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Trust, suspicion, and Stereotyping

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Trust, suspicion, and Stereotyping

Postby Expatkiwi » Tue Mar 18, 2008 9:24 pm

Okay, Folks.

Varios threads have been talking about the dynamic being changed on the island due to EU membership, and thus fears of enosis by the Turkish north are no longer valid. The problem is that the historical emnity between the Turks and the Greeks is still there. The intercommunal strife of the sixties and seventies can also not simply be forgotten.

Now, this is going to surprise a lot of my GC adversaries, but there is a lot of merit in what you say. EU membership is an advantage for all, and the talking about respecting full democratic rights (i.e., numbers), without special perks for any one group - if sincerely followed- would be ensuring democracy.

The problem is - and this is why I favor partiton - is that historical emnity is a beast not easilly tamed. The Turkish Cypriot people feel themselves under siege. All it takes is for hotheads on either side to attack the other group, and its going to flare up again.

Stereotyping on both sides has been rampant, and I have to admit, I have been guilty of this as well. I personally feel that Greeks and Greek Cypriots cannot be trusted to keep their word given to the Turkish populace, and that Greeks simply regard Turks as inferior savages. I havwe a number of Turkish and Turkish Cypriot friends, and I regard that attitide as - at best - an insult to them, and to me.

So, the question is this: How can the Turkish Cypriots be pursuaded to drop their fears about reunification? The rejection of the Anan Plan by the Greek Cypriots certainly did not help in this regard. It just perpetuates the mistrust and insincerity of both sides to compromise.
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Postby zan » Tue Mar 18, 2008 10:20 pm


I agree with what you say but must insist, as I did on the ATCA forum when I first joined, that you specify that it is the GC administration that is a threat to us...The rest have the superiority complex as you say but I am afraid that is a Cypriot thing.. :wink:
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Postby Expatkiwi » Wed Mar 19, 2008 3:20 am

zan wrote:Expat

I agree with what you say but must insist, as I did on the ATCA forum when I first joined, that you specify that it is the GC administration that is a threat to us...The rest have the superiority complex as you say but I am afraid that is a Cypriot thing.. :wink:

Zan, The Greek Cypriots are the main threat. I do agree with that. They have to convince the Turkish Cypriots that they are not a threat, and THAT is going to take some doing. That recent event where Turkish Cypriots in the south were attacked by Greek Cypriot soccer fans, and that the police in the south were not investigating the complaint is a good example of the pervasiveness of mistrust and bias.
Beleive me, if there was a solid move to reunify on both sides and a stong will by all Cypriot communities (Greek, Turk, Armenian, Marionite) to come together as a single Cypriot people and nation, I would be the first to support it. The trouble is, I know that this is very unlikely. Given that, partition seems to be the best way to ensure peace on the island. QED.
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Postby Big Al » Wed Mar 19, 2008 3:45 am

i have said this all unifying the island all you're doing is putting off the inevitable, partition. Lets face reality centuries of conflict will not just be forgotten. In a time where most of the world is seeing new countries emerge because 2 different communities cannot live under the same flag the international community seems to want to push the GC agenda of unification, why?? so when visiting members of your family you lost during the war at the cemetary you can pass the enemy that killed them??
it wont take much to spark another conflict believe me.
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Postby Get Real! » Wed Mar 19, 2008 3:54 am

Expat, your conclusion of the “problem” is based on the assumption that Greek Cypriots already trust the Turkish Cypriots, despite centuries of TC disloyalty against Cyprus, and that all that remains now if for the GCs to also earn the trust of the TCs and the problem is gone!

If you take a good look at the sociological side of Cyprus from the 1500s onwards you’ll find that the Turkish Cypriots were always TURKS first and whatever else after. At best, this is referred to as a conflict of interests.
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Postby Gabira » Wed Mar 19, 2008 4:12 am

And your mentality is the finest example of what Expat is talking about. Until you get rid of your superiority complex, partition will be the only way. Sadly, it is already too late as the majority of GC's are conditioned on the same wave length from birth.

I think the left over TC's (after the slaughter - which didn't fully succeed) would have been treated better by the "Kalamara" than GC's if Enosis had succeeded and Greece took rule.
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Postby miltiades » Wed Mar 19, 2008 6:25 am

Gabira wrote:And your mentality is the finest example of what Expat is talking about. Until you get rid of your superiority complex, partition will be the only way. Sadly, it is already too late as the majority of GC's are conditioned on the same wave length from birth.

I think the left over TC's (after the slaughter - which didn't fully succeed) would have been treated better by the "Kalamara" than GC's if Enosis had succeeded and Greece took rule.

You are just mixed up , give it a break mate ! What is it with the Greek flag ? Incidentally how many T/Cs were exterminated during the "slaughter" ?
Talking about slaughtering of people , there is evidence to substantiate the claim that the Armenian genocide DID occur , but the exterminators were not Turkish but Greeks aided by G/Cs !! This scientific discovery was recently made by Zan aided by BigAl with a little help from Eric Daye !!
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Postby Big Al » Wed Mar 19, 2008 6:41 am

thats right and at the moment we're investigating the link between the GC's and mythomania. There appears to be an usually high number of people suffering the mental disorder in the southern part of cyprus, zan has discovered many thousands of people of GC hertitage suffering the disorder which manifests itself in the need to constant tell lies..
Zan, have you finished you inital interveiws yet??
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Postby Gabira » Wed Mar 19, 2008 6:59 am

miltiades wrote:What is it with the Greek flag ?

What is your problem with my Greek flag ? What is your problem with Greeks ? You seem to have an obsession with attacking anything that is Greek ! I think the confused one here is you :?
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Postby Expatkiwi » Wed Mar 19, 2008 7:04 am

miltiades wrote:What is it with the Greek flag ?

I have one of those in my collection. Just because I don't like some of the policies of Greece doesn't meangt that I don't appreciate a good looking flag.... :wink:

Anyway, the problem of mutual suspicion from historical emnity is still there and this is a problem not unique to Cyprus. Still, this is the Cyprus Forum and I'm still not hearing anything compelling to pursuade me to drop my pro-partitionist stance. I'm am still visualizing Greek Mobs running Turks out of houses and forcing them into enclaves again out of vindictiveness should reunification occur. In short, what Serbs did to their minorities in the former Yugoslavia. And - for the sake of argument - if such people are in the minority in Greek Cyprus, what would the majority do about it? Just stand aside and let it happen (most likely)?
People like Oracle make it clear what she thinks about persons with Turkish ancestery, and I can VERY easilly see her running Lynch mobs over a prostate Northern Cyprus... How can she convince me that I'm wrong?
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