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Postby bilako22 » Thu May 22, 2008 12:52 am

Get Real! wrote:
xxNilxx wrote:Don't worry Grivas, one day we will all get our revenge 8) Also I am very proud of the TMT and fully support them 8) It's just a shame they didn't get you and GayReek :?

Unkie GR reminds Gotsiros that TMT got beaten to a pulp by EOKA, which explains why TMT grandpa gone to a better place… Image

Are you really proud of the murder of TCs by EOKA? How about the GCs they also murdered?
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Postby repulsewarrior » Thu May 22, 2008 2:21 am

...the knife cuts both ways.
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Postby Muzzy70 » Thu May 22, 2008 8:02 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Muzzy70 wrote:I would not be surprised if the international community says to you, ' look, you rejected the Annan Plan, you cannot agree about a joint future together so division is now the end game.'

Muzzy, I thought you came here to have an intelligent conversation not spill your heart out of all its wishful thinking... Image

Oh dear .....again Greek Cypriots in their comfort zones, so convinced that the TRNC will never be recognised. We'll be having the last laugh if and when up-coming negotiations end in failure.

There are also spurious G/C statements on this site about how different Cyprus/TRNC is when compared to Kosovo. In fact the similarities are striking.

1: Kosovar Albanians were a community of Serbia with equal rights and rights of power with the Serbs. Such rights were usurped leading to the oppression of the Kosovar community over a lengthy period of time, including the withdrawal of political rights. Greater Serb nationalism leads to the massacre and expulsion of Kosovar Albanians. NATO intervenes in order to protect the Kosovar Albanians and as a result Kosovo is de-facto seperated from Serbia. Negotiations take place between both communities but fail. Kosovo declares independence resulting in recognition from certain states, but interestingly not from the Greek Republic of Cyprus and Greece, not surprising as both countries are fearful that a precedant has been set regarding the potential future status of the TRNC. Oh the irony !

So the experience of the Kosovo Albanians is paractically a mirror image of the experiences of the Turkish Cypriot community. Equal citizens with power, subsequently repressed and oppressed by a nationalistic 'government' intent on uniting with Greece, massacred and expelled (in particular from Dec 1963 onwards) and saved from annihilation by Turkey in 1974. Failed breakdown in negotiations, let's say in 2009, leads to re-assertion of Turkish Cypriot independence and subsequent recognition from certian countries. This WILL happen Greek Cyp's so accept that your comfort zone is coming to an end. :lol:
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Postby repulsewarrior » Thu May 22, 2008 9:15 pm

...this attitude will lead to the extinction of Cypriots as this island's dwellers, only serving the nature of our subjugation to divide us by "Nationality".

given that all the displaced have a Right to Return. given that Cypriots chose their Sovereignty, to represent themselves as the stewards of this island, instead of tearing it in two, as a Family, Mankind has hoped that the Interlocutors could overcome their own desires.

what is right is right, i work for that.

will you read the Manifesto?
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