wallace wrote:Using blocks out of the AP is not the issue here. The issue is that it can not be used as a basis. Using it as a basis means you will use the existing plan and negotiate from that stage. This plan was rejected and will be rejected again by the GC. And offcourse the TC and Turkey will stall.....they have been doing that the last 33 years! The interests for the Turks on the island should be taken out of the plan. Did you even read the plan before discussing it on a forum? Well.....I did. And believe me....this plan was in no interest for the GC nor the TC. And the recognition option is totally out of the question. Who will recognise the so called TRNC? Only Turky otherwise it means they will have to demolish the UN. If the UN goes against their own resolutions the whole world will see them as a big jokeLets give the Kurds a state aswell while we are at it. The last chance threats and all kind off bullshit we've heard enough the last couple of years, but there is some truth in it. It's the last chance for Turkey to compromise or forget their EU aspirations.
P.S. I have noticed in various threads that when it get's a little tough for you you allways mention what happened in the past and go back to before 74. At least there is some GC that admit that mistakes were made. Unfortunatly we do not see these kind of statements from Turks or TC. Allways need 2 to tango.....so 2 are to blame. Stop crying and let's find a solution for the CYPRIOTS.....not anybody else who has interests on the island
This is where you are wrong, TCs do accept some of the blame but GCs do not want to read or acknowledge this fact abd just like you ignore what we have to say, you may be confused that TCs will always point to enosis for the cause of the divide.
From your above statement it appears that all the problems and pressure are on our side, you can expect forum members to accept this becasue you say so, if you are honest you will now list the problems risks and pressures faced by GCs who rejected the only plan put forward for referndum and backed by the majority of the world.
Lets read what you have to say?