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Let us turn Ledras Street into a Peace Avenue

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Re: Let us turn Ledras Street into a Peace Avenue

Postby denizaksulu » Fri Mar 21, 2008 4:11 pm

Get Real! wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
halil wrote:I visited the Lokmacı gate today .... it was full up with German tourist groups . They were taking the Picture of the Mrs Roth writing on the glass . they were so excited .group leader was telling them all about the wall history .... we will see what will happen tomorrow.

Did you see a Salami running around wearing shorts and sandals by any chance? :?

Why? Was that you GR? :lol: :lol: :lol:

That reminds me... you were wearing sandals and socks last summer... :lol:

That was Easter time GR, remember the rain in the Animal/botanical park? Your memory is failing you. Are you sure you are just over 21? I nearly returned here with Pneumonia. If I was wearing socks, then I had a good reason. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Get Real! » Fri Mar 21, 2008 4:15 pm

Bananiot is suggesting an Us Vs Them political arrangement based on communities that is guaranteed to constantly provoke racism, forever ensuring strife on the island.

This IS the classic Divide and Rule tactic he is leading you into. Read his diabolical message again…

“In our case the political equality of the two communities is a must and this is the only patriotic thing to do because the other option is partition. It is extremism on our behalf to ask for political dominance of the majority over the minority and those that propose this even today, after the tragic events of 1974, have really took a leave from reality, rationality and common sense.”

Bananiot, rejects Democracy that I suggested even though it’s the ONLY group of principles known to man that GUARANTEE minority rights and suggests a disproportional arrangement (“political equality”) or division!!! He knows VERY well that if the Turkish Cypriots were to ever be granted “political equality” all hell would break loose on the island…

After all, that IS the underlying goal of Divide and Rule!!!

Cypriots were fooled ONCE into thinking that there can be "special" groups... don't fall for it again.
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Postby denizaksulu » Fri Mar 21, 2008 4:17 pm

Get Real! wrote:
shahmaran wrote:Wait let me get this straight, are you denying that there are various types of democracy?

If you're going to post stupid labels from the Wiki don't bother because as the link I posted earlier says...

Democracy may be a word familiar to most, but it is a concept still misunderstood and misused in a time when totalitarian regimes and military dictatorships alike have attempted to claim popular support by pinning democratic labels upon themselves. ... hatdm2.htm

GR, we have seen the American way of democracy in Iraq. They can keep it. :roll:
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Postby Kikapu » Fri Mar 21, 2008 4:22 pm


Of course there are different shades of "Democracy" practiced by many nations, such as Egypt, where opposition leaders are jailed if they hold rallies or opposing views, but on election day, people vote for a President as they suppose to in a Democracy and each time it Mubarak wins. A bit like how Denktash managed to stay in power for 40 years really. It's more like dictatorship disguised as democracy so that they can get money from the USA and bend over at the same time to "Uncle Sam". Just one more way on how "democracy" can be corrupted. On the other hand, Americans will not accept such practices for themselves, but it is OK to push it on others. Cyprus being in the EU now, there cannot be anything but a True Democracy. If there were an agreed Partition and the "TRNC" became a legal country, I would like to believe you would choose True Democracy over what they practice in Egypt or Pakistan. If it's good enough for the "TRNC" as a country, why not to all Cypriots in Cyprus.
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Postby Get Real! » Fri Mar 21, 2008 4:22 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
shahmaran wrote:Wait let me get this straight, are you denying that there are various types of democracy?

If you're going to post stupid labels from the Wiki don't bother because as the link I posted earlier says...

Democracy may be a word familiar to most, but it is a concept still misunderstood and misused in a time when totalitarian regimes and military dictatorships alike have attempted to claim popular support by pinning democratic labels upon themselves. ... hatdm2.htm

GR, we have seen the American way of democracy in Iraq. They can keep it. :roll:

With all due respect to the plight of Iraq which I fully support, it's the DEFINITION of Democracy we are interested in Deniz, and not the author's nationality.
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Postby shahmaran » Fri Mar 21, 2008 4:25 pm

Right, so you are blaming him for trying to cause further divisive problems by suggesting that we should all have political equality, yet your counter option is simply abusing the word Democracy when you don't seem to even know what it covers entirely AND suggesting that it is the only way we can have "political equality" ?

Can i just ask, is this democracy you are talking about, the same kind that gives the majority the right for Enosis, as people like Piratis repeatedly claims it to be so?
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Postby shahmaran » Fri Mar 21, 2008 4:32 pm

Get Real! wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
shahmaran wrote:Wait let me get this straight, are you denying that there are various types of democracy?

If you're going to post stupid labels from the Wiki don't bother because as the link I posted earlier says...

Democracy may be a word familiar to most, but it is a concept still misunderstood and misused in a time when totalitarian regimes and military dictatorships alike have attempted to claim popular support by pinning democratic labels upon themselves. ... hatdm2.htm

GR, we have seen the American way of democracy in Iraq. They can keep it. :roll:

With all due respect to the plight of Iraq which I fully support, it's the DEFINITION of Democracy we are interested in Deniz, and not the author's nationality.

You support the war on Iraq? THAT is your understanding of democracy? :?
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Postby Get Real! » Fri Mar 21, 2008 4:40 pm

shahmaran wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
shahmaran wrote:Wait let me get this straight, are you denying that there are various types of democracy?

If you're going to post stupid labels from the Wiki don't bother because as the link I posted earlier says...

Democracy may be a word familiar to most, but it is a concept still misunderstood and misused in a time when totalitarian regimes and military dictatorships alike have attempted to claim popular support by pinning democratic labels upon themselves. ... hatdm2.htm

GR, we have seen the American way of democracy in Iraq. They can keep it. :roll:

With all due respect to the plight of Iraq which I fully support, it's the DEFINITION of Democracy we are interested in Deniz, and not the author's nationality.

You support the war on Iraq? THAT is your understanding of democracy? :?

At times like this I curse the day I was born... :? Is THAT what "plight" means Shah???
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Postby shahmaran » Fri Mar 21, 2008 4:46 pm

Ok it wasn't very clear, hence why i asked.
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Postby Get Real! » Fri Mar 21, 2008 4:59 pm

Let’s take a classroom of 30 students, 10 of which are coloured so if the teacher was to one day come in and say…

“Ok children, we have 10 coloured pupils with us that are much fewer in number so let’s get them all to sit in the front of the classroom to help them more, and maybe we can also let them go 10 minutes earlier so they have more time at home to study…”

Here she is thinking that she is helping the poor minority but what has she really accomplished? She has innocently created a special group (racism), triggered the animosity of the majority, and set the path to segregation. Henceforth, no doubt the coloured kids will get picked on by the white kids.

How would it be any different if Turkish Cypriots were given, as a group, special privileges over the Greek Cypriots? Would THAT lead to peace on the island? Well, according to Bananiot it would!

You’ve got to ask yourselves… why is a Greek Cypriot encouraging Turkish Cypriots to claim special privileges over the other citizens of Cyprus? Why is he so nice to us? Assuming he is not plain stupid, what’s in it for him… have you ever asked?
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