zan wrote:boomerang wrote:zan wrote:boomerang wrote:zan wrote:boomerang wrote:zan wrote:Greece was a mess before it joined the EU Boomers..It's Racism and human rights were terrible.......Please don't make me have to search the Web again to bitch slap you of those facts....![]()
The corruption was just as bad.....You guys are unbelievable.....But it does not matter for now.....You will get your toes stepped on some other time..I feel as if you need a break anyway..........
Bitch slap?...says the recipient of counltess turkey slaps...
Your one liner goes nowhere close to the issues that I raised...unless ofcource we are in total agreement...
Zan I said before and here it is are drifting...We are discussing the issue of "turkey=fascist state" selling you out...I raised an argument and you are, well you lost me with your yaddah yaddah yaddah...
Have another go Zan...FACTS...
1..."turkey's=fascist state" policy is membership in the EU
2..."turkey=fascists state" threatens, we will go at it alone if we have too...
3..."turkey=fascist state" can reach EU status in 10 they say
for certain the above policy leads to a different future for todays "turkey=fascist state" ...They both lead to harmonization with the EU...
Along the way Zan, "turkey=fascist state" will have to start accepting the meaning of union and concessions will start arriving...I say concessions not meaning insults here, but rather legalities emerging...while "turkey=fascits state" starts implementing the Aquis...
Again where does that leave you...or you expect 70 million people or the future of your motherland to be on hold indefinetely?
And time stands still while they do that Boomers.........What do you think the frantic efforts are all about then![]()
I put on a coat before I go out...Do you??? We are heading for a solution one way or the other mate....You can make a wish list as long as your arm........I do understand what you are saying but you expect us to just float along and be amazed when we get washed up on the shore....Ye of little faith....
Zan...the solution will come when "turkey=fascist state" is well and trully down the EU path...
1...she will be more aligned with the walking back will be more forthcoming at that time
Don't expect any major movements till that time...
End of the day...where does that leave the tcs?...For you to claim that you really are in control, is ludicrous to say the least...he who pays talks...and so far "turkey=fascist state" has been footing the bill...
No one is in full control Boomers...I am saying that we are not standing still.......Turkey Needs us as much as we need them and the EU is not the only reason......As long as there is the prospect of oil anywhere near then they will not let go just as Greece has not......The waters are important even more so.....Joining the club is not the only issue.......
Then you got no idea what the union is all about...
1...secutity for all members
2...wealth, oil, first and foremost must benefit the EU
3...economic policy as a group, very powerful
4...rule of law accross all members
the list can go on and on Zan, as to what the EU union is all about...
As you can see in the scheme of things as far as "turkey=fascists state" needing you are completely immaterial...your worth of today will gradually decrease as "turkey's=fascist state" concerns are slowly being at the time...
Again where would this leave the tcs?...
Is's not a case who is in control, but a direction a country wants to turn too in order to carry her well and trylly into the 21st century and hopefully beyond...and unfortunately for you, your motherland has taken the correct direction, contrary to your interests as a community clinging onto the past...
ffs even your motherland is starting to see light as to what the rule of law means...proof of this are her aspirations in joining the EU...
So the profits go directly to the EU and the country whose oil it is gets nothing is that it........![]()
That's the only thing that confused you?...Can I presume then that we are in total agreeance with the rest of the points?
Then you why do you ignore to answer the question that I asked many times, in various posts...
Where does that leave the tcs?
PS...I suggest you start looking at various ways as to too how the EU will get benefitted...