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Postby boomerang » Thu Mar 13, 2008 1:13 pm

beverley10 wrote:I am sitting watching it now.So far he has put the child allowance up to £20 so that will be even more money going to children living in other countries from fathers working in the UK and paying miniscule tax on their earnings! There is also a charge suggested for non domiciles so that should make a few cheeks twitch!! I watched a porgram last night about migrant workers mainly from the Balkan states and Eastern Europe.I was astonished to see that working 2 miles from here(i am in lincolnshire now) they are earning £7 per hour picking vegetables! One said he earned £2000 per month.Imagine my feelings when I compare my 60 year old husband with 40 years experience driving an hgv class 1 vehicle at £5.52 per hour!!! There is just no fairness for hard working brits and it is no wonder we are leaving in droves!

Could it be, they get more coz the job is seasonal?...If they didn't pay they wouldn't get anyone...Its back breakig picking vegies or fruit...In Oz its the same they pay more coz
2...backbreaking, usually long hour days
3...up in the Nth we also bring in one wants to do it

I am not trying to excuse your hubbies lower salary, just justifying as to why veg pickers get more...

And they usually get free lodgins, in OZ...o top of the high salary...but its fair coz me and the rest 20 million people don't wanna do it :lol:
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Postby LENA » Thu Mar 13, 2008 2:48 pm

Svetlana wrote:The UK is only catching up with Cyprus in terms of taxation on large engined cars; this year I paid 491 Euros (GB£376) for one of my cars and it used to be higher.


Depend what kind of car you have, but lets say I will agree that the car taxation is high in Cyprus, have you compared it with UK? Have you compared the council taxes, salary taxes and generally all the taxes that British pay comparing with the Cypriots.

Recently I heard or read it somewhere that from now on in UK they will increase car taxes according to how much pollution your car produce apart from how big it is etc etc

Everyone kept telling me how hight are the British salaries comparing with Cypriots one, but what I saw is how much money British need to live a comfort life comparing with Cypriots.
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