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Postby Oracle » Sat Mar 15, 2008 10:44 am

tessintrnc wrote:I am sorry for EVERYONE who suffered, but remember that theres plenty of GREEK Cyp DISGUSTING murderers out there, one is still alive and strutting about in Paphos - the brave man shot his (Turkish Cyp) neighbours wife and son - she died, and her son (my friend) still has the scars, and do you know what? He has FORGIVEN the past mistakes made by his neighbours. This is supposed to be a discussion isn't it? Or is really just ANOTHER name calling session under disguise ?? You start all these racist threads - but you can't come up with any intelligent thoughts and resort to name calling!!! VERY INTELLIGENT ................................NOT

This is a sorry excuse for an apology tess.

Just because you are on the Cyprob it doesn't mean we sweep the individuals posting here under the carpet as though their personal suffering can just be passed over.

Humanist, would not have said what he did unless the memories were becoming unbearable. That pain is what you do not understand, and to bring up some acquaintance as equating with this, is pathetic.

When Zan's son was ill, we all stopped the bickering long enough to exchange words of encouragement, support and to pep each other up.

Most of us posting on the Cyprob had personal suffering and that is why we are here ...

Why are you? ... you are just one of the ones reaping the benefits of the suffering of others.
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Postby zan » Sat Mar 15, 2008 10:57 am

miltiades wrote:
zan wrote:
miltiades wrote:Rubbish , rubbish and more rubbish , incidentally judging fro your syntactical and grammatical utterances may I kindly request the identity of your chosen alcoholic beverage !!
Your are immersed in your own dark world , dont blame the mirror just smash it it so you dont have to look at your self .
Good night from the ASSASIN !!! You plonker !!

"""""Driven out of Cyprus by EOKA and Makarios. Kept out by TPap."""

Who gave this line boy !!

Keep going old man....Even your friends will see that you have no intention of finding the truth.....You are exposed for what you are and you did it yourself.......Nice one......You even issue threats and want my picture......

“Who Can Forget Or Forgive That The Loathsome Coupists Murdered Hundreds Of Cypriot Democrats, Some Of Whom They Buried Alive? Who Can Forget That They Were Planning To Murder About Ten Thousand, Mainly Leftists, In Order To Consolidate The Foreign-Based Fascist Regime they imposed?”
(PAPAIOANNOU, Ezekias (Secretary-General of AKEL) (Haravghi, (Nicosia) 13.01.1985)

You disgust me with your stupidity .I HAVE ISSUED THREATS AGAINST YOU !!!!
In the words of a great Englishman , Enoch Powel , I will not dissacociate my self from something with with which I have never been associated with.
My friend can see that I stand exactly where I did years ago and here is a short synopsis:
The island of Cyprus belongs to the Cypriot people , G/Cs , T/Cs Armenian Maronite British and all other Cypriots . No one has a right to hand a part ofour island to a foreign nation.
There are NO Majorities or minorities in Cyprus all Cypriots are equal under the law.
There is ONLY ONE legal nation in Cyprus and that is the one that the ENTIRE World recognises.
I will challenge all those whose only agenda is to continue spreading propaganda that our people can not live together in order to promote the permanent division of our island and our people, these are the partititionist the extremists the hate mongers such as you in this instance.
I have challenge many on this forum for their extreme and dangerous views that are formulated not on reality but on an agenda given to them by their respective propaganda masters.

Of all propagandists you are perhaps the most dangerous in that by hiding behind your cloak of secrecy you continue to formulate views and opinions detrimental to the interests of the T/C people and all Cypriot people.You clutch at straws to propagate your absurd supposition that the invasion of 1974 was one of liberation and a peace mission , you mentioned the figure of 40 thousand refugees returning back to "near the border" areas , what is the relative importance of this , is it to state that contrary to the invasion there were NO refugees , the occupied areas had NO G/Cs before the invasion !!
I have also stated that my ambition to see a T/C as the President of a united Cyprus is a noble one , in that such an event would herald the beginning of a new political and social era for Cyprus.
You know how much I detest the promotion of foreign flags and anthems , as well as the nonsense that our motherlands are the two nations who are responsible for the indoctrination and mental rape of our people.
Mr Zomby , your views and general outlook are formulated based on propaganda and hatred , where mine are based on realities , necessities and free from propaganda. I interpret situations based on the rules used by the International community , the UN , EU etc. None use inverted Commas in mentioning the ROC but all do in mentioning the TRNC
if any of my friends find my remarks offensive , they will also find them truth to my position as it always was.
Finaly Mr Plonker , let me rimind you of your favourite words of "wisdom"
Makarios , EOKA, TPAP , Drunk , old !!!!

