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What will you lose

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby observer » Wed Mar 12, 2008 4:26 pm

boomerang wrote:The tcs should take it up with "turkey=fascist state"....all their problems stem from "turkey=fascist state"...period

I disagree. Nearly all of them stem from the "unconstitutional=RoC"
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Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Mar 12, 2008 6:20 pm

Kurds, Cypriots, Jews? ...please refer to my proposalon Bicommunality in a Bizonal geography.

no one looses. They are Individuals, and they are Persons as well.

zan, if I understand the greatness of Ataturk correctly, he created a Modern Turkish State by providing the opportunity for all its peoples to have an Identity as a Turk, within the State, without having to be Turkish. What has Turkey, its government today, done to promote this great notion? It is apparent, it seems, that the problems in Turkey are the same as in Cyprus, only on a larger scale.
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Postby Nikitas » Wed Mar 12, 2008 6:41 pm

What I know is that I am excluded from the north today, allowed to go there only as a tourist. There is no reciprocity with any of the things TCs are allowed to do in the south, like work and open a business and claim back their house and land. Worse of all is the attitude that this state of affairs is normal.

What is there to make me think that it will be any different after a settlement? All I hear is bizonality and bicommunality and Talat defined that the bi thing excludes freedom of residence and establishment.

The most I can hope for is Famagusta to be restored. Basically that is the only thing I can look forward to. Hopefully before I get too old or dead. Famagusta is the test for the TC leadership. So far they have failed applying the bazaar mentality of using the home of 40 000 people as a bargaining chip, I don't trust people who think like that.
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Postby paliometoxo » Wed Mar 12, 2008 7:29 pm

the north cyprus is full more with turkish settlers from turkey then so called "turkish cypriots"
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Postby umit07 » Wed Mar 12, 2008 7:59 pm

paliometoxo wrote:the north cyprus is full more with turkish settlers from turkey then so called "turkish cypriots"

What does so called Turkish Cypriots mean?
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Re: What will you lose

Postby Oracle » Wed Mar 12, 2008 8:10 pm

zan wrote:What will the GCs lose by letting us have our partnership in Cyprus.

Personally I like to choose my partners, be they for pleasure or business.

I do not want to be invaded by them and have their presence forced upon me.

The Turk-TCs are the worst partners on offer ... I would not touch them with a barge pole.

They invade, they destroy, they annihilate, they bemoan, they are lazy, they lie, they steal ....

Turk-TCs .. your collective Curriculum Vitae stinks and no one would seriously consider you as partners ...

Clean up your act.
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Re: What will you lose

Postby bill cobbett » Wed Mar 12, 2008 9:52 pm

zan wrote:What will the GCs lose by letting us have our partnership in Cyprus.

Many will say that there are no problems with a partnership based on equal individuals and I, for one, am quite happy that individuals are treated equally fairly irrespective of which community they are stupid and racist enough to feel they belong to but I'll have no truck with this bizonal/bicommunal/bipedal/bicycle b---ocks, which is at best partition in all but name and at worst one very, very small step from partition. I wouldn't touch this or any other agreement that rewards the RoT with the spoils of war with several barge-poles tied end to end (!)

Look around you Zan. I gather you, like me, spend time/live in North London. Does any community here in GB have or ask for the ridiculous special treatment you demand for the northern community? For goodness sake not even your good neighbours the majority indigenous Anglo-Saxon/English population ( for want of a better phrase ) expect special treatment. Do they?
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Postby zan » Wed Mar 12, 2008 10:19 pm

DT. wrote:
zan wrote:
DT. wrote:maybe you can define what a partnership is in your mind to help us answer your question.

Turn the question back on me why don't you... :roll: :roll: :roll: Old ones are the best DT :roll:

Answer the question.......

I CAN'T! A partnership can mean a lot of things! I'd love to give you an answer but i don't want to argue about things you may not even mean.

Let us know what thi spartnership is for you and you'll get much more specific answers. Otherwise if you're too lazy stop opening up open-ended threads.

Perhaps you could have taken the lead and told me what sort of partnership you would prefer and not let me guess time after time. :roll: You have the word partnership, now define what would suit you. :arrow:
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Re: What will you lose

Postby miltiades » Wed Mar 12, 2008 10:20 pm

Oracle wrote:
zan wrote:What will the GCs lose by letting us have our partnership in Cyprus.

Personally I like to choose my partners, be they for pleasure or business.

I do not want to be invaded by them and have their presence forced upon me.

The Turk-TCs are the worst partners on offer ... I would not touch them with a barge pole.

They invade, they destroy, they annihilate, they bemoan, they are lazy, they lie, they steal ....

Turk-TCs .. your collective Curriculum Vitae stinks and no one would seriously consider you as partners ...

Clean up your act.

How would you propose we treat the T/Cs , after all they are Cypriots just as VP says and Zan .I dont have much time for Zan with his constant regurgitation of the 60s , Makarios EOKA and all the propaganda nonsense that this full of hate individual keeps posting. He follows the line of the absurd , the ridiculous almost approaching insanity , and yet he is right when he says he is a T/C and wants equality in a united Cyprus. No one is denying him an equal status under the law , but he has to define his interpretation of what equality means, Numerical equality can not be achieved and all can see this , but political equality , such as the one that I enjoy in the UK where I'm equal to every English , Welsh or Scottish national in all respects ,most certainly yes.

My personal views are that in a united Cyprus there should be NO majorities or minorities , such issues become the core of the problem , which is the motherland nonsense , the bloody flags of both foreign countries that dictate to the Cypriots the divisionist road that they follow blindly.
My ambition is to see a T/C as the president of a united Cyprus raising proudly two fingers up to the persecutors of our identity and proclaiming that his allegiance is to Cyprus and all its people .Come to think of it in some years from now it might even be feasible to imagine a Russian or an Englishman as the Cypriot president !!!
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Postby zan » Wed Mar 12, 2008 10:23 pm

wallace wrote:zan seems to be fascinated by Makarios. :-) Coming back to your previous response on my post. You are the one that says that there are 2 peoples on the island. When I respond in your manner and talk about 2 sides you critisize me. Tell me what's wrong here? :-) Did you hear me say that there were no problems on the island in the past? What I'm saying is that it was on both just seem to remember only the TC ones. And the reason why for the last 40 years you have been isolated is because the choices the TC have made. Why dont you just look at the history of your leaders.

My fascination with Makarios is because he is the one that threatened my my and my families life big boy!!!! He is the one that used the Akritas Plan and Tpaps clever ideas to take away my rights under the Zurich agreement. His legacy is what is keeping the TCs under siege, still, 40 years on!!!!

On the other point.....I was mearly pointing out your inconsistencies and the fact that there are two parts to the "Cypriot" thing as you quite rightly contradicted yourself!!!!!!! :roll:
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