My point is that Expatkiwi started this thread by writing about trust (lack of), suspicion and stereotyping.
The quotes that I included indicated that he might have a point.
I'm surprised that you found it difficult to follow.
Big Al wrote:miltiades,
thats right and at the moment we're investigating the link between the GC's and mythomania. There appears to be an usually high number of people suffering the mental disorder in the southern part of cyprus, zan has discovered many thousands of people of GC hertitage suffering the disorder which manifests itself in the need to constant tell lies..
Zan, have you finished you inital interveiws yet??
observer wrote:My point is that Expatkiwi started this thread by writing about trust (lack of), suspicion and stereotyping.
The quotes that I included indicated that he might have a point.
I'm surprised that you found it difficult to follow.
miltiades wrote:Expatkiwi wrote:Big Al wrote:lets just say partition will save everyone alot of time.
Thats what I believe as well, but because most nations like Turkey-bashing, having Turkey guarantee the Turkish Cypriot populace's safety is therefore 'wrong'....
You seem to know rather a lot about the G/Cs and Cyprus in general , would you perhaps care to elaborate the events that led you to take such a keen interest in the Cypriot affair !!
My opinion is that your knowledge is one gained superficially and selectively and not based on factual and realistic observations.
Who the hell do you think you are by telling me whose Cypriot ancestors go back thousands of years on this island that I should accept the annexation of part of my country to a foreign nation.
As far as Turkey bashing and mistrusting of Turkey by the G/Cs , and I also believe by a large section of the T/CS too , is there a valid reason that you know which would ensure that the 80 plus % of the Cypriot public should trust Turkey . The 15 or so millions of Kurds dont have much trust in Turkey either , is there a reason for this I wonder.
As for your usage of this sentence: ""but because most nations like Turkey-bashing, having Turkey guarantee the Turkish Cypriot populace's safety is therefore 'wrong'
Are you seriously suggesting that the Cypriots ought to trust a nation , a third world nation that is , and forgo their preferred trustees ie Europe and the UN in favour of Turkey with article 301 thrown in as a safety net !!!
miltiades wrote:Observer , by mixing selected paragraphs your presenting an unreal picture , below is what I posted :
"""""Who the hell do you think you are by telling me whose Cypriot ancestors go back thousands of years on this island that I should accept the annexation of part of my country to a foreign nation .
""is there a valid reason that you know which would ensure that the 80 plus % of the Cypriot public should trust Turkey !""
"""Are you seriously suggesting that the Cypriots ought to trust a nation, a third world nation "
Can you criticize my comments please !
miltiades wrote:Observer , by mixing selected paragraphs your presenting an unreal picture , below is what I posted :
"""""Who the hell do you think you are by telling me whose Cypriot ancestors go back thousands of years on this island that I should accept the annexation of part of my country to a foreign nation .
""is there a valid reason that you know which would ensure that the 80 plus % of the Cypriot public should trust Turkey !""
"""Are you seriously suggesting that the Cypriots ought to trust a nation, a third world nation "
Can you criticize my comments please !
pantheman wrote:observer wrote:My point is that Expatkiwi started this thread by writing about trust (lack of), suspicion and stereotyping.
The quotes that I included indicated that he might have a point.
I'm surprised that you found it difficult to follow.
No, he wrote the thread about them not trusting us because we are the evils ones and the blame for everything. I am surprised you didn't see through him to be honest.
If you haven't noticed, it is they that have the power to hurt us, not the otherway around. Really, was it that difficult. You need to understand what you are reading more.
observer wrote:pantheman wrote:observer wrote:My point is that Expatkiwi started this thread by writing about trust (lack of), suspicion and stereotyping.
The quotes that I included indicated that he might have a point.
I'm surprised that you found it difficult to follow.
No, he wrote the thread about them not trusting us because we are the evils ones and the blame for everything. I am surprised you didn't see through him to be honest.
If you haven't noticed, it is they that have the power to hurt us, not the otherway around. Really, was it that difficult. You need to understand what you are reading more.
I suggest you reread the original posting, which I have just done. Expatkiwi writes fairly evenhandedly about TCs view about GCs, and GCs views about TCs leading to suspicion and stereotyping by both communities.
Your contribution only confirms how correct he was in his writing, presumably because you object to anything that he might say about the GCs, but see agree entirely with what he says about the TCs.
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