that I would tell everyone NOT to do do this from afar. Our developer (probably like so many!) seemed very good and problems are only now arising when it should be finished in 4 weeks time!!!! We will see! :roll:
Thanks again
Wendie :wink:
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