And you disgust me with your false sympathies and your inability to understand what I am saying the the truth.......

The numbers are important because it shows the source from which you people get your information from. I am trying to broaden your horizons and help you see he real truth and not your imagined double glazing salesman crap about what Cyprus is. My hate of your drinking is that it stops you from forming a proper opinion of anything...I have a brother who is a drunk like you and I can see the similarities in your behavior....You do not have a clear head even when sober....

I give you quotes with names and some with Greek names and you chose to ignore the facts....I give you the evidence that my country is under siege by the "RoC" and is not the country under which I was born and I will never accept the illegal regime that took my country and my rights away by the sword and you ignore me. This makes you the propagandist and the one who is most dangerous to Cyprus because you anger each and every TC with your ignorance and apathy. An ignorance that should not be because I have done the leg work for you and brought you all you need to know. Still you try to give us some bullshit about who recognises who and we should surrender to that because of mistakes in the past.....You have been told before where to stick your "RoC" and perhaps you have and that is what is making you so grumpy because of the discomfort. When you come round to giving me my REAL country back and my rights then I will see you as a CYpriot and not another Greek trying to convince me to give up what my fathers died for.
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Postby Nikitas » Sat Mar 15, 2008 1:42 pm

Tess wrote:

"I am sorry for EVERYONE who suffered, but remember that theres plenty of GREEK Cyp DISGUSTING murderers out there, one is still alive and strutting about in Paphos "

The same happens with murderers who live in the north and are treated as special people and enjoy benefits due to "heroes". Svgul Uludag has documented the slaughter of GCs in Afania, and the perpetrators are still free and enjoying the "fruits of their labor" in the TRNC.

Turkey had a golden opportunity in 1974 to catch all murderers from both sides and put them on trial, to exclude the old guard from participation in politics, to enforce the turning of a new leaf in Cyprus. Instead it carried out one of the most blatant campaigns of ethnic cleansing in history and installed one of the arch murderers of Cyprus, Rauf Denktatsh, as leader for a whole generation.

As Bulent Ecevit said in various interviews: "if the Greeks had accepted our proposal we would not have had to carry out Attila II and kill 4500 people" in other words he blames the victims for "forcing" him to kill them. Turkish cynicism at its very best.
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Postby bill cobbett » Sat Mar 15, 2008 1:57 pm

Nikitas wrote:Tess wrote:

"I am sorry for EVERYONE who suffered, but remember that theres plenty of GREEK Cyp DISGUSTING murderers out there, one is still alive and strutting about in Paphos "

The same happens with murderers who live in the north and are treated as special people and enjoy benefits due to "heroes". Svgul Uludag has documented the slaughter of GCs in Afania, and the perpetrators are still free and enjoying the "fruits of their labor" in the TRNC.

Turkey had a golden opportunity in 1974 to catch all murderers from both sides and put them on trial, to exclude the old guard from participation in politics, to enforce the turning of a new leaf in Cyprus. Instead it carried out one of the most blatant campaigns of ethnic cleansing in history and installed one of the arch murderers of Cyprus, Rauf Denktatsh, as leader for a whole generation.

As Bulent Ecevit said in various interviews: "if the Greeks had accepted our proposal we would not have had to carry out Attila II and kill 4500 people" in other words he blames the victims for "forcing" him to kill them. Turkish cynicism at its very best.

I for one would have liked to see far more of the traitors and murderous thugs from both communities, including those that N. refers to, brought before the courts to answer for their actions. I do not think we can move on until this happens.

