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Future of Britain

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Postby pantheman » Thu Mar 20, 2008 6:36 pm

miltiades wrote:I think the problem is one of "illegitimacy" Too many fatherless kids around , too many brothers with varying degrees of fathers , one family in the news recently the woman has 7 kids 5 fathers !!!In other words the nation is full of bastards !
Children growing up need a father figure , an uncle , a grand mother , relatives that they know .
What do we do in the UK ? Simple we abolish the word family from our dictionary we remove the word parents and substitute it with carers , we tell our kids that if you want to get on you must fiddle , just as our politicians do with our expenses , that includes that non driving , communist loving multicultural bullshitter Ken taking 80 people to China for a free for all Chicken Chow Ming !!!

I agree with miltiades on the illegitimacy of the kids. Anothe big fact is this rediculous child act that prevents anyone administering disciplinary measures. Basically the system is fucked!

I used to own and run a Quasar (Live Action Laser Gun Game) we used to do birthday parties by the bucket loads. If you know how to talk to the kids they will tell you anything, the stories I used to get about what parents got upto I won't even mention, but suffice to say in any group upto 20 kids, I found a large percentage of them were from families with multiple fathers. meaning 4 children from the same mother and 3 differnt fathers. This was ripe. This is the break down of the society and this is where all respect is lost. The Welfare system just encourages this behaviour. Have loads of kids get loads a dosh. I am sorry, I sounds so harsh, and there are many deserving people, but alot of the time kids are used as a tool for getting money and houses from the social, without ant regards as to how this child will be raised. I also owned a pub and club, and people were spending there giros on the piss with no thought as to the needs of the kids.

You could say I have contributed to the problem, but people have choices and I provided a legitimate service, but society, being as it is, was long gone. Anyway, I said my bit, I hate this subject, there is a lot of good in this world we just need to use it more.
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