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Giving up smoking

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Postby denizaksulu » Tue Mar 25, 2008 1:52 pm

GorillaGal wrote:i used nicoret gum last time, made it easy. but i also watched my mom die of emphasema--14 months in the hospital, with a hole punched into her throat so she could breathe. not a pretty sight. (mom was 59 when she died). cigarettes will never touch my lips again.

Some people need to witness at close hand a tragic event to change their way of life. Often it is too late. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
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Postby GorillaGal » Tue Mar 25, 2008 1:57 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
GorillaGal wrote:i used nicoret gum last time, made it easy. but i also watched my mom die of emphasema--14 months in the hospital, with a hole punched into her throat so she could breathe. not a pretty sight. (mom was 59 when she died). cigarettes will never touch my lips again.

Some people need to witness at close hand a tragic event to change their way of life. Often it is too late. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

it is never too late.
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Postby pav » Tue Mar 25, 2008 7:18 pm

i stopped smoking 4 years ago,no messing cold turkey.
i always thought that i would probably start smoking again but two years later had a medium sized heart attack!!!!!!
after having a stent fitted i went back to see my cardiologist for one of my regular visits and we were discussing the circumstances that led to my event,
he told me that had i not stopped smoking when i did i would not have survived the event.
my two beautiful daughters would now not have a father to talk to and i would never have held my grand daughter born in January this year,kyle my 5 year old grandson wouldnt be able to play with cyprus grandad again and my wife would be a widow! a very sobering thought.
thats when you really really know that you,ll never smoke again :lol: :lol:
oh yeh! i wouldnt be posting this message either :shock: :shock:
if you really love the people around you you can be strong enough to stop.
good health to you all.
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Postby LENA » Tue Mar 25, 2008 8:57 pm

I totally agree with the people that said that is up to how much you want to give up and how serious you will take it. If you really dont want to give up you will never make it.

I am a non smoking person but my father, my aunt and uncles, my best friend smoke and also in places I go, smoking is allowed like clubs etc

My boyfriend used to smoke as well. Many people said that is not good when your partner smokes and you dont, but for me it did not matter. I think I have so many people around me that they smoke that is like I smoke too even though never put a cigarette in my mouth not even to taste it.

IcyNoAngel said that he start smoking again because he had nothing to do, some other people said that when they had some serious problems or accident went back to smoking. Do not understand the reason. Smoking just give you something to do and solve your problems????

Unfortunately most of the people in Cyprus do not realize how bad is for them or they just like the habit.

Good luck Mark!
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Postby markwoods39 » Tue Mar 25, 2008 9:08 pm

Thanks everyone for your advice and support. I not had any today so on that note, i not going to have anymore as from today. I hate smoking but i also DID enjoy it. What more important, my health or cig, that what i keep telling myself. It would have killed me in the end, so no more for me, as i want to meet my grand kids when they arrive at some point, and i want to be the grandad that can still play footie with them. But i do hope that a long way off yet, as my boys are only 17 and 18 :shock: WELL IT BLOODY BETTER BE :lol: :lol: :lol: :wink:
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Postby markwoods39 » Tue Mar 25, 2008 9:09 pm


Yes i was a very young dad myself, as i only 29 now :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :wink: i wish
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Postby bigdog » Tue Mar 25, 2008 9:28 pm

My wife and I both stopped smoking on the 2nd of December , my wife on orders from her doctor and myself to give her support . Although I classed myself as a social smoker only smoking on nights out I still struggle in the pub but won`t start again as it would make it harder for my wife who smoked 20 to 30 a day .
One thing I have noticed is that I am working in England where there is a smoking ban in the pubs , after being home for easter weekend I could not believe the smell of my clothes the next day after being out for a drink . Smoking ban starts there on the 30th though :)
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Postby GorillaGal » Tue Mar 25, 2008 11:16 pm

markwoods39 wrote:Thanks everyone for your advice and support. I not had any today so on that note, i not going to have anymore as from today. I hate smoking but i also DID enjoy it. What more important, my health or cig, that what i keep telling myself. It would have killed me in the end, so no more for me, as i want to meet my grand kids when they arrive at some point, and i want to be the grandad that can still play footie with them. But i do hope that a long way off yet, as my boys are only 17 and 18 :shock: WELL IT BLOODY BETTER BE :lol: :lol: :lol: :wink:

woo hoo to no ciggs today! just take it one day at a time, and do it for your kids and grandkids!!!!
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Postby pav » Wed Mar 26, 2008 8:14 am


Yes i was a very young dad myself, as i only 29 now Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Wink i wish
so no more for me, as i want to meet my grand kids when they arrive at some point, and i want to be the grandad that can still play footie with them. But i do hope that a long way off yet, as my boys are only 17 and 18 Shocked WELL IT BLOODY BETTER BE Laughing Laughing Laughing Wink

well done mark
i just hope your determination is better than your maths haha!!
better start at the gym if you gonna be chasing footballs when the grandchildren arrive.
best wishes
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Re: Giving up smoking

Postby Kikapu » Wed Mar 26, 2008 12:59 pm

markwoods39 wrote: And the people who never smoked who reading this post, please tell me what you think about people smoking ,how does it affect you.


I'm almost 53 years old and I have never, never, never smoked in my life, other than 2 joints (literally) about 25 years ago. As I was growing up, most family members and friends smoked which was not a bother to me from the smoke or the smell, but in the last 20 years or so and worse as I get older, I hate those who smoke anywhere where others are, no matter where it is. I hate their arrogant, inconsiderate, self centered attitudes, that just because it is a legal drug to purchase, that they have the right to exhale that shity smell that comes out of their mouths. There are those who would take the last drag from their cigarettes as they get on a train or a bus, then exhale once they are inside, which contaminates the air all around. I can smell a cigarette smoke from a good distance, specially if I'm downwind. Then I see parents pushing their baby in a pram while they are smoking. I swear, I feel like slapping these people sometimes. Smokers have this naive attitude, or perhaps it is their denial of the truth, that only those who smoke are harmed and not others around them. Anyway, to cut a long story short, I have nothing good to say about those who smoke, regardless the fact that they are victims of the cigarette makers, who should be arrested for being "Drug Pushers", and the governments who are happy to collect taxes on the cigarettes and hope that smokers die way short of collecting their government pension that they have paid all their lives. So all you smokers, you are nothing more than suckers to your own governments, who takes your hard earned money and can't wait until you die in the most miserable way possible with bad health.

Did I mention that I hate smokers......... :lol:
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