Bananiot wrote:No offense but I thought the biggest clowns were his adversaries, such as Chrysostomos, Koulias and the rest of the known gang.
If he does manage to go through the reforms he will be the biggest hero of the republic for so far nobody dared touch this subject fearing the political cost, despite the fact the everybody agrees that reform of the system is long due.
The fact that he says some truths that are not palatable to the self proclaimed patriots is another plus for him.
As far as I know everything he's attampted has flopped. Reform of the education system has been placed on hold due to his insistence with proceeding with this policy. The result is he's now withdrawn this policy and he has accomplished in his 13 months in office nothing but hysteria, paranoia and paralysis of the education system.
You of all people know that the education system right now is in dire need of real reform and not this crusade that has stopped progress in everything else hapenning today.
Where did you get the idea that the reform programme has been placed on hold? It is in full swing and the groups that have been announced are working overitme. You are not very well informed DT. And please, it is not very wise to put the blame for age long blanders on a Minister that has been in charge for a year only. We are paying past mistakes and inadequencies DT.
Bananiot wrote:Where did you get the idea that the reform programme has been placed on hold? It is in full swing and the groups that have been announced are working overitme. You are not very well informed DT. And please, it is not very wise to put the blame for age long blanders on a Minister that has been in charge for a year only. We are paying past mistakes and inadequencies DT.
DT, you are just making anti government propaganda but basically you are doing the government a favour because you do not know what you are talking about. Education has been failing in this country because of a Soviet style education system that has been introduced by the previous governments. When there is central planning for everything - even for the quality of school textbooks - it follows that every government will find itself defending every controversial paragraph and map. This has been the story, here as well as in Greece and people that have become used to monophony will do everything in their power to prevent polyphony, that is, plurality of thought and ideas. This is quite obvious (in a minute small scale) here in this forum, where the single dimensionists are on a daily mission to scare off anyone that may have a different opinion to their conventional wisdom.
In this forum we all express our opinion and when it comes to facts and evidence you always lose the argument.
In this thread for example, you tried to make the argument that some of the heroes of the Greek revolution were supposedly Albanians because (according to you - this is not something I can confirm) some of their ancestors moved to Greece 7 centuries earlier. Even if what you claim was true, those people are 100% Greeks. Not only they speak Greek and are Greek Orthodox, but they also fought for a free Greece. When I made a comparison between these people and the Turkish Cypriots, you lost your words, and the argument.
Similarly, in the case of the education reform, you are only good in throwing slogans (and the minister the same). We all want to improve history courses in our schools, and nobody said that there is no place for improvement. The big difference is how each one of us realizes what "improvement" means. I, and most people, believe that improvement means making our history books reflecting the truth as close as possible. On the other hand, your aim is not the truth, but instead improving the image of the Turks and TCs.
When it comes to TCs especially, I find that our education system is extremely lenient to them, way more lenient than it is with GCs. Almost nothing is said about how the TCs started the inter-communal conflict in 1958 and their collaboration with the colonialists. Also, as we have found out recently, many of our missing from the war of 1974 were not killed by Turkish soldiers but actually by TCs.
So, you are now saying that our history as it is documented in school text books does not reflect the truth because it is too lenient to the Turkish Cypriots. Anthos Likavkis said something similar in Monday's debate but Makarios Drousiotis soon put him in his place. Tell me, Makarios said to him, one instance in the last 30 years where your newspaper gave even 5% justice to the Turkish Cypriots. Your newspaper always claims that we are 100% correct and the Turkish Cypriots 100% wrong. Likavkis swallowed his tongue.
Piratis, it is you who is lost for arguments and if you have not noticed it, every time you cannot find a ay out, you resort to 1571 and claim with seriousness that if the Ottoman had not come to Cyprus then, we would have been free as a bird.
The TCs are the reason we have been occupied by Turkey ... they did not want Cyprus to be anything but Turkish ruled ... either through the 1960 Constitution or thereafter. The TCs sided with the Turks, not Cyprus.
