xxNilxx wrote:a dove is a sign of peace
a turkey tastes good with peas
xxNilxx wrote:BTW... Umit bileceyni zanedmem bcos theres 2 places.. 1) Ahmet Kuafor 2) Somewhere called 'The Wall'..
Kimsenin fikri yok.. ama bana adres olarak 'Istanbul Caddesi, Lefkosa' yazdilar :S
LENA wrote:Very informative thread!
A thread that start with all Turkish that we(non Turkish speakers) do not understand anything from it, we know that Cyprus is moving but we fight for that too, we confuse Cyprus surrounded by peace with pies and peas and with a bird who carries a whole island as a present and finally Oracles name!
Nil, even if you think that only Turkish Cypriot will know your question you have to write it in English. We have British living on the island and might know and help you or someone might heard or visit that place you are looking for and can help...
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