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Postal system, customs payments on books, video games, etc.

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Postal system, customs payments on books, video games, etc.

Postby Halyavchik » Wed Mar 26, 2008 9:48 am

I just moved to Cyprus after spending the last 7 years in Russia. I would always have books sent there from Amazon and if the sum of the order was less than USD 200, I wouldn't be charged a dime for import duties.

What's the policy here on Cyprus? Just need some good reading material and Wii games.

Is there a difference between ordering from or being that VAT is already added in their UK store?

What's the upper limit on books/video games/electronics before your asked to pay customs?

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Postby Raymanoff » Wed Mar 26, 2008 11:07 am

Halyavchikall, all info here:
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Postby Sotos » Wed Mar 26, 2008 2:01 pm

I ordered many times books from and I never had to pay any VAT or import taxes. My most expensive order was about $170 but they didn't even seem to care about how much it was. If you order from any EU site then there will be no additional VAT and no import tax regardless of what you order and how much it is. If you order electronics and such from outside EU then you will for sure pay VAT unless what you ordered is very very cheap, and you might pay import tax also. On what products there is import tax and how much it is only the people at the post office know after looking at a huge book they keep there. Once I ordered a camcorder from B&N in the USA. I had to pay VAT, but they told me I didn't have to pay import tax because on the box of the camcorder it said "digital". If it didn't say "digital" then they would consider it as analogue and I would have to pay import tax!! Also because the camcorder was over 500 pounds including the shipping I had to bring a customs officer to import it for me and fill some papers. In another discussion we some time ago some people said that in some other towns things can be more relaxed but in Limassol thats how it is.
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Postby Get Real! » Wed Mar 26, 2008 2:06 pm

A couple of years ago I bought an RB model car engine from the US at around half the Cyprus retail price and ended up paying another 35 odd pounds to the post office.

Is my post relevant? I haven't bothered to read the thread but Soto's beautiful set of hair pulled me like a magnet... :lol:
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Postby pantheman » Wed Mar 26, 2008 2:37 pm

Funny that, everytime i tried to order a book from Amazon and stated Cyprus as the destination country I would get a message saying we do not ship to that country.

So then I just give up and go elsewhere.
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Postby juliesewell » Wed Mar 26, 2008 6:49 pm

I think if it is books or Educational material they do not charge for goods coming in from USA but certain parcels do seem to find their way to the main post office for collection rather than the local post office. We have yet to get to the bottom of why some end up at the main post office but mostly, it seems to be bulky items.

If the package is from USA, the sender has to complete the Customs Declaration slip, which is attached to the outside of the parcel. This identifies the contents and the value. We have had to pay tax only once on a package coming in from Hong Kong and were charged the tax on the value of the goods and the postage amount combined...
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Postby jansler » Wed Mar 26, 2008 9:43 pm

Just hope that it arrives,i have had three pakages not turn up from the UK to Cyprus going back severalmonths???
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Postby Halyavchik » Thu Mar 27, 2008 4:24 pm

Thanks folks. So if I receive a package from Amazon not requiring customs payment, would I get a slip in my mailbox which I would then take to the post office or do they deliver straight to your door?
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Postby Crivens » Thu Mar 27, 2008 4:46 pm

No worries from anything I ordered in the EU. One electronic item I ordered from the USA (can't buy anywhere else at all) was declared by the sender at $100 I believe (was worth more) and I had to pay I think it was 17 Euro to get it out of the main post office in Limassol. No major worries.

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Postby Crivens » Thu Mar 27, 2008 4:48 pm

As for the slip, well I have ordered quite a bit from the EU and some of the items have come right to my door (when the front door of my building was not locked) and some were a slip in the postbox that I just nipped to the really nearby post office (loads of them here) and picked up (need passport for proof normally) for no charge whatsoever. Much like in the UK. The USA order I had to go to the main post office in town, but only slightly more annoying really.

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