Bananiot wrote:So, you are now saying that our history as it is documented in school text books does not reflect the truth because it is too lenient to the Turkish Cypriots. Anthos Likavkis said something similar in Monday's debate but Makarios Drousiotis soon put him in his place. Tell me, Makarios said to him, one instance in the last 30 years where your newspaper gave even 5% justice to the Turkish Cypriots. Your newspaper always claims that we are 100% correct and the Turkish Cypriots 100% wrong. Likavkis swallowed his tongue.
Piratis, it is you who is lost for arguments and if you have not noticed it, every time you cannot find a ay out, you resort to 1571 and claim with seriousness that if the Ottoman had not come to Cyprus then, we would have been free as a bird.
Tell Makarios Drousiotis to come to the forum to debate with me and then we will see who will swallow his tongue.
Where did you see anything about 1571 in my previous post. It is true that the Turks have oppressed us for 100s of years until 1878, but the Cypriot people have shown an extreme amount of forgiveness for that.
Unfortunately the Turks did not appreciate the forgiveness that we have shown, and it was them again in the 1950s that collaborated with the Colonialists and in 1958 attacked the Greek Cypriots, starting in this way the inter-communal conflict.
Yes, in the conflict that the TCs started we fought as well, and some 100s of TCs got killed also, many of them innocent, just like the 1000s of innocent victims that we had.
A true history is one that presents all the facts. The truth is that the Cypriot people wanted nothing more than their freedom and self determination, and absolutely no harm to anybody else. For decades we have been asking to be allowed to peacefully and democratically decide the destiny of our own island, and the Imperialists (British/Turks) kept denying this to us. So in 1955 we revolted against the Imperialists, and the Turkish minority sided with the colonialists and it is them who started the inter-communal conflict with the aim to deny to the Cypriot people their self-determination and for them (Turks/British/TC minority) to have gains on the expense of the Cypriot people.
Black and white Piratis, as usual. Blaming all the Turkish Cypriots for all our misfortunes. Piratis, i am now going to speak with your language. I know 100's of TC's who love Cyprus 1000 times more than you and your kind who mindlesly and criminally, without taking into account the circumstances, turned Cyprus into hell because of your sick nationalist notions to unite us with Greece, whatever the cost. Happy?
Bananiot wrote:Black and white Piratis, as usual. Blaming all the Turkish Cypriots for all our misfortunes. Piratis, i am now going to speak with your language. I know 100's of TC's who love Cyprus 1000 times more than you and your kind who mindlesly and criminally, without taking into account the circumstances, turned Cyprus into hell because of your sick nationalist notions to unite us with Greece, whatever the cost. Happy?
Who I am blaming are the foreign Imperialists who want to deny to the Cypriot people their right of freedom and self-determination in order to serve their own interests on our expense. The TC minority is merely the excuse that those Imperialists used when Colonialism was outlawed and they had to find some other way to continue their control over Cyprus. Without Turkey and UK the TC minority would not have been able to harm Cyprus in any way, and they wouldn't even try.
We have every right for our self-determination on our own island, and self-determination means that if we want we can unite our island with whomever we democratically choose. How could it be fine for Cyprus to be under the Ottoman or British empires against the will of the Cypriot people and with Cypriots being subjects of those foreign empires, but not OK for Cyprus to be part of a country we democratically choose to belong, and where we would be equal citizens?
Cyprus was a "hell" for 100s of years because our freedom was denied to us. Or maybe for you everything was fine when we were oppressed under the British and Ottomans, and things became a "hell" only after we fought for our rights?
I know that you prefer to be a slave and do what you are ordered and live the "peaceful" life of the obedient slave. But for most people there are things much more important that this kind of "peace". Freedom, democracy and human rights are things that worth fighting for, and this is what we will continue to do, and we will never apologize to any foreign imperialist for fighting for our rights on our island.