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Stop press: statement of the two leaders

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby shahmaran » Fri Mar 21, 2008 10:13 pm

Yes that is exactly it Phoenix you sly fox, you got me there i must admit! :roll: :lol:
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Postby bill cobbett » Fri Mar 21, 2008 10:21 pm

shahmaran wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:
shahmaran wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:
shahmaran wrote:Maybe the reason for the overwhelming numbers might be the fact that Turkey is historically, fully aware of the Greek opportunistic attack tactics and with such a large number of soldiers Turkey guarantees that no such attempt could be dared, hence why there hasn't really been any violence what so ever for the last 30 years.

The fool known as Shagaman writes " .. violence whatsoever for the last 30 years... " The rest of the world and I saw Solomon Solomou shot dead for climbing a flag-pole and Tassos Isaac clubbed to death for joining a demonstration. May the Lord have mercy on their souls and on those of their murderous killers. May He also have mercy on the soul of the member known as Shagaman for his deceitful posts, short memory, poor spelling and lack of respect for the suffering of anyone outside the northern community.

As to the meeting between President X and Talit. I for one share hopes that it's the start of something that will lead (eventually) to a one person, one vote solution with no special treatment for either community as in other EU member states.

... ethnically cleansed from the north by Shagaman and his friends in the Turkish Army

Poor spelling?!!? My god how dare you!! :shock:

On the other hand, yes i do remember that man who was way too "courageous" for his own well being which led him to get shot down, i believe he was shot down by a TC police officer not the Turkish army, he was trespassing and i do not think one would have got a different treatment if it had happened on your side, what is your point Bill?

And that person who was "clubbed to death" wasn't just "joining a demonstration" i believe they were throwing stones at the protesters on the other side and got caught up in a big fight, both of these men were grown up and "sensible" people knowing exactly what they were getting themselves in to.

So what is your point?

Do you actually have one or is this another one of those childish "barbaric Turks" stories which many here seem to base their entire political arguments on?

It is absolutely ridiculous.

ps. No need for that kind of language, how old are you Bill?! :roll:

Shagaman. You were being selective in you last post by saying there hasn't really been any violence over the last 30 years. It fell to me to prove you wrong and your post misleading. For the rest old as the hills, as young as the mountains or some such. :D

As to the original post we all know that there is an invisible 3rd hand in all this. I refer to the dark forces of the RoT.

... Embargoed from the north by Shagaman, the Childish, Barbaric Turkish Army and the Dark Force.

Well i didn't say there hasn't been ANY, of course there has, but the deaths of 2 people would not really be considered as "inter communal fighting" as opposed to what was happening before, does it now old Bill?

Lack of grounds for a solid argument, is what i will accept your insults and silly slogans as, keep it up! :lol:

I was replying to your original post not the amended one you now put forward. Those members who are not psychic can only respond to what you post not what you meant to post. :? Confused? Work on it?

My thanks for your kind permission to add slogans. There's another one below for your viewing pleasure.

Anyway what are your feelings as to this meeting and what will pass in the next few months?


....Kept out of the north by Shagaman and his Psychic posts
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Postby shahmaran » Fri Mar 21, 2008 11:42 pm

Well if you are replying to my original post then why are you quoting this one?
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Postby shahmaran » Fri Mar 21, 2008 11:42 pm

ops double
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Postby bill cobbett » Fri Mar 21, 2008 11:48 pm

Follow Oracle's example Shah and go to bed mate - you're worn out and I'm confused.
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Postby denizaksulu » Sat Mar 22, 2008 12:39 am

bill cobbett wrote:Follow Oracle's example Shah and go to bed mate - you're worn out and I'm confused.

I hope you are not suggesting he joins her in bed! :lol:
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Postby shahmaran » Sat Mar 22, 2008 12:43 am

If you are confused then maybe you should sleep instead Bill, its only 10:30pm here on a Friday so the night is young and so am i, there is much fun to be had in the West End :lol: :lol:

Goodnight all...
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Postby Noaxetogrind » Sat Mar 22, 2008 1:19 am

Sad to see the normal rubbish fon Bill Cobblers and Orifice ( and not a nice orifice at that.

I get the impression that a settlement is the last thing they want and they will have problems coping without the outlet of the pesent problems on which to vent their malady.

Good luck with negotiations Cypriots.
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Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Mar 22, 2008 4:38 am

It is a question of sustaining a culture.

it is complex because to see its sparkle one must support its many facets in your point of view.

It was Papadopoulos who said, as a young man, that Cyprus may be Greek, but it is unimaginable without its Turks.

and for this culture to sustain itself we must recognise within ourselves, "Greek" or "Turk", that we are stewards of something older, something which is more dear, and something which belongs to neither one of "us", because it should belong, to no one.


we can sustain for ourselves, a sense of Nationality, because we choose to (and we are very "lucky" we are getting to choose).


it is our obligation, to Humanity itself, to see in our identity, oneness; a sense that our Heritance which goes back (in this case) to neolithic times lives, and is a line, unbroken, now Sovereign, as dwellers we were, and are, great cooperators.
Cyprus is an island.

Bicommunal means two level of governments; in our case three governing bodies.

For the geography: if the objective is to repopulate (all) the displaced, it requires a Bizonal definition; meaning each part made up of components, being of two parts (... allowing for new villages and townships to be founded, as well as the return of many displaced, as communities, as I suggest, as enclaves, and in the cities).

I predict that if you live for forty more years you will see 40% of the population a colour other than red or blue living here. We will be "Greeks" living amongst "Turks", "Turks" amongst "Turks, "Greeks" amongst "Greeks", "Turks" amongst "Greeks", and much more. Where will we be if we are not Cypriots? Obviously being Greek or being Turkish is not enough. And thinking that things will stay the same is not wise. and Now that "this choice" is on the line, I suggest that we can offer a virgin birth of our own.

consider again please what i am suggesting...

...and if someone could find me their addresses Talat and Christo i would like them to read it too.

you don't have to like it, but i would like someone to suggest one better, which is more Just.
Last edited by repulsewarrior on Sat Mar 22, 2008 4:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Expatkiwi » Sat Mar 22, 2008 4:56 am

Noaxetogrind wrote:Sad to see the normal rubbish fon Bill Cobblers and Orifice ( and not a nice orifice at that.

I get the impression that a settlement is the last thing they want and they will have problems coping without the outlet of the pesent problems on which to vent their malady.

Good luck with negotiations Cypriots.

'Orifice'?? Don't you think you're being a little bit TOO subtle here... :lol:
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