xxNilxx wrote:as for calling it 'poor' u don't even know what u talk about. did u read the actual post; every body has 2 or more cars, and villas.. so before u call turkish cypriots poor, u should know what u call about. apdal gavur
ma bu gavurlar hep boyledir??? usandim biktim bu delilerden
Welcome xxNilxx,
I must say that you do sound quite naive to attitudes that have existed for centuries from people like Oracle towards anything that may remotely resemble Turkishness.
Do not lose sight of the fact that this forum was created by Greeks/GC's, it is administered by Greeks/GC's with a Greek/GC agenda.
Just imagine what our lives would be like if we gave them half an opportunity to administer all of Cyprus where we would have to adhere to and be subjected to such attitudes of Oracle, whom represent possibly the majority of population in the South.
xxNilxx, it won't matter what opinions or beliefs you may have about Cyprus. Unless you submiss to or accept to living as second class citizens under Greek/GC total rule in Cyprus then you can not be considered to be a human being in Oracles eyes.
Oracles ONLY solution to the Cyprus "problem" is to allow Greeks/GC's to make all the decisions for what is best for TC's, because TC's are too "sub human" in his eyes to determine their own future.
You will learn xxNilxx that at the end of the day, what goes on in this forum will not change the realities in North or South Cyprus. Life will always go on for us. This forum only serves to expose the level of mental instabilty of the likes of Oracle and many of shiz other alias' on this forum...including perhaps several "so called" TC alias'.
It's quite entertaining in here at times

Have fun, and never take anything to heart whilst on this forum