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Cyprus Economic boom ..but where is all the money going.

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Postby Nurgary » Thu Mar 20, 2008 8:54 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Nurgary wrote:No REAL Man - am not a TC or GC just somebody on the outside that looks in at the facts and thinks TC's are 18% to blame and GC's 81% the other is down to other minorities.

I’ve lost count how many people have come and gone claiming the same neutrality only to give themselves away by getting too emotionally involved just as you’re doing now. You don’t fool me newbie for I’ve pulled many snakes out of their holes...

Hardly a newbie - lived in the South and TRNC so have experenced it from both sides. What outsiders see and understand is the facts as simple as that.

I just can't understand why you GC's deny what happened in the 60's as it is well documented. Until that happens no peace I am sure.

What exactly happened in the 60s that we deny? Please do tell...

On 28 December 1963 the Daily Express carried the following report from Cyprus: "We went tonight into the sealed-off Turkish Cypriot Quarter of Nicosia in which 200 to 300 people had been slaughtered in the last five days. We were the first Western reporters there and we have seen sights too frightful to be described in print. Horror so extreme that the people seemed stunned beyond tears."

On 31 December 1963 The Guardian reported: "It is nonsense to claim, as the Greek Cypriots do, that all casualties were caused by fighting between armed men of both sides. On Christmas Eve many Turkish Cypriot people were brutally attacked and murdered in their suburban homes, including the wife and children of a doctor—allegedly by a group of forty men, many in army boots and greatcoats." Although the Turkish Cypriots fought back as best they could, and killed some militia, there were no massacres of Greek Cypriot civilians.

On 1 January 1964 the Daily Herald reported: "When I came across the Turkish Cypriot homes they were an appalling sight. Apart from the walls they just did not exist. I doubt if a napalm attack could have created more devastation. Under roofs which had caved in I found a twisted mass of bed springs, children's cots, and grey ashes of what had once been tables, chairs and wardrobes. In the neighbouring village of Ayios Vassilios I counted 16 wrecked and burned out homes. They were all Turkish Cypriot. In neither village did I find a scrap of damage to any Greek Cypriot house."

On 2 January 1964 the Daily Telegraph wrote "The Greek Cypriot community should not assume that the British military presence can or should secure them against Turkish intervention if they persecute the Turkish Cypriots. We must not be a shelter for double-crossers." Britain did not however make any serious attempt to stop the Greek Cypriots.

On 12 January 1964 the British High Commission in Nicosia wrote to London[118] "The Greek (Cypriot) police are led by extremists who provoked the fighting and deliberately engaged in atrocities. They have recruited into their ranks as "special constables" gun-happy young thugs. They threaten to try and punish any Turkish Cypriot police who wish to return to the Cyprus Government. . . . . . . . Makarios assured us there will be no attack. His assurance is as worthless as previous assurances have proved."


Think you will find it was the GC's who 1st null and vioded the treaties - when i get time I will find the clearly referenced fact to this.

How exactly did that happen? The time is NOW that you've brought it up...

From the beginning, before the Turkish-Cypriots had exercised any powers, the Greek-Cypriots failed to implement constitutional provisions which did not suit them. They failed for example to implement Article 129(1) for the establishment of the national army in the ratio 60 / 40, which was regarded by the Turkish-Cypriots as an essential practical safeguard; but they did discharge large numbers of Turkish-Cypriot police auxiliaries and recruited Greek-Cypriots in excess of the numbers permitted by Article 130. They also instituted compulsory military service for Greek-Cypriots alone, contrary to Article 129(2).

They also failed to establish the ratio 70 / 30 in the Civil Service as required by Article 123 on the pretext that suitable Turkish-Cypriots could not be found. Further, they failed to implement Article 173 which provided for separate municipalities. The Turkish-Cypriots regarded this too as an important practical safeguard, and responded by creating their own municipalities and by taking the issue to the Supreme Constitutional Court of Cyprus.

On 25th April 1963 the Court ruled that Article 173 had not been complied with, but Archbishop Makarios declared that he would ignore the judgment, and did ignore it (Cyprus Mail 12.2.63). The neutral President of the Court, a West German citizen, resigned on 21st May 1963 and thereafter the Turkish-Cypriots were excluded, sometimes by actual physical force; from most of their positions in the Institutions of the Republic. The United Nations tried to mediate, but the Greek-Cypriots would not allow the Turkish-Cypriots to return unless they accepted fundamental changes to the Constitution (UN docs. S/5950, S/6569, S/7350).

