Since joining the EU, most prices have risen like a rocket. Of course, this is without excuse - it is just sheer profiteering for the most part. Many European goods (no import duties or tax) now cost 2 - 3 times what they cost in their country of origin, even small and light articles, where transport costs are negligible. I could give examples. OTOH, some, but not all, local goods are quite cheap. Local produce prices are ruled by the farmers. If something is scarce, then prices will shoot up. For example, Cyprus is renowned for its spuds, but a couple of years ago, between two crops, the price rose to as high as CYP 1.50 - 1.80/kg.
Although there are some cheap flights to popular destinations, regular airline tickets may cost 50% more in Cyprus for a given destination than if the ticket were bought at the other end.
Electricity is similar to elsewhere in Europe. Water is cheaper, but subject to potential rationing following dry winters. Both are on a sliding scale; the more you consume, the more you pay per unit (a negative quantity discount!!!

Luxury items are very expensive if they are imported.