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Boot camp

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Boot camp

Postby markwoods39 » Fri Mar 28, 2008 9:54 am

As the UK is getting worse and worse, with young kids drinking and smoking on the streets, what do you think the answer is to this problem. When i was a young boy i had to be indoors before dark, and if i gave any cheek out to anyone i would have got a slap for it. If i was naughty at school i would have got the slipper.

If a teacher give the slipper now ,they class it as an assault, and he she would be arrested for it. It a mad mad world we live in today. I think we should bring in boot camps, for 10 to 16 year old, and the national service 16 to 18.

What do you think should be done
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Postby Nurgary » Fri Mar 28, 2008 10:04 am

Back to the old days - slipper / cane / strap at school and at home. Police giving you a clip around eye and taking you home and if Father not there asking you Mum if she wanted you belted by them. There was respect then but not now.
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Postby BC Numismatics » Fri Mar 28, 2008 10:12 am

I reckon that boot camps should be introduced,plus conscription should be brought back.Those who commit the most heinous crimes,including child abuse,murder,& drug trafficking deserve nothing less than to be given the Saddam Hussein treatment - in public! The Saddam Hussein treatment is also what faggots,lesbians,& 'transsexuals' deserve anyway!

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Postby markwoods39 » Fri Mar 28, 2008 10:16 am

Well we do need to do something, before it to late. I do not blame the parent's, for today's youth behavior. I blame the government, for putting all these silly rules in place. If i smacked my child, i would get arrested, but if my child got into trouble with the police for not controlling my child, i get the blame for not being a good parent.

But must say i have been lucky with our 2 boys they have grown up to be fine young men at last, but they where little sh?t when younger, and gave us so much sh?t as we would not let them out at nights after dark. But it paid off in the end.
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Postby markwoods39 » Fri Mar 28, 2008 10:20 am

BC Numismatics wrote:I reckon that boot camps should be introduced,plus conscription should be brought back.Those who commit the most heinous crimes,including child abuse,murder,& drug trafficking deserve nothing less than to be given the Saddam Hussein treatment - in public! The Saddam Hussein treatment is also what faggots,lesbians,& 'transsexuals' deserve anyway!


I do not think that the answer, if we brought back hanging in public we would be just as bad as them really. But i do agree murder child abuse ect ect should be dealt with the death penalty.
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Postby BC Numismatics » Fri Mar 28, 2008 10:21 am

A similar problem occurs over here in New Zealand.If you give your kid a smack,you can get had up for assault.It offends me that New Zealand has the highest rate of child abuse in the entire British Commonwealth.The morally bankrupt & extremely corrupt politicians never listen to the people.If I had my way,the politicians who support letting criminals off the hook deserve nothing less than to be given the Saddam Hussein treatment.They're the same idiots who voted for 'civil unions' ('faggot marriage' by the back door).

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Postby cyprusgrump » Fri Mar 28, 2008 10:35 am

BC Numismatics wrote:Mark,
A similar problem occurs over here in New Zealand.If you give your kid a smack,you can get had up for assault.It offends me that New Zealand has the highest rate of child abuse in the entire British Commonwealth.The morally bankrupt & extremely corrupt politicians never listen to the people.If I had my way,the politicians who support letting criminals off the hook deserve nothing less than to be given the Saddam Hussein treatment.They're the same idiots who voted for 'civil unions' ('faggot marriage' by the back door).


You really are a sick bastard Aidan, would you really like to see this on every street corner...?
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Postby BC Numismatics » Fri Mar 28, 2008 11:03 am

Cyprusgrump,showing a public execution live on T.V. would also send a strong message to anyone who contemplates committing a violent crime or trafficks drugs.

Faggots,lesbians,& 'transsexuals' ARE abominations who deserve nothing less than being put to death anyway! You will find the answer in the Books of Leviticus & Romans.You can read about it here; .

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Postby markwoods39 » Fri Mar 28, 2008 11:17 am

BC Numismatics wrote:Cyprusgrump,showing a public execution live on T.V. would also send a strong message to anyone who contemplates committing a violent crime or trafficks drugs.

Faggots,lesbians,& 'transsexuals' ARE abominations who deserve nothing less than being put to death anyway! You will find the answer in the Books of Leviticus & Romans.You can read about it here; .


Aidan can i ask why you are such against gays please. As you live in a nice country, i can not understand why you have these views. People are people, and they cannot help the way they feel about another human person. As long they do not force it on to me, then they should do what they like. I do believe it should be just man and woman, but times are changing, and who am i to judge away. Let them be only live the once Aidan so make the most of it
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Postby BC Numismatics » Fri Mar 28, 2008 11:26 am

Faggots are subhuman filth who abuse children,especially Pope Bentdick's priests.Times have changed alright - for the worst!

Yes,I was even abused by a couple of filthy faggots,of which one was left off the hook,& was bashed up over a week later for abusing children.I told the woman who told me,"It deserves nothing less than to be put down.If I had my way,I'd personally put it to death myself!".

Homosexuality IS a mental illness.Those who say it isn't are full of shite,in addition to being pro-faggots!

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