2) you can buy both cigarettes and alcohol without the shop owner asking for ID
3) the only subject when adults come together for a chat is the Cyprus problem
4) you cannot see much taxis or buses on the road because everyone owns at least two cars
5) you can jump off of a cliff into the Mediterranean
6) you almost get hit by cars everyday crossing the street because you are just too relaxed to look around
7)people from turkey can’t understand your language and neither can you understand their language

9) there are two seasons; summer and autumn, but mostly summer
10) there’s a furniture store on every block
11) your relatives live in new villa vilages near the coast
12) you probably are related to the people you bump into in the supermarkets, streets or anywhere else
13) Mercedes is the only brand used for taxis
14) the sun always shines no matter what the season is
15) you dry your clothes on your balcony
16) you NEVER are unhappy because you're in Cyprus!
17) there are drag races outside of your apartment regularly
18) people don't understand the concept of "personal space" and they cut you in line
19) your grandparents and other relatives try to burst you by making you eat every bit of the food on the table
20)you are afraid to go outside in the summer during the day because you might get evaporated, again, due to extreme heat
21) most of your friends can play a musical instrument
22)you attend the same school with some of your friends for 10years
23) the casinos are the most important tourist attractions;but the number of the turkish cypriots doesn't exceed 10 in them *
24) you can call your friends "hayvan, essek, ya...k, apdal, etc." without getting beaten **
25) your ex-president acts in a series about mafias
26) you miss kebap a lot when you are abroad
27) there are mulihiya [alt: molohiya, molihiya, vb.] spread for drying on the beds in your grandma’s house
28) there are car galleries every 10 meters
29) you buy everything you see in the supermarkets, whether you need it or not
30) there are always beer, whiskey, “31” any other kind of alcoholic stuff in your home
31) you have definitely taken a photo of a “karpaz donkey” [:D] when you’ve been to karpaz
32) you eat kebabs A LOT
1) you know you’re a Cypriot when] if you take mulihiya, hellim, samarella, beef, etc. with you when you’re going abroad, then you’re 100% Cypriot!
2)every single “genc” [teens and over

3) at least 2 members of your family are great kebap makers/cookers
4) there’s a jeep in your garage
5) you played monopoly at least for once
6) when you aunties go for coffee to there neighbour in the earliest hours of the morning
7) your parents advised you to study hard and wear warm clothes for 1500 times before you went to university

9) panadol is considered as the only solution
10)there are (different coloured) strings on your luggages to define that they belong to you
11) your halas, deyzes, yenges, anne, nenes all toplan to ayikla molohia komu$unun evde sohbet ederkan [bunu cevirmedim – boyle daha guzel

12)the maximum distance between cities is around 2h 30mins
13)your mother swears to the government when she cannot watch her favourite series...you already know the reason...

14) when you greet your friend or they greet you by saying .. 'napan re gardash'
hehe .. am i accurate enough ?