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Challenge to the political obsessives............

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Challenge to the political obsessives............

Postby Talisker » Thu Mar 27, 2008 3:12 pm

So many apparently non-political threads are hijacked by forumers with political interests. I challenge all forumers to find a topic that cannot be rationally turned into a GC/TC/Greek/Turkish/British/USA/AN Other political slanging match.

My starters:




Escherichia coli


Van Gogh

Britney Spears

Mary, Queen of Scots

The ballpoint pen

Salt 'n Vinegar crisps

A grain of sand (too easy perhaps)
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Postby tessintrnc » Thu Mar 27, 2008 4:02 pm

Good luck !!! :wink:
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Postby Talisker » Thu Mar 27, 2008 10:17 pm

Best kebabs? :wink:
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Postby LENA » Fri Mar 28, 2008 12:15 am

Probably Grump and Mark will love the lollipops thread! :lol: :lol:
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Salt 'n Vinegar crisps

Postby bill cobbett » Fri Mar 28, 2008 1:07 am

Salt 'n vinegar crisps. Never mind Delia and Shakespeare, these little bags are the very essence of GB cuisine and culture.


... Chased out of the north by a flock of Emperor Penguins
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Re: Salt 'n Vinegar crisps

Postby Oracle » Fri Mar 28, 2008 9:37 am

bill cobbett wrote:Salt 'n vinegar crisps. Never mind Delia and Shakespeare, these little bags are the very essence of GB cuisine and culture.


... Chased out of the north by a flock of Emperor Penguins

bill dear ... despite my howls of laughter from your lovely bye-lines ... I must correct the use of "flock" .... (English language, huh ... can't beat it! :roll: ) ....

Here are the acceptable collective nouns for penguins:

colony of penguins
crèche of penguins
huddle of penguins
parcel of penguins
rookery of penguins


.... chased off the forum for pedantry by angry bill :shock:
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Postby miltiades » Fri Mar 28, 2008 9:56 am

Here is also another term correctly used !!!

"""Do you say a flock of penguins or do you say a school of penguins?

You say a flock of penguins.
because school is used in terms of fish """
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Re: Salt 'n Vinegar crisps

Postby Talisker » Fri Mar 28, 2008 10:06 am

bill cobbett wrote:Salt 'n vinegar crisps. Never mind Delia and Shakespeare, these little bags are the very essence of GB cuisine and culture.


... Chased out of the north by a flock of Emperor Penguins

Right Bill, you've f.....g asked for it now! How dare you, you useless piece of s..t. You, my friend, have blown open the whole salt 'n vinegar crisps issue, and I have had it up to here mate, yeah right up to here, with your fascist, racist comments. Haven't you read UN resolution 6666666666666666? Look at the f.....g 1960 constitution mate..........have you ever read Article 35, paragraph 4, line 3? You doubting me? Well, check this out, this is the definitive proof............

How dare you make your outrageous claims about the essence of 'GB' cuisine. What the f..k do you know? Everyone knows Spudilukes grow the best potatoes (correct name 'tatties'), and any claims elsewhere are fraudulent and illegal. I'll drag you through the international courts unless you watch out, you m..........r. Where do you think the best salt comes from? Akrotiri mate, and don't you forget it. Those b.......s in the north might not believe it, but us b......ds in the south f......g know it mate. OK, the best vinegar comes from the north - they call it wine - but it's great on those chips.

Y'see Bill (and obviously you don't because you are a complete f......g moron because of what you wrote) the problems all started when Golden Wonder thought they could take over the Walkers empire. But McCoys set up the consitution and kept a big chunk of the territory for themselves. Any excuse and Golden Wonder were in there. And we're the ones that suffered Bill, all because of that. No one suffered as much as us Bill, you'd better believe it.

Bill, you have personally insulted me with you comments about Delia and Shakespeare. Don't you know they are my Mum and Dad? Bill, I'll never forgive you for that, you idiotic m............r. As for GB cuisine - there is no such thing, everyone knows that, UK maybe, but GB - you are out of your mind Bill? - and to prove it I'm going to drink a vat of wine this evening and stay up until the wee small hours sending you more posts 'cos I always make more sense when I do it that way. You seriously need help Bill. :lol:

But speaking of 'doing it' nothing mixes better than sex and politics, and now you've mentioned salt 'n vinegar crisps you've really got me going. Bill, I've heard you've got a really cute butt :oops: , and maybe we could meet up sometime? Don't be McCoy Bill, you know you want to.............

I expect you'll come up with that crap about salt 'n vinegar being better than smoky bacon. Well, f..k you, Bill. Smoky bacon are the best. And I really mean that Bill 'cos I wrote it in big, red letters, and I even bolded it. Although, cheese 'n onion are good too. But I wrote that in blue, smaller font, and I didn't bold it, 'cos I'm not so sure about that.

Bill, we could not be more different. I really, really hate you. Look at our genes. Look at our memes. Bill, we are the same. We are brothers. We are all Spudulikes. I love you............. 8)

As for that penguin crap - Bill, don't get me started, you useless piece of f.....g s..t, you racist, communist, brotherly lover.
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Postby Gabira » Fri Mar 28, 2008 10:15 am

It doesn't matter what topic you want to start. You can not escape the fact that everything in this World is 3000 years Greek. And if it's not Greek, they will make it Greek ;)

So how can you avoid it ?
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Postby bill cobbett » Fri Mar 28, 2008 4:33 pm

Gabira wrote:It doesn't matter what topic you want to start. You can not escape the fact that everything in this World is 3000 years Greek. And if it's not Greek, they will make it Greek ;)

So how can you avoid it ?

Salt n vinegar crisps Greek? Maybe the salt and lemon variety. I've had some that have been past their sell by dates but not by 3000 years.

O. I must confess I knew "flock" wasn't right but it was late.

Talisker, get a life mate. You're clearly lacking in the taste bud dept. Everyone with an inkling of taste in this affair knows that Hedgehog flavour are to die for and don't start me off on pork scratchings.
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