pantheman wrote:Nurgary wrote:pantheman wrote:tessintrnc wrote:I am going to the Karpas in May with my daughter and her family, my Grandsons are exited about the wild donkeys - but I don't think they appreciate that aren't for donkey rides!!!!!
I would like to go to the Karpass, as thats where my family are from, but under threat of being abducted and killed and become another missing person no fear. I have Land in the Karpass region, shame, I may never see it again.
As for the Israelis in the south, what utter bollocks you are spreading TrashinTRNC. Take a hike woman, you have caused enough heart ache as it is ?
Shit, you people never stop, I am surprised Halil never came out with it first, he usually spreads this kind of propoganda to keep stiring the hatred.
As for Nurgary, he's just a thieving developer taking advantage of the GC losses until his time comes, then we will be having the last laugh.
How many GC's have been abducted and killed or gone missing since the Border opened?
Many GC's go to the Karpas so don't attempt to post you would be in any danger if you visited.
I am fully legal in the TRNC and take advantage of nobody - If GC's want they can apply to the Property Commission so they are not disadvantaged.
Another hypocrite talks. Don't you remeber, we are the Evil GCs, we are out to wipe you out, oh we needs assurances help!
How many TCs have been abducted and killed since the borders opened? There you have it, its all about me me me again.
Moreover, how on earth can you be legal in an illegal state re, its a contratiction of terms. There is nothing legal about the TRNC and hence nothing legal about you either. Simple!
The property what, what the F is that another pseudo illegal entity to try and get yourselves recognised, dream on buster. Its a mickey mouse state as are all the other so called spin offs.
Halil, calm down, you are going to have a heart attack if you carry on like that. Spreading shit, just because your TV stations puts it out doesn't make it true or correct. You are just spreading whatever propoganda they tell you like a good little boy. As for warning people about going to the North, well someone has to, after we can't have people falling foul of the law now can we.
Northern Cyprus is true a lovely place shame you have to hold it under gunpoint.
Dream on, your time will come and then we'll see.
Have a nice day.
Nurgary wrote:Think it's because Israel allowed the TRNC to open a trade office there - The South attempted to put pressure on them to block it opening and Israeli Government just looked down on them and said "Who the f**k are you - grow up and stop crying and moaning".
Travel Warning for Cyprus
( Counter-Terrorism Bureau Director Brigadier-General Nitzan Nuriel warned Friday that Muslim terrorists may attempt to kidnap Israeli citizens in Cyprus. The threat is “concrete,” intelligence officials said. Business owners who are called to Cyprus to sign a last-minute deal should have the other party meet them in Israel instead, Nuriel said.
Officials have warned that Hizbullah is likely to attempt revenge attacks on Israel 40 days after the death of arch-terrorist Imad Mughniyeh. Mughniyeh was killed in a bombing in Syria, and Hizbullah blamed Israel for the death. Cyprus is a particularly likely site of revenge attacks because of its proximity to Lebanon, they said.
tessintrnc wrote:I was amazed to read in the news that the Israeli Security Agency Shin Bet and the secret service Mossad have issued warnings to Israelis not to travel to South Cyprus for fear of being attacked or abducted!!! Has anyone else heard about this? Why are Israelis not welcome in the South? Who would be behind attacking, or abducting them?
Get Real! wrote:tessintrnc wrote:I was amazed to read in the news that the Israeli Security Agency Shin Bet and the secret service Mossad have issued warnings to Israelis not to travel to South Cyprus for fear of being attacked or abducted!!! Has anyone else heard about this? Why are Israelis not welcome in the South? Who would be behind attacking, or abducting them?
Which news? Don't EVER start a thread like this unless you're prepared to back your claims with credible links. I think 24 hours from now is plenty of time for you to build your case so get to work or withdraw your claim altogether, thank you.
“Counter-Terrorism Bureau Director Brigadier-General Nitzan Nuriel warned Friday that Muslim terrorists may attempt to kidnap Israeli citizens in Cyprus”
Nurgary wrote:Think it's because Israel allowed the TRNC to open a trade office there - The South attempted to put pressure on them to block it opening and Israeli Government just looked down on them and said "Who the f**k are you - grow up and stop crying and moaning".
Sotos wrote:Israel - USA - UK - Turkey. The axis of evil that kills thousands of people around the world. Those who support the criminal regimes in those 4 countries are criminal assholes themselves.
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