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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby observer » Wed Mar 19, 2008 2:33 pm

wallace wrote:It seems that somebody has been insulted here :D You plonkers call anybody that tries to defent their country terrorists. You don't know what the problem is in Israel???? You british created that state and from that day on there is nothing but trouble. They attacked the you even know why? The british think they rule the world together with the yanks. And now Cyprus.....if we could get rid we'd do it. If a solution with virginbirth will be found then you will be a goner :D

The Falklands were uninhabited until settled by the British in the middle of the 19th Century. They are about 600 miles from the coast of Argentina who invaded a community of British descent. The British recaptured them, to the relief of the people living there.
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Postby purdey » Wed Mar 19, 2008 2:37 pm

Now that's more friendly.I don't understand your second question re SBA's.
Yes our foreign policy stinks,I agree,but it will not change unless there is a majority that attack it,at present there seems to be very little attacking done from a political standpoint.
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Postby denizaksulu » Wed Mar 19, 2008 2:38 pm

wallace wrote:Why didn't they occupie the SBA's? :D

It was not planned, I suppose. They did enter the area and a new battle front nearly opened. They pulled back in the nick of time when they realised where they were. I think it was the momentum of the push. No one opposing them till they saw the Union Jack and the Gurkhas..
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Postby observer » Wed Mar 19, 2008 2:42 pm

Wallace wrote:

"Why didn't they enter the SBAs"

Answer: The SBAs were not half-way to enosis.
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Postby denizaksulu » Wed Mar 19, 2008 2:49 pm

observer wrote:Wallace wrote:

"Why didn't they enter the SBAs"

Answer: The SBAs were not half-way to enosis.

.........and was not 'RoC territory'.
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Postby pantheman » Wed Mar 19, 2008 2:50 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
wallace wrote:Why didn't they occupie the SBA's? :D

It was not planned, I suppose. They did enter the area and a new battle front nearly opened. They pulled back in the nick of time when they realised where they were. I think it was the momentum of the push. No one opposing them till they saw the Union Jack and the Gurkhas..

It was bloody obvious, the British were in it with them. The dozy turks went there in error. If they had tried it on then the British would have HAD to get involved, but they only wanted the be the stirrers of the conflict, not to actually get involved.

Its a bit of a coincidence, don't you think that they invasion stopped at the same profile as the road that leads from dhekelia - St Nick. This is "British territory" and we can't have that can we ????
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Postby purdey » Wed Mar 19, 2008 2:54 pm

The British new they were coming,and were confined to barracks.Whether the new of what was happening is a different matter,I believe the British never realised the scale of the operation.
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Postby wallace » Wed Mar 19, 2008 3:10 pm

The realised when the tanks were entering the SBA.....they should have then intervened as a guarantor state.
Enough about the british.......let's see what will happen on friday. :D
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Postby denizaksulu » Wed Mar 19, 2008 4:29 pm

pantheman wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
wallace wrote:Why didn't they occupie the SBA's? :D

It was not planned, I suppose. They did enter the area and a new battle front nearly opened. They pulled back in the nick of time when they realised where they were. I think it was the momentum of the push. No one opposing them till they saw the Union Jack and the Gurkhas..

It was bloody obvious, the British were in it with them. The dozy turks went there in error. If they had tried it on then the British would have HAD to get involved, but they only wanted the be the stirrers of the conflict, not to actually get involved.

Its a bit of a coincidence, don't you think that they invasion stopped at the same profile as the road that leads from dhekelia - St Nick. This is "British territory" and we can't have that can we ????

If they were in it together, then they would have allowed the tanks free passage to Larnaca. They went according to pre-drawn plans. Its easy to say they were in it together after the fact.
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Postby wallace » Wed Mar 19, 2008 4:35 pm

If they would have allowed them free passage to Larnaca then SBA Dhekelia would also have been in occupied territory. So they told them to pull back. So yes....they were in it together.
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