Viewpoint wrote:GorillaGal wrote:Oracle wrote:utu wrote:It is safe to say, Oracle, that your position on this issue is not exactly in 'the spriit of reconciliation', which of course needs to exist if the Cyprus Problem is EVER to be solved. The 'Milosovic solution' to restive minorities is something that should NEVER be entertained...
Kindly refrain from preaching to me against holding views which you assert I harbor, based on your biased characterisation.
Stick to criticising my opinions and points when I make them ... otherwise you run the risk of discussing these views with yourself.
Please address my points and do not assert your "view" of me with so little knowledge.
I am not the solution, just as I am not the problem.
Now, the reconciliation needs to come from those who have divided the island and hold it in a partitioned form ... I am not the one stationing armies to sustain this situation ... that is Turkey.
Therefore re-conciliatory moves have to come from Turkey ... not me.
As we have established, unfortunately, Turkey only invaded to achieve what it now has ...... so why would it give up that which it manoeuvred toward for so long? ...
All it can do is lay the blame with others, for a status quo which itself, will never let go of.
My hope for a solution is to use the might of our EU allies to dissolve this intransigence ...
For that to be achieved, I do not need to hold false respect for Turks ....
oh, you are definatly PART OF the problem....
the sad part is that this sick bastard doesnt know it.
Americans and Turks ....