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Changing village names

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Nikitas » Tue Mar 11, 2008 2:09 pm


What is the meaning of Antique names in the list you poste above? If antique means historical then in most cases the original Greek name or the Latin one is the true antique and in the case of villages founded by Turkish people then that would be the antique name.

What is missed in this Turkification drive is that the words are more than just a name, the meaning sometimes tells a story.Let us take the case of one village, Katokopia. Originally the name was Kakotopia, the bad lands. It was a rocky part of the Morphou plain not wanted by most farmers. The villagers who went there took the rocks away, piling them along the sides of the fields and eventually the name changed to Katokopia, the low lands. There are centuries of work contained in that simple name that was wiped off the map.

Kazafani, Casa Epifani, the House of Epifani also tells a story, which probably goes back to Venetian times. But that was lost on the people who wanted to bulldoze away anything non Turkish. The action tells a lot about the people who thought of it and carried it out.
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Postby boomerang » Tue Mar 11, 2008 2:13 pm

is the attack co-ordinated or what ?

as they say, you pay peanuts you get monkeys...but in your case is like sending two boys to do a mans job...

come back when you both grow up...but more importantly when you gabira are allowed to breath
2...when the rodent gets his daily fix and the black hole is a bit smaller

:lol: :lol:

Your fair solution and mine are so far apart to the extend that you are questioning me as to how I can make a judgement...

Thank you for proving my point...and for the benefit of non greek speaking participants...I am a donkey and thank you for calling me as such..., as porky once said the only cypriots on this island are the donkeys...see how far apart we are? question my judgement again...

Proud and paid up a cypriot donkey...and you?...a turk..says is it all doesn't it?

:lol: :lol:
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Postby halil » Tue Mar 11, 2008 2:26 pm

Nikitas wrote:Halil,

What is the meaning of Antique names in the list you poste above? If antique means historical then in most cases the original Greek name or the Latin one is the true antique and in the case of villages founded by Turkish people then that would be the antique name.

What is missed in this Turkification drive is that the words are more than just a name, the meaning sometimes tells a story.Let us take the case of one village, Katokopia. Originally the name was Kakotopia, the bad lands. It was a rocky part of the Morphou plain not wanted by most farmers. The villagers who went there took the rocks away, piling them along the sides of the fields and eventually the name changed to Katokopia, the low lands. There are centuries of work contained in that simple name that was wiped off the map.

Kazafani, Casa Epifani, the House of Epifani also tells a story, which probably goes back to Venetian times. But that was lost on the people who wanted to bulldoze away anything non Turkish. The action tells a lot about the people who thought of it and carried it out.

read my previous writing it tells from where the names came

the information on names of the settlement locations of Cyprus is based on written materials originated from Egypt, Middle east (Mesopotamia) and Anatalian (Hittite) sources exending to II or III thousand B.C. In these materials the name of Cyprus, which was famous of her copper was mentioned as ''he country middle of the sea '' and ''Alasya''. In Assyrian resources mentioned as ''Ia,Iatna and Yadama''. In the documents dating back to year one thousand B.C than names of the towns ''Kittim'' and ''Tarsis'' were metioned.
In XIII-XII B.C. When Aegean migrationes had started and during the following perids when colonization was active , in addition to eastern culture , locations with Hellenic names were also established. Especially during Assyrian regn, cities and city kingdoms had mostly Hellenic names and it is recorded that among these were some Syrian,Phoenician and also Hebrew names . It is recorded in the sele of Sargon II, in Kition that, during that period of Sargon II(720-705 BC) and Asarhaddon (681-669 BC) the name of Cyprus was '' Yadana '' and there excisted 10 city kingdoms named Edi'li (Idalion),Kitsuri (Chytros), Silua (Salamis) , Papa (Paphos) , Sillu(Soloi) , Kuri (Kourion) , Tamesu(Tamassus) , Karti (Kition ) , Lidu (Ledra) and Nuri ( Urania) in this country.
It is clearly understood that the reason of slight differences in the names of these city kingdoms were originated from the difference languages, accents and pronunciations in between them.The information about the names of the cities established or demolished in following the Assyrian reign,during Persians , Alexander The Great, Egypt (Ptolemaios), Roman ,Early Christianity,Byzantium,Lusignan , Venetions ,Ottoman and even British , are based on meterial written on the walls of the temples,to the manuscripts of travelers and historians visited the island in different periods and to the maps drawn by cartographs.In despite a few location names in the oldest map of Cyprus , drawn in Roman period which managed to survive to uor day. It is interesting to note the vast amount of location names in the maps drawn during XVI th century and onwards.
While the location names were defined one by one by a map of Cyprus detailed in 15 sheets by Lord Kitcheners on 1885 and by other cartography works afterwards due to desolution of some locations because of immigrations during the period of 1950-1960 and the change in the names of 21384 locations with in the territories of TRNC in pre 1964 and post 1974 period were entered to official records as well.
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Postby Gabira » Tue Mar 11, 2008 2:30 pm

boomerang wrote:Your fair solution and mine are so far apart to the extend that you are questioning me as to how I can make a judgement...

Goodness gracious me ... where have I ever expressed my fair solution on this forum for you to have anything to compare your idea of a fair solution to ? :?

I've only expressed traditional Cypriot hospitality towards you and all you have done is curse and swear at me.

Now how about a sincere apology for your insults ... show me your Cypriotness patrinamou :wink:
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Postby halil » Tue Mar 11, 2008 2:34 pm

iceman wrote:
halil wrote:
Iceman ,
I have a new published book by Samtay Foundation .
Names of the locations of Cyprus lost in the depths of 2500 years of Cyprus .

I was given a copy of that book before it went on sale.. :wink:

İceman ,
do you have the map which shows all the names in Greek and Turkish together. I have this map ...... is it possible to scan it ant put it hear that it might help the forum members or we might asked to writer to do . İ have seen this map was on sale at Deniz plaza book store from 5ytl. complete book was on sale from 10ytl.
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