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Postby markwoods39 » Tue Mar 25, 2008 9:13 pm

cyprusgrump wrote:
Daemon wrote:
are you talking to me?????

Yes of course, what is so important with your stupid father while the Greek philosophers were fagots and while he have a fagot for a son? :?

GR. Congratulations there is many dump farts like you in here and you have the gift to attract them, I’m must recognize it to you. :lol: :lol:

Okay I’ve lost by idiots, idiocy is unbeatable where there are so many human trash. :cry:

Ante my best wishes and goodbye for now.

Bye bye... :roll:

:lol: you mean pi?? off you PRAT :lol:
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Postby wallace » Tue Mar 25, 2008 10:00 pm

please markwoods....don't speak this.....he lost by idiots...I'm must recognise that also hahahahhaa
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Postby Get Real! » Wed Mar 26, 2008 1:50 am

Daemon wrote:GR. Congratulations there is many dump farts like you in here and you have the gift to attract them, I’m must recognize it to you. :lol: :lol:

Okay I’ve lost by idiots, idiocy is unbeatable where there are so many human trash. :cry:

Ante my best wishes and goodbye for now.

A great song says… “You’ll never walk alone” and I know your imaginary friends will always be by your side… Image

So long Adonis... :cry:
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Postby Daemon » Wed Mar 26, 2008 9:15 am

Can you tell me re hilarious damp fart GR where was the funny on what I said and where was the reason I got attacked from you here while I was speaking for the Greek philosophers and while philosophy for you is all about transsexuals and damp farts like you?

You are an old man?( :lol: :lol: :lol: )

You are just a piece of shit along with anybody that found brains in your useless head.

No I mean what you are all farts.
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Postby Daemon » Wed Mar 26, 2008 9:32 am

What can I say about Cyprusgrymp? The last time she used her brains was when she discovered the difference from her asshole and her head while she attracted by every idiot like GR and Mark the wood. (And I do not think what her funny friend disagree with that :? ).


For sure I was not expected to make any friends here, where I have to put some brains to GC’s farts like you and where I have this past with the vast majority of the idiots in here that was masturbating with TPap, the rest are just those that got attracted by idiocy because they are made of idiocy and this is all there is.

And you as an old man you don’t have a life a wife or something and you are looking to shitholes like this to make friends and you are so glad about it? :?
Last edited by Daemon on Wed Mar 26, 2008 9:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby cyprusgrump » Wed Mar 26, 2008 9:38 am

Daemon wrote:What can I say about Cyprusgrymp? The last time she used her brains was when she discovered the difference from her asshole and her head while she attracted by every idiot like GR and Mark the wood. (And I do not think what her funny friend disagree with that :? ).


For sure I was not expected to make any friends here, where I have to put some brains to GC’s farts like you and where I have this past with the vast majority of the idiots in here that was masturbating with TPap, the rest are just those that got attracted by idiocy because they are made of idiocy and this is all there is.

And you as an old man you don’t have a life? A wife or something and you are looking to shitholes like this to make friends and you are so glad about it? :?

Your very first post on this thread was unnecessarily abusive, that’s why we have no time for you… Nobody can debate anything with a poster that uses such language in every single post and attacks other posters because their views differ from your own.

You are a foul mouthed, small minded young man. :roll:
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Postby Daemon » Wed Mar 26, 2008 9:42 am

This was my first post let's start from here:

Einstein said something like that when he asked about the after life and he believed in aether ( ) like the Greek philosophers ware saying for the fifth element that keeps the universe in a holographic unity (this is my words to describe what they were saying) and where according to the philosophers there are aetheric beings.

Reincarnation is the main teaching of all the philosophical religions (basically except the Muslim and the Christian curse and the idiots atheists I can’t remember other religion that does not teach reincarnation) but the early Christians (like the Jews) were accepting the reincarnation theory and there is a lot of Christian teachings for that, but also in the chaos of bible there is some things that could drive to that direction.

