The pyramid of Cheops was build by 2.300.000 cube rocks that the smallest of them weighted 3 tons and the biggest 18 tons. Even in our times to build something like that is huge.
There is not a reasonable explanation on how they was cutting the rocks because they had only copper at those times.
There is not a reasonable explanation on where they cutting the rock and how they moving them and how they lifting them.
There is many unexplained in this issue and they are trying to cover with scientific bullshits the unthinkable, for example they invented a new theory that it’s saying what they did not cut and move the rocks but they used molds and what they created the rocks on the spot, something that was impossible for their technology.
Basically there are just theories and only an idiot can say something for sure.
The mythology of the Egyptians also speaking about Sirius and the gods that are coming from there and some researchers suggest what the Egyptians believed that the pyramids was build by the great Sourint(Sirius).
I can say a lot about their mythology and some other important things but such a discussion can’t lead anywhere and I’m not interested to lead it somewhere. I just answer about the pyramid issue that remains unexplained. Dainken had many reasons to come to the alien conclusion. I do not believe the alien conclusion and I’m just considering this and the possibility of a previous civilization because the Hindu, the Jew, the Egyptian and the Greek mythology and other resources drive to the same conclusion and I have to think about it because is a reasonable extraction from 4 different mythologies.
There are many things that you can’t easily pass from these issues; there are many scientists that still struggling to give reasonable explanations.
Personally I do not believe in anything that I can't prove and that’s why I consider atheism as a product of idiocy. Plato was saying what the atheist must be executed because they are sick people that believe what they know everything.