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Turkey says to sign customs protocol with EU, but not...

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby cannedmoose » Fri Apr 15, 2005 11:26 am

Agios Amvrosios wrote:Canned Mouse:

Moose Can it! leave the Chinese alone.What do you want him to do quote hack journalists from the BBC? Look at their hack pieces on anything to do with Cyprus.

I've found that a couple of the Chinese Newsagencies( and also some Indian ones), address alot of the fundamental issues of the Cyprus Issue quite well compared with a couple of the British Hack Journalists who down play the relevance of ECHR decisions.

The attitude that Chinese journalism is substandard just because its is Chinese is a bit in Eurocentric and maybe even Racist territory.

Go fix your Geezer-teeth!

Admin wrote:Personal attacks are not allowed - Don't attack others. Personal attacks on others will not be tolerated. Challenge others' points of view and opinions, but do so respectfully and thoughtfully without insult and personal attack.

AA, hopefully in future you'll learn to realise what light-hearted banter is... :roll:

In the meantime, I hope Admin takes a look at your post. You make a number of false assumptions and accusations and your final sentence is just plain odd.
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Postby -mikkie2- » Fri Apr 15, 2005 11:38 am

When Ankara signs the protocol, it is de facto recognition of the Republic. From there on in, there is only one road Turkey can go down.

Implementation is expected soon after signing. It does not mean that it is open ended. It has to be ratified by Turkish parliament, which Turkey has promised to present soon after signature in the expectation that it will be approved in a reasonable time frame, meaning in a few months.

Expect more sweaty armpits by Turkey over the next few months. I think waiting for the British EU presidency to save them is frankly a hope to nothing.
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Postby brother » Fri Apr 15, 2005 11:44 am

Well i will politely disagree with you on that one, i have read many official statements that there is no time frame expected by the E.U on implementation.
And they are waiting for british presidency in july but i am led to believe that tassos will soon be on his back foot and in a corner, after all in the last year and a bit the GC politicians done a lot of verbal brit bashing and i think payback is just around the corner imo.
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Postby cannedmoose » Fri Apr 15, 2005 11:47 am

brother wrote:...after all in the last year and a bit the GC politicians done a lot of verbal brit bashing and i think payback is just around the corner imo.

I think Tony (or... god forbid... Michael :twisted: Howard) will politely inform TPap that such language towards a fellow European leader does not become the leader of an EU state and does not help the Cypriot cause. I'm not sure if there'll be payback, but I think it would help TPap's position a lot more if he and other Cypriot leaders engaged in private dialogue with the British, rather than haranging them in public.
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Postby brother » Fri Apr 15, 2005 11:51 am

That was sort of the point i was trying to make, why else do you think they have sent this invitation to him now, i reckon it will be a wake up call of how things are going to develope in the next six months and will tell are you with us or against us mr.murderer ooops..i mean mr tassos.
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Postby -mikkie2- » Fri Apr 15, 2005 12:03 pm


I do not believe that things are the way you say they are.

One demand of TP was more involvement by the EU. That is now happening with the Finnish ambassador to Estonia being appointed as a special envoy to Oli Rhen on the Cyprus issue.

The UN seems to have eased its demands about the conditions for starting negotiations. That was another requirement for TP.

It also now seems that people are prepared to accept changes to the plan, assuming both sides agree.

So, on the whole, things have been slowly moving in the direction he has wanted.
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Postby brother » Fri Apr 15, 2005 12:12 pm

That is so there is less reason for him to keep playing his games and be able to put him on the spot.
You watch they are playing his game giving him his requests but as you know very soon they will start to make their own requests and he will be on that back foot defensive i was talking about.
Nothing is done for his smile but for the end result, soon you will be seeing the other face of the E.U when they say to him alright we have done as you asked now do as we ask and bring the solution and any kind of back tracking or non-compliance will result negatively on him and the GC admin.
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