markwoods39 wrote: And the people who never smoked who reading this post, please tell me what you think about people smoking ,how does it affect you.
I'm almost 53 years old and I have never, never, never smoked in my life, other than 2 joints (literally) about 25 years ago. As I was growing up, most family members and friends smoked which was not a bother to me from the smoke or the smell, but in the last 20 years or so and worse as I get older, I hate those who smoke anywhere where others are, no matter where it is. I hate their arrogant, inconsiderate, self centered attitudes, that just because it is a legal drug to purchase, that they have the right to exhale that shity smell that comes out of their mouths. There are those who would take the last drag from their cigarettes as they get on a train or a bus, then exhale once they are inside, which contaminates the air all around. I can smell a cigarette smoke from a good distance, specially if I'm downwind. Then I see parents pushing their baby in a pram while they are smoking. I swear, I feel like slapping these people sometimes. Smokers have this naive attitude, or perhaps it is their denial of the truth, that only those who smoke are harmed and not others around them. Anyway, to cut a long story short, I have nothing good to say about those who smoke, regardless the fact that they are victims of the cigarette makers, who should be arrested for being
"Drug Pushers", and the governments who are happy to collect taxes on the cigarettes and hope that smokers die way short of collecting their government pension that they have paid all their lives. So all you smokers, you are nothing more than suckers to your own governments, who takes your hard earned money and can't wait until you die in the most miserable way possible with bad health.
Did I mention that I hate smokers.........