I seem to remember that some of the collaborative coupists were tried in the RoC, but escaped (imho) with very lenient sentences.
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Postby Nikitas » Sat Mar 15, 2008 2:01 pm

Some things above just do not add up.

The GCs were supposed to want Enosis but in resiting it they got killed in thousands. So what is the story? Did they or did they not want Enosis?

The infighting among GCs cost more lives than the invasion, or so says Zan. Interesting that fighting with small arms allegedly cost more lives than a full military campaign in which an unopposed air force and navy bombarded indisctiminately and managed in their "enthusiasm" to bomb and shell even their own soldiers and sailors.

And finally there is Ecevit saying very clearly that 4500 GCs were killed in the second Attila. How many were killed in Attila I then?

The question of the missing is now clear and the graves found and the condition of the remains leaves no doubt about how people of both sides were executed. It also leaves no doubt about the numbers, about 400 TC and about 1400 GC missing are being sought. Nor is there any doubt that mass graves are known in the north but kept hidden, refer to the Sevgul Uludag's research on this. For obvious reasons the north does not want to reveal mass graves while clamouring about their suffering.

Those who like digging in paper archives can look up the Sunday Times Insight teams reports from September 1974 under the title "Something Terrible Happened Here" about the aftermath of the Turkish invasion in the Karpasia region. It leaves no doubt about the nature of the depopulation campaign in Karpasia. Of the 20 000 Greeks who were cut off on in this area and recorded by the UN, and thus not subject to execution, there are now less than 1000 left thanks to the Denktash regime's expulsion practices.

The record of the north in human rights after the cessation of hostilities is not something to brag about.
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Postby Oracle » Sat Mar 15, 2008 2:11 pm

Nikitas wrote:Some things above just do not add up.

The GCs were supposed to want Enosis but in resiting it they got killed in thousands. So what is the story? Did they or did they not want Enosis?

The infighting among GCs cost more lives than the invasion, or so says Zan. Interesting that fighting with small arms allegedly cost more lives than a full military campaign in which an unopposed air force and navy bombarded indisctiminately and managed in their "enthusiasm" to bomb and shell even their own soldiers and sailors.

And finally there is Ecevit saying very clearly that 4500 GCs were killed in the second Attila. How many were killed in Attila I then?

The question of the missing is now clear and the graves found and the condition of the remains leaves no doubt about how people of both sides were executed. It also leaves no doubt about the numbers, about 400 TC and about 1400 GC missing are being sought. Nor is there any doubt that mass graves are known in the north but kept hidden, refer to the Sevgul Uludag's research on this. For obvious reasons the north does not want to reveal mass graves while clamouring about their suffering.

Those who like digging in paper archives can look up the Sunday Times Insight teams reports from September 1974 under the title "Something Terrible Happened Here" about the aftermath of the Turkish invasion in the Karpasia region. It leaves no doubt about the nature of the depopulation campaign in Karpasia. Of the 20 000 Greeks who were cut off on in this area and recorded by the UN, and thus not subject to execution, there are now less than 1000 left thanks to the Denktash regime's expulsion practices.

The record of the north in human rights after the cessation of hostilities is not something to brag about.

Great post Nikitas .....
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Postby Viewpoint » Sat Mar 15, 2008 2:18 pm

humanist wrote:like I said what is one to expect from a someone, who supports the illegalities of a state and the violation of human rights on daily basis.

iceman, I am not ignmorant of your loses but I will not stand for a Turk who repeatedly invalidates the plight of many. For whatever reason you have it in for me, but the issues have got to do with your own innerturmoil.... you need to deal with that.

Not once have I heard a TC to pull someone up.

But once again you are supporting a regime that says I can violate soemones rghts because I can.

