Escherichia coli link to CyProb? No problem. Pity these poor Swedish soldiers................
E. Bäck, M. Jonsson and T. Wadström (1978). Enterotoxin-producing bacteria in stools from Swedish United Nations Soldiers in Cyprus.
Infection 6: 116-120.
A study was designed to establish the role of heatlabile enterotoxin producing Escherichia coli and other intestinal pathogens in diarrhoeal disease in Swedish soldiers of the United Nations' Force in Cyprus. Before leaving Sweden for Cyprus, no enteropathogens were isolated from the soldiers. The study was performed from October 1975 through January 1976 and in August 1976. Enterotoxigenic strains of E. coli, Citrobacter freundii, Enterobacter colacae and Klebsiella pneumoniae were the intestinal pathogens most frequently isolated from the cases of diarrhoea. Such strains were found in 14 of 79 diarrhoeal cases (18%) but also in 6 of 66 (9%) of next-bed-fellow controls and in 7 of 139 (5%) of healthy Cypriotic civilians. Few other pathogens were identified in the soldiers, but 9 of 139 (6%) of the Cypriots were carriers of cysts ofGiardia lamblia. The results indicate that enterotoxigenic bacteria were probably the most important cause of diarrhoea of those agents identified among the Swedish UN soldiers on Cyprus. Several soldiers were colonized with these strains without contracting diarrhoea.
No CyProb - no
E. coli prob for soldiers.