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Hope You had a Happy 25th March ..... Revolution!

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Postby Oracle » Wed Mar 25, 2009 10:43 am

Bananiot wrote:Bouboulina was Albanian, just like Miaoulis and Kanaris. Odysseas Androutsos too and many others. The Souliotisses, who danced the Zaloggo dance and willingly jumped over the cliffs rather than surrender to the Turks, spoke only Albanian.

Ther above is dedicated to all sick nationalists of the forum.

Bananiot, why do you have to be such a racist? Anyway she was not Albanian, whatever that meant (in those days!) since she was born in Constantinople to Greek parents, lived on Hydra and Spetse.

You should stop condemning people because of any perceived "race" and instead judge them by their behaviour. :D
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Postby Oracle » Wed Mar 25, 2009 10:46 am

Raymanoff wrote:why do we have tp celebrate some other countries independence day?

You are not being asked to celebrate anything ... but it won't do you any harm to learn that a lot of the Greek Freedom Fighters of 1821 (including Boumboulina) helped Russia against the Otto-Turks. :D
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Postby Sotos » Wed Mar 25, 2009 11:16 am

Bananiot wrote:Bouboulina was Albanian, just like Miaoulis and Kanaris. Odysseas Androutsos too and many others.

Of course! It is obvious! Their names are totally Albanian. Half Albanians are named Odysseas and the other half Kanaris :lol: :lol: Kanaris later became the prime minister of Greece. Maybe he was talking to the Parliament in Albanian? :lol: And of course these people were all Muslim like Albanians are :lol: Yet more nonsense from Bananidiot. :roll:
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Postby Sotos » Wed Mar 25, 2009 11:19 am

Raymanoff wrote:why do we have tp celebrate some other countries independence day?

Because Cyprus is another country only because Turks and British didn't allow Cyprus to be free and part of Greece. We are the same nation.
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Postby Bananiot » Wed Mar 25, 2009 1:07 pm

Typically illeterate staff from our resident nationalists. At the time half the Albanian were orthodox and the rest muslim. The orthodox Albanians moved to Attiki during the 12th and the 13th centuries after the indeginous populated either left or was decimated by hunger, natural disasters or pirate attacks. In fact many places still have Albanian names like the new airport at Spata. Guess who Spata was.

The revolution did not start on March 25 either. It was not started by Palaion Patron Germanos nor did this obscure priest bless the Greek guns, as we are told at schools, because the church was against the uprising. The emblem, which we were told he raised to start the uprising did not even exist at the time. Lies, lies everywhere. What do such lies have to do with the ancient Greeks? Nothing of course but it is no secret that the present day inhabitants of Greece are barbarians that simply learned Greek. So are the resident forum barbarins
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Postby Get Real! » Wed Mar 25, 2009 1:21 pm

The 25th of March Greek liberation day is nothing but a slap in the face to enslaved Cyprus!

What exactly are some Greek Cypriots here celebrating on this day?

If Cyprus is “Greek” then why is she still enslaved by Turkey and some people even celebrating today, and if Cyprus is not “Greek” then why are you celebrating someone else’s holidays?

What EXACTLY are you celebrating today if not your stupidity?
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Postby Oracle » Wed Mar 25, 2009 1:47 pm

Bananiot wrote:Typically illeterate staff from our resident nationalists. At the time half the Albanian were orthodox and the rest muslim. The orthodox Albanians moved to Attiki during the 12th and the 13th centuries after the indeginous populated either left or was decimated by hunger, natural disasters or pirate attacks. In fact many places still have Albanian names like the new airport at Spata. Guess who Spata was.

The revolution did not start on March 25 either. It was not started by Palaion Patron Germanos nor did this obscure priest bless the Greek guns, as we are told at schools, because the church was against the uprising. The emblem, which we were told he raised to start the uprising did not even exist at the time. Lies, lies everywhere. What do such lies have to do with the ancient Greeks? Nothing of course but it is no secret that the present day inhabitants of Greece are barbarians that simply learned Greek. So are the resident forum barbarins

Thank you. I did clause whatever Albania meant at the time ... but was not asking for your version!

Anyway, why are you so pissed off? That some nation had the desire to free itself from slavery? Get over your Turko-slavos-philia Bananiot.
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Postby Oracle » Wed Mar 25, 2009 1:52 pm

Get Real! wrote: ... If Cyprus is “Greek” then why is she still enslaved by Turkey .....

Exactly GR!

Why didn't Cyprus rise up against the Otto-Turks like so many other regions of the then enslaved Hellenic world did?

Yes the Turks killed our priests and any one they thought would lead the way towards Freedom... But why did that stop us? The rest of the Greeks weren't exactly greeted with red carpets towards their fight for freedom!

Maybe we just have too many Bananiots!
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Postby Piratis » Wed Mar 25, 2009 1:59 pm

Bananiot as usual is trying to defend his Turkish friends who oppressed the Greek people and many others for centuries.

The Greek revolution is about the people who never surrender to foreign oppressors and they keep fighting for as long as it takes, even if they have to wait for 100s of years, and even when the odds are against them, until they win their freedom. This is what we are celebrating today, and it is this message that the traitors, who want to sell off our country to the Turks, hate.

Regarding the Albanians that moved to Greece many centuries ago, those people have since then fully assimilated and are more Greek than Bananiot will ever be.

If the Turks that moved to Cyprus just 4 centuries ago, with an invasion, who have not assimilated, and who have never fought along with the native Cypriots for freedom, deserve to be called "Cypriots" today, then surely those "Albanians" deserve to be called Greeks 1000 times. (and if you call them "Albanians" you would actually offend them)
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Postby Bananiot » Wed Mar 25, 2009 2:02 pm

You know nothing of the Cypriot history too, oracle. The Cypriots rose against foreign rule many times but of course they became dissilutioned every time mother Greece left them to the mercy of the invaders. However, when we start the uprising to expel the Turks, we will sign a secret agreement with Ertogan so that he kills no more than 20 000 of us, at most, suckers.
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