On 30th November 1963 Makarios demanded that the Turkish-Cypriots accept 13 amendments to the Constitution, which included no less than eight of the basic articles enacted for their protection; and which only three years before it had been expressly agreed could not be amended. It is said that these demands were prompted by frustration caused by the exercise by Turkish-Cypriots of the rights conferred upon them by the Constitution. However, the history of the period 1960 to 1963 shows that it was the very existence of those safeguards to which the Greek-Cypriots objected, for they prevented them from ruling Cyprus in the interests of Greek-Cypriots alone, and were an obstacle to ENOSIS.

The Greek-Cypriots has agreed to a bicommunal republic but now wanted to change it unilaterally into a unitary state in which their voting power would be paramount. On 2nd January 1964 the Daily Telegraph wrote "The Greek-Cypriot community should not assume that the British military presence can or should secure them against Turkish intervention if they persecute the minority. We must not be a shelter for double-crossers."

However, the Greek-Cypriots then proceeded to rule Cyprus as if the Turkish-Cypriots no longer had any constitutional role. All the reserves of the Central Bank were appropriated for the benefit of Greek-Cypriots, and they purported to enact legislation which was in violation of the Constitution, for example the Administration of Justice (Miscellaneous Provisions) Law 1964, the President of the Republic and Members of the House of Representative (Extension of Term of Office) Law 1965, and the Public Service Law 1967.

But keep on spending as you do possum and we all know EU will fine you as you just can't afford current sending. Euro zone and all.

The RoC makes around 23 billion p/a so a fine up or down doesn't make much difference, not that I feel they have violated anything; every country has the right to defend itself, more so if under occupation.

Did make - but depends on tourist numbers and investments which we all know are on the decline. Keep on spending on credits you village people as in the end it's all going to fall down around you.
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Postby Get Real! » Thu Mar 20, 2008 9:15 pm

Nurgary wrote:Hardly a newbie - lived in the South and TRNC so have experenced it from both sides. What outsiders see and understand is the facts as simple as that.

That's based on the assumption that you HAVE the facts but unfortunately you don't because anyone who relies on garbage news like the Turkish daily news that you've quoted, will be in for a unpleasant surprise

Try again.

Did make - but depends on tourist numbers and investments which we all know are on the decline. Keep on spending on credits you village people as in the end it's all going to fall down around you.

There's an old wife's tale circulating that the RoC is reliant on tourists to survive but her financial services have surpassed that ages ago…

Here’s a good synopsis of the RoC economy…
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Postby pantheman » Thu Mar 20, 2008 9:24 pm

OK, OK, we have another cut and paste king on this site.

You sound remarkabley like another so called 'on the fence guy', what was his name, sounded like Copperline. You have come here to be judge and jury to the GCs, you have no afiliation with Cyprus other than the fact you worked both sides of the cease fire line.

I just don't understand the obsession with people that come here to a topic that does not concern them to pass judgement. Its getting pretty obvious you are a fucking liar about who you are. You are not a Brit, if you are you have to be TC brit at that, because the shit you bother to spout here takes some doing. You don't just do it for fun, because if you did you would be one sad mother fucker asshole. Catch my drift???

Now do us all a favour and either reveal your true self or fuck off.

All those references you have dug up about what the GC did to the TC, you can find many more for the reverse order, but you have chosen youside obviously, whats up some GC wrong you somewhere down the line and this is payback?? Take a hike prick.

Ref: 'The Pantheman book of name for assholes who think they are clever" ISBN 0-800-Kiss-My-Ass.
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Postby Get Real! » Thu Mar 20, 2008 9:32 pm

pantheman wrote: You sound remarkabley like another so called 'on the fence guy', what was his name, sounded like Copperline. You have come here to be judge and jury to the GCs, you have no afiliation with Cyprus other than the fact you worked both sides of the cease fire line.

Don’t scare him away! I like these “neutrals” like Copperline; they make me look good... :D
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