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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Rauf Raif Denktas - will you miss him?

Poll ended at Sun Apr 17, 2005 4:18 pm

Rauf who?
Total votes : 18

Postby Harry » Sun Apr 17, 2005 3:31 am

Any other way, can I assist you with my up to date mentality. Listen if we were barbaric or vice versa, its only words now. One day your going to have to choose either let the past go or keep your guards up to what could happen with no future. Do you realize your total population including motherland Turkey is over 80 million and if something happens you got more back up than any Greek in this world. Anything else?
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Postby insan » Sun Apr 17, 2005 3:51 am

It took 11 years those 80 million people to launch a military intervention. Have you got any idea how much did those 11 years cost to TC community, under embargoes, oppressions, terror and fears?
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Postby Harry » Sun Apr 17, 2005 4:03 am

Did you remember those 11 years from 1963 to 1974 and if you did even in Cyprus things changed since then. What else besides land are you looking from us. Equality is there, rules go for everybody because in the EU you have other countries in there that could get your point across if needed. Back then you didin't. Keep building on our lands and see how far you'll get in the EU if you expect to keep it. Good Luck
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Postby insan » Sun Apr 17, 2005 4:13 am

Harry wrote:Did you remember those 11 years from 1963 to 1974 and if you did even in Cyprus things changed since then. What else besides land are you looking from us. Equality is there, rules go for everybody because in the EU you have other countries in there that could get your point across if needed. Back then you didin't. Keep building on our lands and see how far you'll get in the EU if you expect to keep it. Good Luck

Nothing has changed. The mentality of your leadership and some certain self-interest groups is still the same. We are not looking for land. Majority of TCs made it clear what they looked for. Though, according some groups of GCs, maybe majority; what TCs wanted is a disguised partition and looting the GC properties.

Equality is there eh? So, there's no need for political equality of two communities? Just equality of individuals is sufficient for TCs in a GC state? Is this the national cause of GC nation?

On one hand you say we are all Cypriots, then you celebrate the anniversary of your national heroes and national cause. You think TCs are naive not to understand what's your aim is. First of all you should learn to be honest and sincere to TCs. Then come and tell us that we are all Cypriots.
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Postby erolz » Sun Apr 17, 2005 4:22 am

Harry wrote: If walls were never put up you would be a completely different person.

If TC had not resisted GC apsirations for Cyprus in the 50-60's then Cyprus would not exist today as an independent state. If we had not 'put up walls' in 74 then quite possibly many TC would not be the same person - they would be dead or drvien from Cyprus.

Harry wrote:
What people were like pre 1974 is nothing to compare to todays man.

Maybe so and maybe many peoples objectives remain the same though their chosen means have changed.

Harry wrote:
We kept up with everything in the world and we are advanced civilians.

And TC are not? Sounds to me very like the same kind of belief of the superiority of GC vs TC that was very prevelant in 1960 no doubt. So much for people changing then.

Harry wrote:
The hate that your used to from GC's is a thing of the past, not that many people in this world have those kind of mindsets anymore but your people keep insisting that we are. How would you know if you were in your room for thirty something years. Times changed buddy, wake up.

We fear that a GC majority may tryu and supress a TC minority in Cyprus. You did in the past so we remain cautious of this happening again. I would like to beleive that it would not and could not but you want me (TC) to just trust that it would not again?

Harry wrote:
The laws of the EU you think is only for us, you too. So whatever you think we might do to you we will get punished anyway. We're not above the law. If something is really against your people mother Turkey is there anyway.

There were laws in 63-68 and they did not protet the TC community. There was a UN military presense from 64 onwards and that did not protect us. The EU does not involve itself in members states 'internal' affairs. There is no EU force in Northern Island. In fact there is no EU force at all currently. Turkey did protect us (unfortunately at much cost to GC) in the past - but only after 11 years of suffering and lost property and lost lives for TC - and that was with Turkey having a legal right to intervene in Cyprus. Now you want us to agree to remove any right for Turkey to intervene, trust in EU protection that does not exist and laws that failed to protect us in the past. Sounds like a great proposition for TC (not).
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Postby erolz » Sun Apr 17, 2005 4:30 am

Harry wrote: Equality is there, rules go for everybody because in the EU you have other countries in there that could get your point across if needed.

