Oracle wrote:Well why can't we moan about each other?
Criticism can be constructive ....;Look how much improved I am, for having received so much ...
So Bubbles, read some non-fiction, open a dictionary, learn to write. Stop using so many emoticons.
Tess ... get out of the "TRNC", or at least lose it from your name, you sound like a branded possession .... admit you are guilty, otherwise insensitive, and you will be a better person for it.
GG ... get some fresh ideas, and don't fly off the handle so quickly.
Purdey, debate in more length, your short posts lack depth.
.... I'll see how this thread survives first, before I drop a few more controversial clangers ...
Admin ... I am all yours, admonish or allow some controversy to keep us hungry forumers alive.

Have read your so called cc! You really cannot fathom people at all can you, but if that is what you think, then so be it!
BTW, have you noticed I save most emoticons for you??
You know what I think of you, I would not belittle your so-called 'intelligence' by repeating myself!
A word of friendly advice - try to be kinder to people and maybe they may start to like you - some things you write actually have depth and I know you can be witty - sometimes. You say that you are not quick to retaliate, but all I can say is reread your posts!
Another thing that bugs forum members (was written on another post but I ditto the sentiments) is your inane use of highlighting your posts. What is it with that? Are you perchance a 'retired infant teacher'?