Where were you in 1963? why werent you calling for union and a stop to discrimination? why did you people stay quite during our suffering and turn a blind eye. Now the shoe is on the other foot you feel unfortbale and want our help. Well if the structure for a solution is not right then no TCs will support anything oyu have to say, get the formual right and you may unite this siland otherwise more of the same is OK by us.
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Postby miltiades » Sat Mar 15, 2008 2:45 pm

zan wrote:
miltiades wrote:
zan wrote:
miltiades wrote:Rubbish , rubbish and more rubbish , incidentally judging fro your syntactical and grammatical utterances may I kindly request the identity of your chosen alcoholic beverage !!
Your are immersed in your own dark world , dont blame the mirror just smash it it so you dont have to look at your self .
Good night from the ASSASIN !!! You plonker !!

"""""Driven out of Cyprus by EOKA and Makarios. Kept out by TPap."""

Who gave this line boy !!

Keep going old man....Even your friends will see that you have no intention of finding the truth.....You are exposed for what you are and you did it yourself.......Nice one......You even issue threats and want my picture......

“Who Can Forget Or Forgive That The Loathsome Coupists Murdered Hundreds Of Cypriot Democrats, Some Of Whom They Buried Alive? Who Can Forget That They Were Planning To Murder About Ten Thousand, Mainly Leftists, In Order To Consolidate The Foreign-Based Fascist Regime they imposed?”
(PAPAIOANNOU, Ezekias (Secretary-General of AKEL) (Haravghi, (Nicosia) 13.01.1985)

You disgust me with your stupidity .I HAVE ISSUED THREATS AGAINST YOU !!!!
In the words of a great Englishman , Enoch Powel , I will not dissacociate my self from something with with which I have never been associated with.
My friend can see that I stand exactly where I did years ago and here is a short synopsis:
The island of Cyprus belongs to the Cypriot people , G/Cs , T/Cs Armenian Maronite British and all other Cypriots . No one has a right to hand a part ofour island to a foreign nation.
There are NO Majorities or minorities in Cyprus all Cypriots are equal under the law.
There is ONLY ONE legal nation in Cyprus and that is the one that the ENTIRE World recognises.
I will challenge all those whose only agenda is to continue spreading propaganda that our people can not live together in order to promote the permanent division of our island and our people, these are the partititionist the extremists the hate mongers such as you in this instance.
I have challenge many on this forum for their extreme and dangerous views that are formulated not on reality but on an agenda given to them by their respective propaganda masters.

Of all propagandists you are perhaps the most dangerous in that by hiding behind your cloak of secrecy you continue to formulate views and opinions detrimental to the interests of the T/C people and all Cypriot people.You clutch at straws to propagate your absurd supposition that the invasion of 1974 was one of liberation and a peace mission , you mentioned the figure of 40 thousand refugees returning back to "near the border" areas , what is the relative importance of this , is it to state that contrary to the invasion there were NO refugees , the occupied areas had NO G/Cs before the invasion !!
I have also stated that my ambition to see a T/C as the President of a united Cyprus is a noble one , in that such an event would herald the beginning of a new political and social era for Cyprus.
You know how much I detest the promotion of foreign flags and anthems , as well as the nonsense that our motherlands are the two nations who are responsible for the indoctrination and mental rape of our people.
Mr Zomby , your views and general outlook are formulated based on propaganda and hatred , where mine are based on realities , necessities and free from propaganda. I interpret situations based on the rules used by the International community , the UN , EU etc. None use inverted Commas in mentioning the ROC but all do in mentioning the TRNC
if any of my friends find my remarks offensive , they will also find them truth to my position as it always was.
Finaly Mr Plonker , let me rimind you of your favourite words of "wisdom"
Makarios , EOKA, TPAP , Drunk , old !!!!

And you disgust me with your false sympathies and your inability to understand what I am saying the the truth.......

The numbers are important because it shows the source from which you people get your information from. I am trying to broaden your horizons and help you see he real truth and not your imagined double glazing salesman crap about what Cyprus is. My hate of your drinking is that it stops you from forming a proper opinion of anything...I have a brother who is a drunk like you and I can see the similarities in your behavior....You do not have a clear head even when sober....