I believe what we are living in a holographic universe (and yes the matrix movie is based in this reality, that’s why they describing the universal mind as Zion because they are Jews, Cabalists and Zionists. I believe what everyone knows about Zion) where everything is connected and united by aether and maybe there is there and everywhere the universal mind that we can call god because something like that is easily extractable if we accept the structure of the universe through the aether reality.

ALL the religions and esoteric teachings are describing this reality (from my personal experience and from a lot of scientific and philosophy study I’ve made the universe is unthinkable with out the aether and this is the reality even if we like it or not) with their own words, the Hindus and the Buddhists are speaking about Akasha and Prana, they define Akasha as the god(Akasha, Zeus, Jehovah, Allah), the primary source, that the Jews and the Greeks were naming LOGOS ( the WORD, where it’s main characteristic is it’s vibrational entity that the sound produce, where in the Greek tradition there is a simillar understanding about the vibretional entity of LOGOS, where god Apollo governs the universe with his musical instrument, where Akasha main characteristic is Shabda-sound. Where our endelehia(Aristotle use this word), where the Akasha inside us produce vibretional frequencies that attract in us and around us similar frequencies, for more info on this I suggest to google for the book called “The Master Key System” of Charles Haanel and for Neuro-Linguistic-Programming and binaural brainwaves, If you try to attract the deep meanings of what I’m saying with out the proper preparation (Yoga, Reiki, Subminimal programming and other vibrational healing) you will end up in black magic or in a lunacy house, if your endelehia-Akasha-god is not strong enough the most possible scenario is the lunacy house. If you do not afraid god, that means what you have strong endelehia and what you can manipulate low vibrations. If you do not afraid god because you believe only in matter, you are just idiot. Satanist’s does not believe in god and the most of them are shitting in their pants in the possibility of the divine law. Taoists are speaking about Chi, Wilhelm Reich spoke about Orgone and there is a lot of theories that are speaking for the same thing (I do not accept the new scientific theory about the fifth element and the dark matter) there are even Christians, Muslims and other Judaists that adopt the Greek teachings about the eather.

Almost all the important Greek philosophers were speaking about the one. Heracletus named this one Zeus, the Orfikoi (the followers of Orpheus, Pythagoreans Platonists etc) was saying the same about the EN (EN means ONE) and Zeus and they were polytheists but ENotheists (more like the Hindus) where the difference with monotheism is what the universe mind is not a stupid Jew named Allah or Jehovah that likes to torture people. Of course the pagan bullshit religion of the masses had nothing to do with the few important people (all the important people in ancient times were mystiques and insiders of the Orpheus mysteries).

Of course a burned idiot (Christian that belongs in a stupid dogma or an atheist or something similar) can say what I’m saying bullshits, this is the problem that humanity always had, the apes can easily say what ever their asshole produce and they can’t because of their pathetic nature to show respect to the greatest minds(and I’m not saying what I’m one of them, I’m just saying what they are saying) that traveled through this retarded planet , that’s why we have religions and that’s why it was easy for the Jews to pass their sickness through Christianism (and the Mohammedanism that was a reaction copy and it is even more sick). Of course it is not bad to believe Jesus (Orpheus also died in the cross), the bad thing is to believe the priests and to their deep DARK sickness.

Like Einstein (the Jew who hated Judaism and its disgusting products) said:

according to the general theory of relativity space without aether is unthinkable.

I’ve attacked by idiots like you because of my views you dump fart :?

And the problem is of course in my head for the above because i believed what actually there is someone that wanted to discuss the subject. Everyone is happy with the nothing of his head. It’s too simple.
Last edited by Daemon on Wed Mar 26, 2008 9:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby cyprusgrump » Wed Mar 26, 2008 9:44 am

My case rests... :wink:
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Postby Daemon » Wed Mar 26, 2008 9:48 am

Your case was rested the time of your birth. :wink:
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Postby Daemon » Wed Mar 26, 2008 9:52 am

And you disagree what you are a damp fart that never use her brains?

You friend Mark does not disagree on that.
:lol: :lol:
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