40 yars on and you still fail to understand the issue totaly. The rights of indivduals and the rights of the two communites / peoples in Cyprus are not the same. Sure you will 'grant' us equality as indivduals (as if that was yours to grant anyway) but only if we agree as a community to put ourselves under effective control and mercy of a GC political mahority in Cyprus - our homeland. We have a right as a community to have an effective say in what occurs in our own homeland, that is equal to the right of GC as a community to the same in theirs. Accept this and we can have a settlement. Continue to deny it today as you have from 60 onwards (and despite the agreements you signed that granted us this in 60) and we will continue to resist.

Harry wrote: Back then you didin't. Keep building on our lands and see how far you'll get in the EU if you expect to keep it. Good Luck

No back then we had both the UK and Turkey with a legal right to intervene - that was stronger than any right the EU or member states have to intervene in another member state today and we had a UN miltary presense - yet still we suffered, lost homes and loved ones.

Harry wrote:Keep building on our lands and see how far you'll get in the EU if you expect to keep it. Good Luck

Keep trying to ignore, deny and dismiss our rights as a community and we will continue to resist.
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Postby Harry » Sun Apr 17, 2005 4:59 am

TC's and Gc's both have a say to the island, your right. So for thirty something years you never Really tried to work things out for this country to go legit, you waited like we did. I respect that. Point is now, GC have a future ahead of them, and instead of TC to make a deal with us. You stick to your guns and say this is how its going to go, but remember the ball is still in your court after we threw it back saying give back our land, and you dont want to play anymore. So now your waiting to see, what I don't know but waiting is not helping you believe me. Uncertainty sucks and theres none of that for GC's anymore. I would like the same to go for you too, believe me. No one deserves that kind of mental stress. But remember we're not enemies. We hopefully will be living with each other again just give our shit back.
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Postby efe » Sun Apr 17, 2005 5:20 am

your shit will be given back after you agree on a solution.
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Postby erolz » Sun Apr 17, 2005 5:44 am

Harry wrote: I would like the same to go for you too, believe me. No one deserves that kind of mental stress. But remember we're not enemies. We hopefully will be living with each other again just give our shit back.

Accept the political equality of the two communites and we will give you back your land (or exchange it for our lost land if that where that is prefered). Problem solved and we can get on togeather with making Cyprus the paradise it should be.
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Postby insan » Sun Apr 17, 2005 10:01 am

magikthrill wrote:
Harry wrote:I never critisized my side, no need to. Latest one that everyone is coming down on is Tassos. He's the peoples leader. When he told everyone to vote against th A-plan, he never hid anything, even if he told us to vote for it we would of voted against it anyway. He's just a figure to point the finger at. What do you think we would listen to him with the deal saying that we'll get back some of our land after 19 years, come on listen to yourself calling him a bad leader. How about this how about all of you go back to Turkey.

harry why don't you accompany them back to Turkey? dont write sh!t like that here man. you are only showing that you dont know whats going on.

and dont bother with insan. he is living in a dream world where northern cyprus is a legally independent state and where allowing refugees to return to their OWN property is a fantasy...

Both sides are defacto. This is what I've always emphasized. Someone like magikthril assumes that the so-called de-facto RoC is a legal, sovereign state. In your dreams, of course. Allowing some 70.000 refugees to gradually return to either to their own property or anywhere they wish in the North is not a fantasy. I have never claimed such things you have mentioned above. So stop making non-sense. But as always you like to twist what I've said.

But be sure of that you are the one who is living in the fantasy world, by dreaming all refugees will return to their own property after 30 years.
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