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Brits making fun of Cypriots on CL Forum. Disgusting!!!!!!!!

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Re: DT. Does it Again ....

Postby DT. » Fri Mar 14, 2008 9:55 am

Oracle wrote:
humanist wrote:why are they the pink arsed monkeys making fun of Cypriots?

:lol: They've completely removed a thread of DT.'s with a photo of a bright red Brit having enjoyed a day in the Cypriot sun ... :lol:

I guess they didn't like his sense of humour :lol:


just goes to show whats good for the goose is not always good for the gander I guess....ok for old ladies but not for bright pink men?
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Re: DT. Does it Again ....

Postby Niki » Fri Mar 14, 2008 10:51 am

DT. wrote:
Oracle wrote:
humanist wrote:why are they the pink arsed monkeys making fun of Cypriots?

:lol: They've completely removed a thread of DT.'s with a photo of a bright red Brit having enjoyed a day in the Cypriot sun ... :lol:

I guess they didn't like his sense of humour :lol:


just goes to show whats good for the goose is not always good for the gander I guess....ok for old ladies but not for bright pink men?

Why do they do that. Walking round looking like a lobster is not attractive (but not just confined to the Brits :wink: )! :lol:
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Postby Get Real! » Fri Mar 14, 2008 11:01 am

Niki wrote:The point is Andreas they weren't referring specifically to 'Cypriots'! They were being rather cruel about 2 older ladies but people are being over sensitive re the racism.

That wasn't cruel, that was hilarious… they DID look like they were having a lemon sucking competition! Image

What’s happened to your sense of humor people? Brits shouldn’t have to tip-toe living in Cyprus!
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Postby DT. » Fri Mar 14, 2008 11:34 am

Get Real! wrote:
Niki wrote:The point is Andreas they weren't referring specifically to 'Cypriots'! They were being rather cruel about 2 older ladies but people are being over sensitive re the racism.

That wasn't cruel, that was hilarious… they DID look like they were having a lemon sucking competition! Image

What’s happened to your sense of humor people? Brits shouldn’t have to tip-toe living in Cyprus!

thats fine..neither should we.
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Postby LENA » Fri Mar 14, 2008 4:02 pm

DT. wrote:
halil wrote:Lena,
i have seen that tread it was nothing ...... it was nothing by the side of the Cypriots insulting each other .... i bet , they have done it by English way of thinking .... i knew you can understand what i am trying to say .... you are the one who lives over in UK now . Some times they loughs to things we don't ... sometimes they get upset that we don't ..... culture difference , i can say it .

tread was similar that our Dt opened at their forum. have a look.... is it insulting or not. İ don't think so just taking Micky out off it ... just like their tread. ... php?t=7708

one of the reasons i did it Halil, see how sensitive they are. To be fair its a light one, but it would be interesting to see how far it can be taken.

Deleted before even I saw it. Again!!! :roll:
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Postby DT. » Fri Mar 14, 2008 4:11 pm

LENA wrote:
DT. wrote:
halil wrote:Lena,
i have seen that tread it was nothing ...... it was nothing by the side of the Cypriots insulting each other .... i bet , they have done it by English way of thinking .... i knew you can understand what i am trying to say .... you are the one who lives over in UK now . Some times they loughs to things we don't ... sometimes they get upset that we don't ..... culture difference , i can say it .

tread was similar that our Dt opened at their forum. have a look.... is it insulting or not. İ don't think so just taking Micky out off it ... just like their tread. ... php?t=7708

one of the reasons i did it Halil, see how sensitive they are. To be fair its a light one, but it would be interesting to see how far it can be taken.

Deleted before even I saw it. Again!!! :roll:

I'll let you know in advance next time. :lol: I really don't get why he got so annoyed!
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Postby LENA » Fri Mar 14, 2008 4:12 pm

miltiades wrote:
webbo wrote:
LENA wrote:Did not have the pleasure to see what that thread was on about since by the time I try to read it, it was gone.

I saw another thread somewhere here about what Cypriots believe about the British. Things like that are going on for few month now around here. It was not like that when I joined the forum. People around here wanted to help the British who wanted to visit, get married or live in Cyprus as much as they could and they try to present our country as good as they could. On the other hand British who used to live here or they were interested to move in Cyprus were asking questions or adding comments with respect towards the Cypriots and the island. I am not saying that we did not have exception in both sides but lately is out of control.

Cypriot members start complaining about the British and British members or European members complaning about Cyprus. I am so sick of this situation.

As Niki said some of the other forum might say bad things about Cypriots but at least they provide help to the ones that need it or have better things to do than sitting around and swearing to each other.

I am really glad that Niki, Webbo and Bubbles, RichardB and Bill live in Cyprus. No matter what they love this island with the bad and the good ones, they see the reality, that this island can offer them some of the things that they wanted and they expected to find when they moved to Cyprus. They accept Cypriots with their mistakes and disadvantages and they will try to protect this island when people talk with the worst way about the island and Cypriots. I can see love for this island through their words that I am ashamed that some of Cypriots dont have for their own country. Of course I respect them for another reason as well. They admit that UK has mistakes and is not perfect but they love it because is their country and they try to protect it from bad comments as well.

I am disgust by people who decided to come and live in Cyprus and they have nothing good to say but they are still on the island. I am also disgust by the foreigners that because they are away from home they act like ******** giving they impression to Cypriots that British are all *******.

Cheers Lena mou for your very profound words, you are so kind.

Pity there were not more like you out there :(

You only get one crack at your life, so make the most of it!

Bubbles x 8)

A very sensible and well presented post by Lena , one of my favourite Cypriot ladies with whom I have had the pleasure of sharing a few hours with , having a meal and a bottle or two on more than one occasion .Met her mum too and little brother , wonderful Cypriot people as Murray would say !! An excellent Cypriot ambassadress .Keep well Lena and take good care of your self.
Love and regards
Miltiades x

Thanks both of you for your good words. :oops: :D
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Postby Admin » Fri Mar 14, 2008 4:19 pm

Please do not criticize members, moderators or admins of other fora because they are not here to defend themselves.

If you want to do so then post your criticism in their own forum or contract them directly.

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