webbo wrote:kurupetos wrote:Cyprus is not very expensive as long as you have your own home and a good job. You can save some money on electricity bills if you use renewable energy (e.g. photovoltaics). Their still quite expensive but the price gradually drops and you can also get 50% government funding. There is a fair in Nicosia these days I believe. Also a good idea is the hybrid vehicles (e.g. Honda Civic hybrid).
Hi kurupeto. Do you know how to apply for this grant and what qualifies you to receive it? Thanks
Bubbles x
Getting funding is a nightmare…

However, I understand there is a different way now… instead of getting a grant and then selling unused ‘lectric back at a-bit-more-than-you-would-normally-pay-for-it, you can pay the full cost yourself and then get 3x the cost of the unused ‘lectric back…

However, it costs many thousands to install and the PV cells still have a limited life span…

And hybrid cars are shite too…