I give you quotes with names and some with Greek names and you chose to ignore the facts....I give you the evidence that my country is under siege by the "RoC" and is not the country under which I was born and I will never accept the illegal regime that took my country and my rights away by the sword and you ignore me. This makes you the propagandist and the one who is most dangerous to Cyprus because you anger each and every TC with your ignorance and apathy. An ignorance that should not be because I have done the leg work for you and brought you all you need to know. Still you try to give us some bullshit about who recognises who and we should surrender to that because of mistakes in the past.....You have been told before where to stick your "RoC" and perhaps you have and that is what is making you so grumpy because of the discomfort. When you come round to giving me my REAL country back and my rights then I will see you as a CYpriot and not another Greek trying to convince me to give up what my fathers died for.

You insulent little minion of a man , what does your alchoholic brother have to do with the price of eggs!!

No Sir , I will not anger T/Cs apart from the likes of you.I have NEVER uttered one word against the T/Cs I have challenged those who share your views and regard his compatriots as ! thieves !! AND MURDERERS. !!
Give it a brake man your boring me to tears I think I need a drink !!
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Postby Viewpoint » Sat Mar 15, 2008 2:47 pm

Miltiates you are not being truthful you have cursed and condemned TCs in past posts, albeit when angered but saying you have never done this make you look stupid and a liar.
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Postby zan » Sat Mar 15, 2008 3:34 pm

Oracle wrote:
Nikitas wrote:Some things above just do not add up.

The GCs were supposed to want Enosis but in resiting it they got killed in thousands. So what is the story? Did they or did they not want Enosis?

The infighting among GCs cost more lives than the invasion, or so says Zan. Interesting that fighting with small arms allegedly cost more lives than a full military campaign in which an unopposed air force and navy bombarded indisctiminately and managed in their "enthusiasm" to bomb and shell even their own soldiers and sailors.

And finally there is Ecevit saying very clearly that 4500 GCs were killed in the second Attila. How many were killed in Attila I then?

The question of the missing is now clear and the graves found and the condition of the remains leaves no doubt about how people of both sides were executed. It also leaves no doubt about the numbers, about 400 TC and about 1400 GC missing are being sought. Nor is there any doubt that mass graves are known in the north but kept hidden, refer to the Sevgul Uludag's research on this. For obvious reasons the north does not want to reveal mass graves while clamouring about their suffering.

Those who like digging in paper archives can look up the Sunday Times Insight teams reports from September 1974 under the title "Something Terrible Happened Here" about the aftermath of the Turkish invasion in the Karpasia region. It leaves no doubt about the nature of the depopulation campaign in Karpasia. Of the 20 000 Greeks who were cut off on in this area and recorded by the UN, and thus not subject to execution, there are now less than 1000 left thanks to the Denktash regime's expulsion practices.

The record of the north in human rights after the cessation of hostilities is not something to brag about.

Great post Nikitas .....

Nikitas...Your inability, or more precisely, your reluctance to assess the situation is amazing...First of all.....It si not Zan that says but the evidence and quotes that say :roll: :roll: :roll: Secondly.....The fact that there was a general tendency to exaggerate the numbers killed and how many tanks and planes were shot down at the time of the intervention does not enter your equation either :roll: :roll: The quote of those GCs being massacred by the coupists as they were told to lay down their weapons by Makarios does not bother you either but you attribute that to small arms murders...

I will say again...You guys are only interested in putting the blame on Turkey and not finding out the truth......

The fact that you also blame Denktas for there only being a small number of GCs left in the TRNC/KKTC has got nothing to do with the coup and the murder of the TCs and the ENOSIS dream of the GCS.....

The ENOSIS dream is there for all to see in every speech that Makarios made but that is not enough for you...Your leader stands up in public and speaks and that speech is broadcast and reported all, around the world and you still deny that he wanted ENOSIS. You guys are amazing......I post proof from a GC mouth that the coupist had 10,000 Makarios supporters on their list for extermination and then if you care to cross reference the news of the time in which GCs were applauding the arrival of the Turkish army, you might actually see why they were.....Perhaps the ones on the list were there in their thousands because they saw their people slaughtered and knew they were next.......You guys are so full of shit that one day you will explode....The Oracle thought you came to save her mistake with this post but she has been dragged into more crap with you!!!! :roll: :roll: :roll:
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